I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 756: Xiaomeng's determination

Latest website: Ye Yuhan walked out before dawn. Maybe Ran Qingqiu was watching Ye Yuhan all the time, or she heard the news. The two came out one after the other.

Chen Mo was thinking about one thing.

Thought of the Empress!

This task was triggered when he just came out of the Novice Village. This task has not been long, two months! The penalty for the task is to clear the level, so he must complete the task again.

Chen Mo's mission objective is basically clear, she is the Empress Saint Yao, but how to do it? Chen Mo didn't understand at all.

Chen Mo felt that it might be impossible to clear this level. He didn't have the time to do this task, and he didn't have the energy to do it, let alone how to do it.

But it doesn't matter, what if the level is cleared? He can still come back! Nothing is as important as Lin Kexin.

Just let this kind of thing go, and Chen Mo didn't think about it deliberately.

"Master Chen Mo, go and rest, leave it to us."

Ye Yuhan said slightly to Chen Mo.

"Okay, then I'll take a rest first."

Chen Mo nodded and walked away.

If nothing happened, he wouldn’t be so embarrassed to walk away, but he had to go offline. Now Chen Mo’s situation is not sure when he has time to go offline, so if he can go offline, he must go offline and accompany them. Let Lin Kexin rest assured that if Chen Mo does not go offline for two or three days, although he has told Lin Kexin that his body is okay, she will definitely be worried, so if she seizes the opportunity, Chen Mo will definitely go offline.

After offline, Chen Mo walked out of the room and found that someone was busy in the kitchen. At first, Chen Mo thought it was Lin Kexin.

"Brother, are you up?"

Xiao Meng's voice came from the kitchen, and then she happily ran to Chen Mo, raised her little head, and looked so cute and begging for praise.

"Are you making breakfast?"

Chen Mo rubbed her little head and asked.

"Yeah, Xiaomeng, don't make my sister work hard."

"Really good."

Chen Mo smiled.

"Did brother find a way to treat sister?"

Xiao Meng took Chen Mo's hand and asked Chen Mo to sit down and asked obediently.

"The method was found, but the thing has not been found."

"Then brother must cheer, and the girl who is such a good sister must not have trouble, Xiao Meng will also work hard to cheer, today Xiao Meng can go out of Novice Village, and then look for it with his brother."

"it is good."

Chen Mo nodded.

The day outside is not yet bright, and the time is only a little over half past five. Usually, Lin Kexin wakes up at half past six. Xiao Meng wakes up an hour early because she is not very skilled in surgery. Must get up early, but she is very happy and content.

Lin Kexin may have heard the movement outside. She opened the door in her pajamas, and then saw Chen Mo and Xiao Meng outside in surprise.

"Xiaomeng, why did you get up so early."

When Lin Kexin smelled the fragrance, she knew it must be Xiao Meng who woke up early and made breakfast.

She thinks this is good, but she doesn't think it is necessary now because she is still there.

"Xiaomeng makes breakfast."

"It's not necessary now, wait...ah...I mean it's not anxious to wait for Xiao Meng to do well, and Xiao Meng doesn't need to get up so early."

Lin Kexin said.

"It's okay, brother and sister brought Xiao Meng home. If there is no brother and sister, Xiao Meng will not even have a place to eat, so Xiao Meng has to repay his brother and sister. These are nothing." Xiao Meng's words were far beyond her mind, which seemed to be a ten-year-old girl.

"Well, then you must not get tired."

"Yeah." Xiao Meng nodded his head cleverly, and then said: "Brother and sister go to wash, breakfast will be ready soon."

Lin Kexin glanced at Chen Mo, then nodded.

"Brother Chen Mo, how are you now? Can you see the trend again?" Lin Kexin asked worriedly.

"It takes time, I don't know too much."

The two of them were hiding things from each other. Chen Mo was hiding things about Lin Kexin's eyes, and Lin Kexin was hiding things about his heart, but what Lin Kexin didn't know was that Chen Mo knew about her, and Lin Kexin suddenly realized that Xiao Meng could pry into her heart. , And then quickly told Xiao Meng not to tell Chen Mo, Xiao Meng agreed, but she had already told Chen Mo early, and in Lin Kexin's view, Xiao Meng was super sensible, she knew she might be running out of time, so now She was really happy for her hard work, but she was even more reluctant.

I haven't played with Brother Chen Mo yet, and I haven't had time to travel the mainland with him in the game, and see that continent is particularly beautiful, but it is too late. She hopes Xiao Meng can help her realize all these dreams in the future.

"It will be fine, then Kexin will go to wash."


Chen Mo went online after breakfast. In reality, Chen Mo couldn't let go of them, and there were also some in the game that Chen Mo couldn't let go.

After going online, I walked out of the room. A few girls took Long Jiu'er to play on the deck. Long Jiu'er was very depressed at first, but they heard Xiaoyuan say that the big brother is super super, the best in the world. She feels so powerful, the most powerful person in the world, that would definitely be able to help her people.

If Chen Mo knew that, it would be uncomfortable. It was terrible, but it was in the eyes of Xiaoyuan and the others. In the eyes of their lovers, Chen Mo was the most powerful in the eyes of these little girls, because they were The person who trusts Chen Mo the most is like a child seeing his father. In the eyes of a child, his father is the most powerful and omnipotent.

Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu still didn't have a word, they could only speak with Chen Mo as an intermediary.

"Big Brother Big Brother..."

The three girls saw Chen Mo come out and ran over happily, and Long Jiuer also ran to Chen Mo. This is the most powerful big brother they said.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo asked slightly.

"Xiao Yuan said that elder brother is the most powerful person in the world, Xiao Jiuer does not believe it, she said that elder brother is the second...well, the third most powerful, the most powerful are Xiao Jiu'er's father and mother ."

Xiaoyuan said happily.

Chen Mo: "..."

Ye Yuhan next to him also showed a slight smile~www.readwn.com~ These girls are really simple and cute.

"I am not the strongest in the world. People who are better than me in the world can't count them with 10,000 hands." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"No, no, eldest brother is the most powerful anyway. That day, when eldest brother was beaten by a large group of bad guys, eldest brother was super powerful alone, even more powerful than them, anyway, big brother was the best. of."

Xiaoyuan said.

Chen Mo squeezed her cheeks.

"Then you are better than me."

"Um...no." Xiao Yuan shook his head.

(Hey, I'm still in Kavin, and my writing is very general. I probably smoothed it out later, there should be no problem.)

(End of this chapter)

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