I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 739: Yang Shen Sect

Latest website: To tell the truth, Ye Yuhan really has no way to refute the words of Qingqiu!

Yes, Chen Mo is wanted by the entire continent, and Yangshen Sect is willing to reach out to Chen Mo. What qualifications does she not allow?

Ran Qingqiu's gaze and then looked at Chen Mo, and said, "Master Chen Mo, now you are wanted by the entire continent. On the mainland, you have no place to stay. My Sun God Sect is willing to accept you. In other words, I am willing to train you to become the next Yangshen cult leader, one person below ten thousand people, no, when the leader quits, you will be above ten thousand people! How?"

Chen Mo looked at Na Ran Qingqiu.

"What I said now sounds pretty good. It's a pity. It's just that now I have use value to you Yangshen Sect. When I have no use value, I will be nothing. What I say now is pretty good. Give me the position of leader. But it's just talking."

Chen Mo knew that Ran Qingqiu actually came to him directly. He was basically emboldened to take him away. Now it is different from before. She had to ensure absolute success before, but now it is different. He is hostile by the entire continent. So it doesn't need to be like this, so as long as you have a little bit of confidence in Qingqiu, you don't need to be 100% sure of Chen Mo as before.

"Is it right? The leader told me this personally, but now it is true that our Yangshen teaches Chenmo a chance, and I hope you can believe us."

"Then I don't believe it?"

Chen Mo asked back.

In fact, Chen Mo has already made a decision in his heart, and he can go to Yangshen Sect this time, because it will not take much time, just treat it as a personal love, now...

Chen Mo was just pretending to make Ran Qingqiu feel that he had no hole cards, but he didn't know that he had an empty magic stone in his hand!

"If you don't believe me, then I can only come hard."

Ran Qingqiu said with no emotion in her tone.

"If you are the only one, I am afraid there is no chance."

Ye Yuhan held a light sword in his hand and looked at that Ran Qingqiu coldly.

"Miss Ye, I am indeed not necessarily your opponent, but if you really fight, you may not be able to beat me, but this time, it is important to take Chen Mo away, and I will have the opportunity to fight you next time! "

After saying that Ran Qingqiu stretched out his hand, a golden rope flew directly to Chen Mo, and then tied Chen Mo there.

There was no system prompt, but Chen Mo couldn't move.

This is not one of the effects of imprisonment and vertigo. It is a direct physical effect that binds Chen Mo and Chen Mo cannot break free.

But Chen Mo was not too panic.


In the next instant, Ran Qingqiu dragged the other end of the rope with Chen Mo and disappeared in place, while the monster beast behind her galloped towards the horizon.

Ye Yuhan showed a surprised expression.

How did they... suddenly disappear?

Space power!

"This is not good!"

Ye Yuhan and Dai frowned!

Although she knows that Chen Mo is amazing, but...

That is Yangshen Sect, and what if he is controlled by his mind? That's not what Chen Mo can escape! Empty magic stone may not have time to use.

However, Ye Yuhan turned his head and looked at the girls, only to find that they did not show any rushing expressions.

"Big sister, don't worry, big brother is fine."


Shui Shuiran said, "Big brother was deliberately caught by her, and big brother said let us wait for him here."

They believed in Chen Mo infinitely, especially after Chen Mo said so, they believed in Chen Mo even more.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't speak to them, but they had the same heart. When Chen Mo told them these words in his heart, they of course felt relieved.


Ye Yuhan confirmed it.


Ye Yuhan was relieved to see them nodding.

Since Chen Mo has said so, he must have a perfect plan and absolute confidence, so Ye Yuhan will not panic, and even if she wants to help, she can't help, because she doesn't know where Chen Mo is now.

"Then we just wait here."

Ye Yuhan said.


On the other side, Chen Mo was **** by the whole person, Na Ran Qingqiu stood beside him, and her mount flew over, leading them to gallop in a certain direction.

"So in fact, you changed your name and came to Weiyang Palace from the very beginning because of me?"

Chen Mo sat there and glanced at Ran Qingqiu next to him, pretending to know nothing.

Ran Qingqiu was slightly stunned.

Although Ye Yuhan just said his name and said she was a member of the Yangshen Sect, she did not say and did not recognize that she was the Qingqiu of Weiyang Palace, but Chen Mo now recognizes it. To be honest, she must have been surprised.

"How did you recognize me?"

Ran Qingqiu did not answer Chen Mo's question, but instead asked such a question.

"I remember the smell on you."

Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and said.

Ran Qingqiu: "..."

But she didn't have any mood swings.

"When you arrive at Yangshen Sect, I hope you can listen to the leader, otherwise he has countless methods to make you subdue."

Ran Qingqiu looked at Chen Mo and said slightly.

"Then can you let me go?"

Chen Mo asked.

Ran Qingqiu shook his head.

"It looks like it's for the same elder brother and sister."

"This is my task."

"You live for the mission?"

Chen Mo looked at her and asked, then said: "Can't you live for yourself?"

Chen Mo's words made Ran Qingqiu stunned.

Live for yourself?

"Although I am not familiar with you, I don't think you are a heinous person. Why do you want to join Yangshen Sect?"

"There are countless people who died in my hands, and I don't think I am a heinous person."

Ran Qingqiu replied.

"There are not many people who died in my hands, but why do I feel that I am not heinous?"

Chen Mo asked back.

Chen Mo's words left her speechless, because she had indeed seen Chen Mo kill many people.

"Because you are Shura~www.readwn.com~ Shura killing is normal."

She said.

"But I am not now, and I am also very sane. I ask you, how many innocent people have you killed?"

Chen Mo asked.

Chen Mo always felt that this dye Qingqiu seemed ruthless, but she didn't feel that kind of Yangshen cult. It was strange, but Chen Mo felt so.

Is it the illusion that Qingqiu, who pretended to be before, gave him?

But Ran Qingqiu was stunned.

innocent people……

Yang Shen taught her that she had seen too many people killing too many innocent people, but she didn't like that feeling since she was a child. Of course, she had innocent lives in her hands, but there were not many.

"a lot of."

Ran Qingqiu turned his head after speaking and looked into the distance.

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