I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 780: Guardian Angel

Latest website: Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan didn't expect that Chen Mo's power came from the sacred angel!

This kind of power should be at the top of the Divine Angel Race. It is possible for a person to obtain a certain ability of the Divine Angel Race, but it is really incredible to get this top power.

How can this holy angel family look at it?

You can think of it as the existence of all the combat power of the first hall or the second hall of the Demon God Temple! Including the existence of the return of the demon god! It's such a behemoth.

"Okay! With this power, leave the rest to me!"

Long Qingtian shook his weapon and said confidently!


Long Qingtian yelled, and Long Jiuer ran over quickly.

"My Father."

Long Jiu'er yelled milkily.

Long Qingtian stretched out his hand, and then took down the sachet from her waist.

"My Father."

Long Jiu'er pursed his mouth.

Isn't this a gift from him? Why are you leaving now?

Long Qingtian said: "Hey, there are very important things in it. In the future, my father will give you other things, okay?"

"That's a lot better."

Long Jiu'er said.

"Good, good." Long Qingtian rubbed Long Jiu'er's little head dozingly.

"My father must pay attention to safety."

Although Long Jiu'er was young, she had lived for hundreds of years. Although she was innocent, she naturally knew what she should know.


Long Qingtian then suddenly held a spear.

"Open the barrier!"

Then the barrier opened, and Long Qingtian walked out holding the spear.

Chen Mo followed him and walked out.

Chen Mo didn't need to fight, the only reason he went out was to let these people see that the key was given to him.

"Master Chen Mo, be careful."

Ye Yuhan looked at Chen Mo with concern and said.

"Yeah." Chen Mo nodded, and the two walked out.

And a group of people outside saw the barrier opened, and then all gathered at the main entrance of Bihailong Palace.

When they went out, the barrier rose again.

This is a battle between Long Qingtian and them, and no one else will be affected.

"Long Qingtian, why? Can't wait to come out and die?"

It was an old man who was talking. His hair was all red, and there were hundreds of strong men behind him. Of course, he didn't need to say much about his strength. With so many people, he was talking to prove one thing, he belongs to these people. Tootou, there is an old man beside him, these two should be the top figures of the two demon temples.

There was a person behind him staring at Chen Mo, and it was Chen Mo who killed that man's eldest brother.

"Old man Hong Mao, do you think the deity came out to die? On the contrary, the deity came out to send you to death!"

Long Qingtian sneered and said.


The red-haired old man couldn't help laughing.

"Long Qingtian, do you think such a thing can scare us away? Hahaha—"

The people in the two big demon temples behind him also laughed.

Then the red-haired old man stared at Long Qingtian and said, "Hand over the key. As long as you hand it over, I will leave immediately!"

Then another old man said, "Long Qingtian, we are both of the monster race. This should be what you should do. However, if you keep the key, what good is it for you? After the master demon **** broke through the seal, what he was looking for It must be the human race, not your Bihailong race, is it necessary?"

"The deity only knows that Tianlin is the continent where the Human Race and our Monster Race live together. Even if the Monster Race and the Human Race don't become friends, they shouldn't fight every day. My Bihailong Race owes a lot of favor to the Human Race."

"Huh! Toast and not eat fine wine!"

Long Qingtian then took out the sachet.

"Don't you want to unlock the key to the seal?"

Then he opened the sachet, and a round stone with a special pattern appeared inside!

Everyone saw the stone with their eyes glowing.

This is the key!

"To the deity!"

The red-haired old man said quickly.


Long Qingtian then threw the key to Chen Mo next to him.

"what do you mean?"

The red-haired old man stared at Long Qingtian and looked at Chen Mo.

"Young Master Chenmo is a strong man in the human race. My Bihailong Clan has guarded this key long enough, and then the key is in the hands of Young Master Chenmo. The deity will ignore it."

"Human! Chenmo! Boy, give the key to the deity! Humble human, otherwise you will die!"

The red-haired old man shouted angrily at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo put the key away.

"If you want the key, then come to Xianhai inner region to find me."

"court death!"

The red-haired old man let out a violent rage, and a raging flame rushed towards Chen Mo.


In the next instant, Long Qingtian rushed in front of Chen Mo, swept the spear, and split the flames.

"Old man Hongmao, I have given the key to someone else, and what follows is the personal grievances between the Bihailong clan and your two demon temples!"

Long Qingtian roared, and a shadow of a giant dragon appeared behind him.

"Success! Drink!"

"Looking for death! You guys, bring that Human Race kid over!"


Then the battle was about to break out, and several people targeted Chen Mo, and Chen Mo retreated directly into the enchantment. They had no choice.

And Long Qingtian fights a hundred people alone!

"court death!"


There was a shocking battle in front of him, and Chen Mo secretly admired it, it was a battle of the top powerhouse!

According to common sense, when Long Qingtian fought against these powerful men, he would be submerged in an instant, but he would not be killed in a short time, but he would not last long. Now, he seems to be constantly affected by many people. The ground attacked, but all the power was blocked by the ray of light around his body, and even the strongest power was blocked!

At the beginning, the Bihailong clan and others were still worried, when they saw this scene, they were not worried at all!

Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu looked at the scene outside in surprise.

This force is too contrary to common sense, right?

No wonder the holy angel family is so against the sky, this makes sense.

Originally, one person singled out the red-haired old man, and it was not always true that one would win and who would lose ~www.readwn.com~ But now, one person singled out the two demon temples, and those people in the demon temple are only beaten.

"Master Chen Mo, isn't there a way to crack this force?"

Ye Yuhan asked.

"Yes, the only way to crack it is to kill the person who releases this power! That's me!" Chen Mo said.

"So it turns out that no matter how powerful it is against the sky, it is not absolutely invincible." Ye Yuhan said.

The fighting outside is getting fiercer and fierce, and soon this is no longer a place where they can start.

Time gradually passed, Long Ling was worried, but she was completely relieved when she heard Chen Mo's words.

As long as Young Master Chen Mo is fine, he will be fine, and it can last for one day, one day's time, enough.

(End of this chapter)

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