I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 741: Shura can be controlled

Latest URL: This Yangshen Sect leader, under normal circumstances, he will definitely control Chen Mo and make Chen Mo a puppet of Yangshen Sect, but not necessarily now.


You know, Chen Mo is now hostile by the entire continent. He knows what Chen Mo might show now, even if I am hostile, wanted, and hunted down by the entire continent, I will not join your Yangshen Cult. The attitude may just be a kind of man's pride, but it is only that. He believes that with his own ability, not letting Chen Mo lose his mind can also allow him to obediently serve the Yang Shen Sect.

Because he doesn't want Chen Mo to be a puppet, he really intends to train Chen Mo to be the next leader of Yangshen Sect. Can't the next leader of Yangshen Sect be a puppet?

Of course, it's not necessarily. If he really doesn't cooperate, then he can only become a puppet, a big killer for their Yang Shenjiao.

"Yangshen Sect has nothing to do with me, so I hope your Excellency can send me away."


The leader of the Yangshen Sect smiled and patted Chen Mo on the shoulder: "Brother Chenmo, I told you seriously, come, sit first, and come for tea."

Then a beautiful girl swayed up and poured a cup of tea for Chen Mo.

The leader of the Yangshen Sect also sat in his place, looked at Chen Mo, smiled and said, "Little brother Chenmo, now the so-called decent members of the entire Tianlin Continent are looking for you, and there is even the immortal emperor, the pope taking the lead. In such an environment, my Yangshen Sect is willing to accept you and at the same time entrust you with a heavy responsibility. I think if it is me, I will definitely join in without hesitation. You should consider it."

"There is nothing worth considering. Yangshen Sect is a cult. Even if I am wanted by the entire mainland, I will not become a member of the cult, so seniors should give up."

Chen Mo said without hesitation.

"Hey, evil faction? Decent? In your mind, do you think the two are really different?"

The leader of the Yangshen Sect stood up and slowly said: "I believe you should also know that among the so-called decent people, I don’t know how many people are actually villains, hypocrites. They secretly killed and don’t know how many innocent people are. People, for the sake of a martial skill, they may quietly destroy the crowd, and they are still bright and beautiful in the sect during the day. Such people are big, at least we people are willing to admit that we are a villain, at least not like Those hypocrites who make a difference."

Then he continued: "Let’s take the incident in front of your Fengshen sect that day, how many people have hatred with you, wishing you to die, but pretended to kill you, it doesn’t matter whether you are Shura or not. The important thing is that they want to kill you, no matter how you die, do you really think such a place is good?"

To be honest, this Yangshen Sect leader has a set of brainwashing, but it is impossible for Chen Mo to be brainwashed by him, but Chen Mo still has to pretend, yes, at this moment Chen Mo lowered his head and held a teacup. Thinking.

"Join our Yangshen Sect. The Yangshen Sect's comprehensive strength is about the level of a super sect, and it can give you a backer, how about it?"

Chen Mo then raised his head and looked at him.

"Why do you Yang Shenjia want me to join? I am a Shura, and I will become a Shura soon. What use do I do to you? It's nothing more than that you will use my combat power to achieve some ulterior thing, simple In the eyes of you Yangshen Sect, I am nothing but a chess piece, a chess piece that is worthless after death!"

"You go down first."

At this time, the leader of the Sun God Sect said something to other people.


Then dozens of people went down.

"Qingqiu, you stay."

Ran Qingqiu saluted slightly, and then stood motionless.

Chen Mo and Ran Qingqiu were left in the entire hall, as well as the leader of Yangshen Sect.

The leader of Nayang Shenjia waved his arm and the door was closed.

"Brother Chenmo, this seat invites you to join with all my sincerity, and I also hope that you can see my sincerity."

Then the leader of the Sun God Sect said to Chen Mo: "I have said it from the beginning. I invite you to come. This seat will train you in the same way as the next leader. You are the next leader of the Sun God Sect. Okay, You can remain suspicious for the time being, and the other point is about the Shura thing you said."

"I fell in love with you, not because you are Shura. This is not important. In detail, your talents and abilities. You have also heard that many top experts praise you? This is beyond doubt, In the past few years, I have never seen a miraculous boy like you. What I value is your talent and potential. Under the leadership of a person like you, Yangshen Sect will definitely reach the peak, and you will definitely stand in the future. At the peak, Shura is not important, besides, one thing you worry about"

The leader of the Yangshen Sect smiled and said: "This seat has spent thousands of years studying a power called mind control. Simply put, you are standing here now. This seat only needs a simple power. It is no longer you, but just a puppet of nothingness. If you are really just a **** in the eyes of this seat, now the deity does not need to spend so much talk with you, but now you can be directly turned into a puppet, let You explode the power of Shura to kill! But I did not, because I want you to become the leader of the **** of Yang!"

After a pause, he continued: "And the power of Shura you worry about, you can rest assured."

Chen Mo looked at him suspiciously.

"Why did Shura become Shura? It's very simple. All three generations of Shura have entered the Tao of Shura because of love, so a love word can summarize Shura! And this love is mostly love. This is not important. The important thing is to be a The fundamental reason why people become Shura is that their minds are corroded by a will called Shura's Will~www.readwn.com~ To put it simply, you are no longer you, but an irrational Shura, in your mind There is only killing. Have you ever thought about it like this?"

Chen Mo did not speak.


The leader of Yangshen Sect said.

"Becoming a Shura and becoming a demon actually mean the same thing. It's just that one is a demon and the other is Shura. And Shura is too much higher than the devil, so it's not that there is no way to restore Shura to normal. After Shura became Shura, there was no way to release this method! Because you are close to Shura for a few kilometers, maybe he will kill you in the next instant. How can Shura regain consciousness?"

Chen Mo frowned and looked at the leader of Nayang God Sect.

"There is a way?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Naturally, don't forget what the deity cultivates, the mind control method that has been practiced for thousands of years!"

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