I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 740: Leader of Yangshen Sect

Latest website: Chen Mo looked at that Ran Qingqiu, and then said: "Why don't you think about letting me go? Don't you worry that I will teach Yangshen to be destroyed by Yangshen Sect?"

To be honest, she saw that Chen Mo was still able to turn the tide before the Fengshen Sect in front of so many mainland powerhouses. The Emperor was hung up and beaten by him. She was really shocked!

Although she knew that it was Chen Mo who exploded Shura's power, not his own power, but this Shura's power was too terrifying, right? No wonder that Shura was jealous of the entire continent. It was really terrifying. The existence of the immortal emperor's level was the top one on the continent. In front of a junior, he just exploded with Shura's power, but he could not resist. force……

The same is true if he arrives at Yangshen Sect, Yangshen Sect will definitely be destroyed by him, but since the leader is not worried, what is she worried about.

"Then it has nothing to do with me, I just need to complete the task."

Ran Qingqiu said lightly.

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders slightly, his eyes were looking around, remembering where this is.

Ran Qingqiu also saw Chen Mo's eyes around him.

"It's useless. After you enter the Yangshen Sect, you can't come out again. When you can come out, you are a member of the Yangshen Sect. You remember the position of the Yangshen Sect and you can't leak it. Out."

Ran Qingqiu said.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Don’t be afraid to tell you that you will be controlled by the leader at that time, because the leader can’t completely trust you, it can only be so, and once you are controlled by the mind, it’s not yourself. So, if you want to be a Normal people are not controlled by the leader. I hope you can show the sincerity of joining Yangshen Sect." Ran Qingqiu said.

In fact, she was reminding Chen Mo.

She really didn't bother to say so much to others, she said very little, but Chen Mo...

It's special, they don't have much contact time, but I have to say that Chen Mo made her admire! Because of this admiration, Ran Qingqiu hopes that he will not become a puppet, she thinks it is not worth it! So remind Chen Mo, hoping that he can give himself a chance.

"Normal? A normal person like you? A normal person with only tasks in my life? If so, then I might as well be a puppet, a machine, only doing tasks, walking corpses, and I won’t have any troubles. very good."

Chen Mo said slightly.

Dyeing Qingqiu and frowning her eyebrows.

"I hope you take my words to heart."

Ran Qingqiu walked back after speaking, too lazy to talk nonsense with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo smiled slightly and looked around.

Perhaps in her eyes, how powerful their leader is and how strong they are to control the hearts of others, but although Chen Mo can be tied here, he is absolutely immune to those who control the mind.

Before long, the monster flew into a sea area.

What kind of sea is this? Chen Mo doesn't know, but Yangshen Sect is in the sea?

No wonder the Yangshen Sect has not been found for so many years. To tell the truth, people rarely go to the sea to find some things on the mainland. It is very difficult to find, and it is many times more difficult to find in the mainland. Secondly it is very dangerous.


After a while, the monster beast slammed into an illusion, and the scene in front of it suddenly changed drastically.

It was originally a sea area, but at this moment, Chen Mo saw a huge open space. There were a lot of houses on the open space, and there were several huge castles. It was quite magnificent and the whole visual impact was more spectacular. Yes, after all, it is a very big evil faction, so naturally it cannot be left behind.

Their figures fell on the ground, and Ran Qingqiu dragged Chen Mo forward.

"Holy Woman."

"Holy Woman!"

There are many, many people here, and they saw Ran Qingqiu salute respectfully.


Chen Mo glanced at Ran Qingqiu.

It turns out that she turned out to be a saint of Sun God...

"If you don't want to lose your mind, it's best to show your sincerity. This is the last time I remind you."

Ran Qingqiu took the other end of the rope while walking forward and said to Chen Mo behind him.

In her heart, she really didn't want Chen Mo to be a puppet controlled by the leader. She admired it very much and felt that such a person shouldn't be like that.

To be honest, she didn't really want to bring Chen Mo slowly, but it was her task.

"I said, it is impossible for me to join Yangshen Sect."

"Then you don't regret it!"

Ran Qingqiu said coldly, and then led Chen Mo into the castle!

In the main hall of the ancient castle, two rows of people stood respectfully, their eyes turned towards Ran Qingqiu and Chen Mo.

Chen Mo glanced at them, all of these were masters.

On the main seat, a man wearing a mask and a black robe was staring sharply at Chen Mo.

The reason why he thinks he is a man is very difficult. The hand he leaked out was a man's hand. It seemed to be a little old because of the many wrinkles on his hand.

"Foster father." Ran Qingqiu respectfully saluted the leader of Nayang Shenjiao.

Chen Mo: "..."


Isn't this godfather?

Could it be...

Just think about it. Although Zhengran Qingqiu wears a veil, she has a fair and beautiful temperament. It is estimated that under the veil is a magnificent face. In a cult like Yangshen Sect, she is probably reduced to this Yangshen Sect. Is the leader's plaything?

"Um...yes, well done, this time I'll remember a great thing for you."

The leader of Yangshen Sect looked at Ran Qingqiu with satisfaction and said.

"Thank you, foster father." Ran Qingqiu finished speaking and stepped aside, just standing there motionless.

The leader of the Nayang God Sect stood up~www.readwn.com~ and looked at Chen Mo.

"Young Master Chenmo, fortunate to have a good time! Young Master Chenmo's deeds have long been known to me, even when you first emerged in Linfeng City, I was already paying attention to you."

The leader of Yangshen Sect walked towards Chen Mo while talking.

"That's an honor."

"No, no, no, it is an honor for our Yangshen Sect to bring you little brother Chenmo."

The leader of the Yangshen Sect walked to Chen Mo's side, then patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, looking very kind, then waved his hand, and the rope on Chen Mo fell to the ground.

This is the Yangshen Sect. Whether he can escape here is too clear to him, the leader of the Yangshen Sect, it is absolutely impossible, so he loosened Chen Mo and didn't worry about Chen Mo's escape.

"Please let this girl apologize to you on behalf of Qingqiu. The way you brought you is a bit too rude. I will criticize her when this matter comes. But don’t get me wrong, Brother Chenmo. I hope you can come, because only when you are here can we tell our hearts to you."

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