Chapter 242

“What case?” Zhou Ze became serious in an instant, picking up the information and looking at ten lines.

At the same time, Geng Qing stood aside and explained: “It is the body found by the railway sanitation worker in the bushes two kilometers away from the railroad tracks outside the Linzhou Railway Station, hidden in a large suitcase. According to sources on the scene, It’s so bad.”

“Female corpse?”

Zhou Ze frowned as he stared at the photos on the information. This case was transferred, so the basic information has been compiled, but the corresponding information is relatively simple. It is better to go to the scene to check it out.

“Well, over there ask if you want to send the body back directly.”

“No, let’s go to see it on the spot.” Zhou Ze sighed, “Call Xiaoyu and the rest of the team members last week and set off immediately.”


Geng Qing nodded vigorously, took out his mobile phone and posted a location directly in the group. In less than three minutes, everyone gathered downstairs, and everyone was dispatched!

When we arrived near the scene, the car could no longer get in. Everyone got off the car and walked together. Among them, Zhou Ze and Geng Qing helped Zhou Xiaoyu get the forensic identification equipment. Zhang Guangliang, Qian Tao and Zhang Yan were not idle, either. Full of Dangdang.

Looking around, there was a large area of ​​bushes on the slope outside the rail fence, surrounded by seven or eight people, there were police officers and railway tracks, and their faces were all ugly.

Zhou Xiaoyu sniffed, frowned, and said, “With such a strong smell, plus it’s cold now, how can it be more than ten days since death.”

Hearing this, everyone’s heart sank. The longer the interval between deaths, the more difficult it is to investigate the case.

Moreover, this is still a wilderness, and the corpse is thrown in a suitcase, which will only be more difficult.


After arriving at the scene, including Zhou Ze, even Zhou Xiaoyu couldn’t help but leaned back to avoid the strong corpse smell.

As for the corpse…


In terms of hair volume and physical appearance, this is indeed a woman. The whole body was folded and squeezed in the suitcase, and her abdomen was bulging, which looked like she was pregnant.

And the surface of the deceased’s skin is now black, pus and blood are all over the body, flies are buzzing around, and even worms are born. The skin of some parts is still tightly attached to the inside of the suitcase. It is a test of the ability of case handling personnel.

I have to say that as a forensic doctor, Zhou Xiaoyu’s psychological quality is very strong. After getting used to the smell, she put on a mask and gloves and went to check the deceased’s condition.

Seeing this scene, the people around were a little shocked, thinking about taking a step forward, but they still didn’t have the courage.

Here, Zhou Ze stared at the suitcase, braving the black air for sure, but the surrounding…

To be honest, there are no useful clues.

The next direction of investigation, apart from this suitcase and corpse, only the missing persons are left to match and investigate.

While waiting for Zhou Xiaoyu’s appraisal, Zhou Ze took Zhang Yan and Geng Qing down the slope to check the road conditions.

After Zhang Yan walked down, the whole person’s condition was much better, and analyzed: “It is not likely that the train dumps the corpse. The railway security check is very strict now. Don’t even want to carry the suitcase with the animal, let alone be a person.”

“However, this small road can be accessed by vehicles, extending in all directions. It can be both off the national highway and on the highway. Now there are few people in the daytime. There is no speed measurement or monitoring. It is a perfect place to throw corpses.” Geng Qing also wrinkled. Brow said.

Zhou Ze looked at Geng Qing twice. During this time, not only Zhou Xiaoyu, but also Geng Qing has made great progress.

“It’s a bit unrealistic to investigate from this direction. Let’s start with the identity of the deceased and social relations.” Zhou Ze thought, if the identity of the deceased is checked, the trajectory of the deceased’s activities can be found in front of the person. People or things can provide more powerful clues.


Zhang Yan and Geng Qing nodded at the same time. They both agreed with Zhou Ze’s opinion. If you want to check the passing cars…

It may not be possible to find out Qingming.

Zhou Ze looked at Zhang Yan and Geng Qing who were about to vomit, motioned them to stay down to find clues, and walked back to the scene of the corpse throwing.

Although it is estimated that nothing can be found on the trail, the leader of the team has to be a little more humane and considerate and considerate to the subordinates.

In fact, Zhang Yan, an old criminal policeman, has seen the scene no matter how tragic, but she is a woman. Seeing the swollen abdomen of the deceased is really unacceptable.

“Team Zhou.” Seeing Zhou Ze coming over, Zhou Xiaoyu immediately said: “The deceased is indeed a female, and the characteristics of the pregnancy are also echoed. The size of the abdomen is about 5-6 months before the pregnancy, and the death time has been more than half a month. It is not ruled out that the corpse may have been frozen before throwing it away. The specific situation can only be known after returning to Corey.”

There are not enough tools and equipment at hand.

“Okay.” Zhou Ze nodded and glanced at the scene again. There were weeds all around, and there was almost no place to leave footprints. As for fingerprints…

Geng Qing and Zhang Yan searched below, and Qian Tao and Zhang Guangliang were also searching nearby, but Zhou Ze felt that there should be no valid fingerprints.

After the murderer killed the pregnant deceased, he cruelly packed the suitcase and brought the body to such a remote place to throw the body, then the murderer had a certain sense of anti-detection.

That being the case, the murderer could no longer leave fingerprints on the scene.

If Zhou Ze guessed correctly, nothing can be found on the suitcase.

Zhou Ze looked at the policeman and other people next to him. Seeing what they were like, there was no clue to provide. He simply said: “Leave the scene to Sister Yan and Geng Qing, and the rest will take the team first.”

Back in the team, everyone began to look for the missing pregnant women in the past six months. The scope was set at Linzhou City as the center point, including all areas including the surrounding four provinces.

There are many missing women, and missing pregnant women can always be found easily.

Geng Qing and Zhang Yan came back just as everyone checked the heat.

“Brother Zhou, I ran into Zhou Xiaoyu right after I came back. She said that the deceased was about 24 years old, female, 1.67 meters tall, and 23 weeks gestation. There was no trace of freezing, and the death time was more than 15 days and less than one month. .”

After that, Geng Qing couldn’t help but feel a little dark, because it turns out that his memory is not bad.

Zhang Yan continued helplessly: “We didn’t find a valid fingerprint at the scene of the corpse throwing.”

Zhou Ze raised his eyebrows, as expected.

He entered precise data, and soon, two missing women with matching characteristics appeared on the big screen.

Zhang Guangliang looked at the information of the first missing woman, and read: “Wen Xuejiao, a native of Linzhou City, was missing 43 days ago, and her pregnancy was 20 weeks at the time of her disappearance. Considering the deceased’s time of death and pregnancy, the deceased should not be she.”

“Tang Sinan, a native of Huaijian City next door, was reported missing 28 days ago and was 23 weeks pregnant!” Geng Qing said excitedly, “That’s her!”

After a pause, Geng Qing looked at Zhou Ze and said, “Brother Zhou, this case…can’t you let Huai build a city?”

“I’ll take this case. You can contact the Huaijian police and ask them to cooperate with our work.” Zhou Ze said confidently, but he didn’t believe it. With his current strength, isn’t it enough to grab a case?

Besides, his speed in solving the case is obvious to all. If he stays in his hands, he will only solve the case quickly, ruthlessly and accurately, and return the deceased to justice. Why not?

“Team Zhou.” Zhang Yan raised her hand and sighed: “You follow this case. I will stay here.”

She was pregnant by herself, and she also had a daughter. The sense of substitution was really too strong.

“Then I will stay, too.” Qian Tao also shook his head and sighed, “My daughter is also big, and this kind of case makes me flustered.”

Zhou Ze nodded and said, “That’s okay, we strive to go back today and tomorrow.”

Everyone was stunned, and Zhou Ze dared to say anything so rampant.

If they were to be in charge of this case independently, they didn’t have the courage to proactively say to solve the case 24 hours a day. They generally rely on the pressure from the king team…

“Brother Liang, go and prepare, and set off when Zhou Xiaoyu is almost there.”

“Take Xiaoyu Zhou?” Zhang Guangliang frowned. If you want to solve the case in such a short time, is it more reliable to take Wu Liang?


Zhou Ze answered without looking up, and called up Tang Sinan’s file.

In terms of network investigation, Zhou Xiaoyu also has a certain ability. Although not outstanding, it is enough. You can give her specific clues.

An hour later, Zhou Ze, Geng Qing, Zhang Guangliang and Zhou Xiaoyu got in the car and set off overnight for Huaijian City.

On the highway, when passing by the corpse dumping site, Zhou Ze looked down for a few moments. Everyone’s analysis did not cause any problems. The trail extends in all directions and the surrounding trees are dense. Even in broad daylight, no one will notice.

“Xiaoyu, what’s the progress?” Zhou Ze looked back at Zhou Xiaoyu in the back seat.

Zhou Xiaoyu was holding a notebook and digging up all the clues about Tang Sinan in Huaijian City on the Internet. Hearing Zhou Ze’s question, he immediately stopped and said: “The autopsy is almost done. The next step is to wait for the identification results. The identity of the deceased has been determined. She had been to the Huaijian Central Hospital for a maternity check during pregnancy, so she obtained her DNA data and the match was successful.”

Zhang Guangliang and Geng Qing’s eyes darkened at the same time. They had both read Tang Sinan’s materials before. They were young and beautiful, graduated from college, and won many awards. The young girl was killed in this way.

And now, Zhou Xiaoyu’s mind is full of solving crimes, growing up, and not in the mood to think about those things, and then said: “Also, Tang Sinan’s social accounts on major websites have frequently updated her and her boyfriend’s sweetness. In daily life, there are few of her family members or friends. The person reporting the disappearance is her boyfriend, whose name is Sheng Hao, who is 25 years old this year, freelance and engaged in music.”

As soon as this was said, everyone raised their heads and their eyes met each other.

Even Geng Qing, who was in charge of driving, couldn’t hold back anymore, and said puzzledly: “Boyfriend? Not married? Is the murderer Sheng Hao? He is the closest person to the deceased, and he has no fixed occupation. Maybe they are all on social platforms. It’s an illusion, in fact, has long been arguing and turned into enemies?”.

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