I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 757: Bihailong 7 princess

Latest website: Chen Mo looked at the distance.

"There is an island in front. How about trimming it there."

"Also, long time on the ship has a greater impact on the martial artist." Ye Yuhan said.

Then the boat came to the island and stopped, and they landed on the island one after another.

This island is not big, there are some small woods. Obviously, such a small island will not be too dangerous. A few girls are especially active on the beach, running around.

No matter when, they are the most active and energetic.

Long Jiu'er was always worried about the family, but the three girls carried by them also ran around.

"Jiu'er, are there any big lobsters here?"

Chen Mo sat there watching Jiu'er who ran to him and asked.


Long Jiu'er tilted his head for a moment, then nodded; "Yes, it's so big and so big."

Long Jiu'er opened his arms and gestured.

"Is it under the water?"

"Yeah, there are so many places here, it's delicious."

Long Jiuer licked his mouth and said.

"Okay, you guys are playing."

Chen Mo nodded.

"I'll go." Ye Yuhan said to Chen Mo.

"I am coming too."

Run Qingqiu Road.

Chen Mo; "..."

These two women seemed to be jealous, but that's not the case. What is she going to do, the other one has to do it too, can't lose.

"No, do you still think your clothes are wet?" Chen Mo said.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, the pretty face of the second girl turned red slightly, and then she fell silent.

"But it's very deep here. That kind of creatures are all on the very deep seabed. The water pressure may be difficult to resist with your strength, Mr. Chen Mo. The monster beasts on the seabed don't think about it. It's easy for us to hold our breath for a long time "Ye Yuhan said.

The stronger the strength, the more things he can do, such as holding his breath. Like Chen Mo, he doesn't know how long he can hold his breath underwater. Once he has a long time, he will quickly lose blood. And Super God level, hold his breath a few times. Hours are always okay.

"It's okay, you guys have a rest."

Chen Mo, the big lobster who promised Xiao Longer, always remembered that since he came to the sea, it must be realized.


Chen Mo then came to Xiao Yuan and asked Yu Shui Zhu to get it.

They were indeed right to worry, but they didn't know that Xiao Yuan had a very guarded water drop on her body. As long as the water drop was on her body, Chen Mo would be comfortable at the bottom of the water. Don't worry about breathing or anything.

After all, this is one of the five holy beads.


Then Chen Mo jumped into the water.

The bottom of the water is estimated to be more than 3,000 meters deep, which is considered a deep ocean!

At 3,000 meters, a normal person can withstand tens of meters without equipment, and the water pressure of up to 100 meters will not be able to withstand it. For a warrior, it is naturally higher, but even for a warrior at 3,000 meters, It's hard to resist, but if there is a water drop, there is nothing to worry about.

The bottom of the water was very clear. Chen Mo saw a lot of creatures on the bottom of the sea, including monsters. Relatively speaking, they were relatively harmonious. There were no monsters to attack Chen Mo. On the contrary, some of them retreated far because they had not seen anyone. Far.

When he reached the bottom of the water, Chen Mo walked around with ease, looking for the trace of the big lobster.

It was quite common. After ten minutes, Chen Mo saw a large lobster motionless in the corner of the seabed reef, as if looking for prey. Only half of the tongs were exposed, but the size of the tongs should be two meters.

Two meters is enough for them.

Just as Chen Mo was about to do it, suddenly a huge tongs pinched the reef directly, and the big lobster was instantly pinched in half.

Chen Mo; "..."

When he looked up, he was taken aback.

Is this TM too exaggerated? This is the creature on the bottom of the sea?

A huge lobster about ten meters in size is there!

It's normal for some creatures to eat the same kind. It's okay, but...this is too big, right?

The first reaction was that this should be a monster beast, after all, it was so big, and the reef was pinched off with a pliers, Shura killed the pupil and inspected it, this TM turned out to be not a monster beast, it was just a very large lobster.

If their girls see such a big lobster, they must be so excited, right?

Chen Mo hooked the corner of his mouth, and then the two Zhi Zhen Feng flew out!

Then the huge lobster had turned into a corpse and lay there!

Everbright is useless, it's not a monster, it's normal to transform into a corpse under the power of such a sharp Supreme Front!

Then Chen Mo took the huge lobster tail and tugged...

Can't move.

It seems that I can only use the empty magic stone to take this big lobster to the island.

And just when Chen Mo was about to leave, he suddenly had an instinctive reaction and subconscious, and he felt that someone was staring at him from behind.

There are many creatures on the bottom of the sea. It's normal for him to be looked at by countless pairs of eyes at this moment, but this feeling is a special kind of gaze. Only the kind of powerful, special attention gaze can make Chen Mo feel it.

Then Chen Mo turned his head in an instant, saw a cave in the reef, and suddenly retracted his head.

If he read it right, it seems to be a person.

Naturally, it is impossible for human beings, and they must be people in the form of monsters. This is not uncommon in the sea. It is normal for the major demons to transform into human beings and live under the sea.

And still a woman! Because Chen Mo vaguely saw long hair.


She seems afraid?

Chen Mo let go of the big lobster and walked over slowly.

"Come out, I saw you." Chen Mo said slowly.

"You...who are you?"

There really came a young girl's voice, soft and very nice, but the voice had a hint of vibrato, and also some stubbornness and strength.


Chen Mo said.

"Human?" The voice was puzzled, and then slowly poked his head out.

This is a very beautiful girl with blue hair. She is 16 or 17 years old. She is actually not big. Her eyes are very aura. More importantly, she also has a pair of dragon horns.

"Bihailong clan?"

Chen Mo saw her dragon horn and asked ~www.readwn.com~ because Ye Yuhan said that there is only the Bihailong family in the Immortal Overseas Territory, so when she saw that she was a dragon, Chen Mo could only think of the Bihailong family. .

"how do you know?"

She was looking at Chen Mo's eyes.

"It just so happened that I met the nine princesses of your Bihailong clan."

"What? Nine Sister? Nine Sister is with you? Ahem--"

"Oh? It seems you are..."

The girl came out clutching her chest. There was blood in a place deep in her chest, her face was pale, and she looked very hurt.

"Sister Nine... is it really with you?"

Seeing that Chen Mo is a human, she breathed a sigh of relief, not necessarily an enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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