Chapter 241

Zhou Ze said: “Okay, you take the owner of that mobile phone shop back to make a detailed transcript, and then see if there is any surveillance in his shop.”

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Ze looked at Fang Bo, paused for a few seconds on purpose, and then said: “You heard it too. Did you explain it yourself, or what?”

Fang Bo did not speak, obviously still struggling.

At this time, Wu Cheng spoke, and he said anxiously: “Xiao Fang, honestly, did you kill it? Was it an accident or something? You can honestly say it now. The police will not embarrass you. !”

“Yeah, Xiaofang, we all know that you are a good boy. If it’s really an accident, you can say it quickly.”

“Don’t hide it, you can be lenient if you say it now, right? If you don’t say it, you will be found out by the police soon, then your life will be over!”

Everyone started to persuade Fang Bo, and even Zhou Ze and Zhang Guangliang couldn’t help but move.

It can be seen that Fang Bo is pretty good, but now…

“Say it!”

“Don’t hold back, you say it quickly.”

“Good boy, we can’t get confused about this kind of thing. If you don’t talk about it now, you are the one who ruined it!”

“Yes, there is no end to playing tricks in front of the police…”

Just when everyone was desperately persuading, Fang Bo shouted: “It’s me, I killed him!”

After the roar, the audience was quiet, and Fang Bo himself collapsed and cried with his head in his arms.

Zhang Guangliang looked at Zhou Ze admiringly again, did not rush to ask, but waited for Fang Bo to vent his emotions first.

After a long time, Fang Bo raised his head with red eyes, sighed, and smiled bitterly: “I killed him. I didn’t want to kill him. I thought about teaching him before, but after he paid everyone’s salary, those The recordings are also prepared to teach him at that time.”

“Really, I didn’t lie.” Fang Bo seriously looked at Zhou Ze’s eyes and said loudly: “I don’t say it, because I don’t know how you will deal with me, and I am afraid I can’t tell it myself. I was afraid that I would be regarded as a deliberate murder, so I lied!”

“Then you tell me, what happened last night?” Zhang Guangliang said solemnly.

Fang Bo took a few deep breaths and said in a low voice, “I received a call last night. I haven’t received the final payment for several months. He has a very stern attitude. He not only scolded Kang Yong, but also scolded me. I was furious. So, I rushed over to find him for the theory. I just wanted to scold him. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have money now. You can explain it to me, please don’t drag me like this!”

Speaking of this, Fang Bo cried and laughed, and said: “But he just heard a few words, so he stood up and beat me, I fought with him, I grabbed his hair and hit the corner of the desk. He was a little dizzy, so I scolded him, and then he got up and beat me. I didn’t care about that much, and pushed him with all my strength behind him. He still hit the corner of the table. Falling down, still bleeding.”

“I… I went to see him and found that he was really dying. Knowing that there was no way to deal with this matter, I called out the previously prepared recording and put it at the door, and then walked out.”

After finishing talking, Fang Bo glanced at Zhou Ze, laughed at himself, and said: “Just like you told me, I did watch the neighborhood for a long time. I was very nervous when everyone came in. I kept waiting nearby. I wanted to leave but didn’t dare to leave. After leaving, I found that no one was in the factory, so I walked around behind the balcony in the kitchen, climbed the window and took the phone. I thought it was all right, but I was still arrested today.”

Fang Bo’s voice is getting lower and lower, and everyone is infinitely sighing.

As soon as the accident happened and the person died, their wages were no longer available, and it became an extravagant wish to go home for the New Year.

Even if I could go back, I would go back in a desperate way. If I come back after the Chinese New Year, I won’t be able to pay the salary. Everyone is dead, so I can’t force the family of the deceased to ask for it, right?

And Fang Bo himself, because of his impulsiveness, his life was over.

Zhou Ze and Zhang Guangliang looked as usual, especially Zhang Guangliang. It was an accident that he had seen too many murders deliberately, but claimed that he was innocent.

So what the facts are, we need to check again.

Zhou Ze said in a deep voice: “Regardless of whether it was an accident or not, the police will use enough evidence to prove that now, you go back with us, tell the whole process in detail, and actively cooperate with our investigation. Only in this way can there be a solution. Prove whether you killed accidentally or maliciously.”

After blocking the scene, Zhou Ze handed the case to Zhang Guangliang and Geng Qing, and Zhou Xiaoyu could also help.

As for him, he directly approached Wang Yuanshan and explained the particularity of this case.

“What do you think should be handled?”

Wang Yuanshan did not answer directly, but looked at Zhou Ze curiously.

He really wanted to know, if Zhou Ze could make the decision, what would he do?

Zhou Ze lowered his head and thought, and said truthfully according to his own thoughts: “First popularize the law, then help them return to their hometown, and contact the family of the deceased, discuss the wage settlement and compensation issues of the workers, and follow up.”

Regardless of whether Kang Yong came to die or not, all the debts he took back were to be repaid.

In this case, the group of workers were also innocent victims. They did not inform the relevant departments of Kang Yonglai’s death in a timely manner in accordance with relevant laws, but this was because they were ignorant of legal knowledge and should not be deprived of it. They claim the right to get back their labor income.

To be honest, after hearing Zhou Ze’s opinion, Wang Yuanshan couldn’t help but look at him two more points.

Originally thought that Zhou Ze was only talented in solving crimes, but he did not expect to have a high level of ideological awareness in this regard.

“Yes, we just want to think about the people.” Wang Yuanshan patted Zhou Ze on the shoulder, and said: “Then leave this to you. Anyway, if others are busy, you will be free.”

After that, the resentment in Wang Yuanshan’s heart floated again. A deputy detachment leader who concurrently served as the team leader was actually the most idle one in the entire criminal investigation detachment, including Wang Yuanshan.

Had it not been for the case today, Zhou Ze wouldn’t have shown up, right?

It’s too shameful!

Zhou Ze rubbed his nose. Everyone didn’t ask him for help, and there were not so many murder cases for him to investigate. Can you blame him for being idle?

Wang Yuanshan suddenly said: “By the way, Wu Liang found me two days ago and said that Zhou Xiaoyu followed you in so many cases and made great progress. In the future, you will take her with you when you go to the police. Now the forensic resources are in short supply. Cultivating her up is also a great advantage for us to come to the detachment.”


Zhou Ze has no choice but to talk about this, does he have any other choice?

However, in today’s case, Zhou Xiaoyu’s appraisal report and results were given in a timely manner, so take it with you. Anyway, it’s not a day or two to take her with her…

“Then I will go ahead.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Wang Yuanshan smiled and looked at the back of Zhou Ze leaving. He didn’t know what virtue he had accumulated to get such a big treasure as Zhou Ze.

After coming out of the detachment, Zhou Ze went to the small factory again, gathered the workers together, taught some legal routines, and distributed a booklet by himself.

“Don’t worry, I know it’s hard to grab tickets now. I’m grabbing tickets on my mobile phone. If I can’t get them, I will help you find a ride and a bus. I will definitely let you go home for the New Year.”

Seeing that everyone was serious, like well-behaved elementary school students, Zhou Ze smiled helplessly: “Also, we will find a way to help you get back your salary, but now Kang Yonglai has just had an accident, and his family still needs it. Accepted within a certain period of time, so the payment of wages has to wait until the end of the year. It is also necessary to formulate a relatively humane repayment method based on the specific economic situation of his family and the disposal of this factory. But you can rest assured that you I can definitely get my salary back.”

As soon as this was said, the previous serious atmosphere was broken by joy in an instant. Everyone looked at Zhou Ze with wide-eyed eyes, and couldn’t even believe their ears?


“This is still false? Didn’t you hear from Officer Zhou that he helped us get back? If you don’t trust Boss Kang’s family, can you still trust Officer Zhou?”

“That is, the hair is long and the knowledge is short. Let’s trust Officer Zhou!”

“Officer Zhou, thank you so much for that.”

Everyone’s enthusiasm, Zhou Ze almost couldn’t stand it.

“Okay, okay, this is what we should do. You leave your contact information, and when I find the car, I will notify you as soon as possible. I will talk about the rent from the landlord. The rent owed by Kang Yonglai and his family are also It must be resolved at once, and these few days, you guys have a good rest.”

Hearing what Zhou Ze said, everyone was thankful and thankful, and sent Zhou Ze away reluctantly.

For Zhou Ze himself, it’s nice to have such an experience.

For a long time, he has focused his main energy on solving crimes. Such aspects as dealing with people are indeed very immature.

Taking this opportunity to learn from the world is also good for future cases.

To be honest, the problems handled by the police will definitely go smoother. Both the landlord and the returning vehicles will be resolved the next day.

As for the rest of the settlement of wages, there is nothing wrong with it.

A dazzling, it is the Spring Festival again.

No matter how free he is, Zhou Ze gets busy slowly, with the decoration of his new home and some trivial things at work.

Furthermore, Zhou Ze knows the particularity of his job, and will only get busier in the future. Taking advantage of this year’s idleness, he will spend more time with his family. Therefore, buying New Year’s goods is basically what Zhou Ze takes the lead—— Be the porter and coachman.

When the Spring Festival is over, it will be the return journey of the Spring Festival. It is still countless tedious tasks. It was not until almost all the returning migrant workers arrived at their posts that they gradually resumed their previous rhythm.

On this day, Zhou Ze was waiting for her to eat after get off work, and promised her pizza burger with peace of mind. As a result, Geng Qingfeng walked in violently and threw a piece of information on Zhou Ze’s table…

“Brother Zhou, murder case!”.

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