I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 781: He is Chenmo

Latest website: Time slowly passed. Chen Mo took time off the assembly line and had a meal midway. He was offline for about two hours. When he went online again, the battle was over.

Long Qingtian returned intact, and the two demon temples were indeed driven away by him! If they don't run, they will be chased and beaten by Long Qingtian.

Each of them swears that this is the worst battle they have ever fought in their lives!

The top ultimatum was used, but there was no way to hurt Long Qingtian, and they didn't know what was going on! And their losses were very heavy.

"Little friend Chenmo!"

Long Qingtian saw Chen Mo come to the hall, and then quickly got up and walked towards Chen Mo.

"Hahaha, little friend Chenmo, thanks to you really!"

Long Qingtian gave Chen Mo a bear hug, and laughed while patting Chen Mo on the back.

So cool! This is the coolest battle he has ever fought in his life.

"What's the situation?" Chen Mo asked.

"They have already withdrawn their troops. Although they won't give up completely, at least they dare not come now!"

Long Qingtian said readily.

"That's good!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"The next thing is about you, Little Friend Chen Mo, you must be careful in everything." Long Qingtian looked at Chen Mo worriedly and said.

"Well, don't worry, I will go to the Xianhai Inner Territory next. They won't chase the Xianhai Inner Territory anyway, right? After leaving, I will give the key to the Moon God of Human Race." Chen Mo said.

"Okay! Let's do it! Four days later, on the night of the full moon, I will send everyone from the Bihailong clan to every place in the Immortal Overseas Territory. Once they find a strong black robe society, I will notify them!"

"Then thank you senior!"

Chen Mo gave a fist.

Originally, Chen Mo was still thinking about how to find this black-robed man, but now it’s alright. The total number of people from the Bihailong clan is very weak, similar to Jiading. There are always thousands of people, although thousands of people. It doesn't seem to be of much use to wait for rabbits in the huge Immortal Overseas Territory, but the effect is always there.

"No, no, I want to thank you for the entire Bihailong clan to little friend Chenmo, if you don't, the Bihailong clan will be destroyed."

Long Qingtian saluted Chen Mo.

Around, Long Ling, Long Qiqi and others all gave the dragon clan's great gift to Chen Mo.

"Senior, in order to protect this key, you also paid a very high price, which is of great help to Human Race." Chen Mo said.

"From now on, my Bihailong clan will be your most solid support, little friend Chenmo, if one day you have a place where my Bihailong clan can help, you will do your best!"

Long Qingtian said.

"Thank you everyone!"

"Then you will live in my Bihailong clan these few days, and wait for the full moon night in four days."

"Okay, then trouble!"

"No, no trouble! By the way, I have to remind little friend Chenmo of a message."

Chen Mo said: "What news?"

"As for the key to that sealed land, the Second Demon Temple may have a way to trace it."


Chen Mo frowned.

"So my suggestion is, if it can be handed over to the Moon God as early as possible."

Chen Mo was pondering slightly.

"Master Chen Mo, how about show it to Master now." Ye Yuhan said worriedly.

"It really doesn't work, let the master come and take it personally."

"No." Chen Mo shook his head.


Ye Yuhan asked inexplicably.

It stands to reason that this is the best opportunity and method. It happens to be here for four days, which is enough.

"This key must remain with me in a short time because it can attract the attention of those people. They will use all their power to chase me. If you hand it directly to your master, then they will lose this. The opportunity of the key, the two demon temples have nothing to do, what do you think will be the consequences?" Chen Mo asked.

Ye Yuhan pondered slightly, then raised his head and said, "They will point their spearhead at the Bihailong clan again!"

"Yes! Even if the Bihailong clan does not have this key, they will point their finger at the Bihailong clan. By then, the Bihailong clan will still be very dangerous, and if the key is on my body, they also know that they will do everything possible to find it. I don't have the effort and effort to trouble the Bihailong clan!" Chen Mo said.

That's right, this is Chen Mo's only thought, and he will not selfishly think about the use of this key in his own hands.

Because Chen Mo really liked the Bihailong clan, they would rather exterminate the clan without handing over the key, how trustworthy such a race is! Really, the Bihailong clan can give Chen Mo a great help in the future!

Maybe the gap between the Bihailong clan and the Shengyang clan is quite large, but this is also the dragon clan after all, and there are many strong ones! It may be lost to the two demon temples, but the skinny camels are bigger than horses, and their power can definitely compete with the imperial strength of the human race! Even if it may not be possible to fight, it is okay to be unable to tell the outcome. At least it can be above the super power of the human race. With such a strong backer and helper, Chen Mo naturally wants to do everything possible to protect them! Their good is Chen Mo's good, this is beyond doubt!

And Chen Mo needed these forces too much.

When Long Qingtian heard Chen Mo's words, they were truly shocked!

Unexpectedly, at this time, he was still thinking about the Bihailong clan in this situation.

They really feel worthless for Chen Mo! He was so hunted and hostile by the Human race, but he still thought about this...

Is such a person really Shura?

no, he is not! He is a man of love and righteousness and flesh and blood compared to the so-called chivalrous men.

"Thank you so much, little friend Chenmo!"

Long Qingtian saluted again.

"Thank you, big brother."

Long Jiu'er said sweetly.

Chen Mo smiled slightly.

"I have ordered people to set up a banquet, and we must treat a few people well!"

Long Qingtian said.

Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou heard these words, their big eyes lighted up.

"Then it will be troublesome!"


At this moment, the rest of the two demon temples gathered somewhere!


The red-haired old man smashed a huge stone with an angry punch!

"Why! What power is there in Long Qingtian! Why can all the power of the deity be completely blocked by him! Why! All the powers are invalid to him~www.readwn.com~ Why on earth? !"

The red-haired old man roared angrily!

"The Great Elder still remember the name of the human youth that Long Qingtian said before?"

A man walked up to the red-haired old man and asked.

The red-haired old man frowned and thought for a moment.

"It seems...it seems to be called Chenmo? What's wrong?"

"If it is Chenmo, then it can be explained."


"Has the great elder ever heard of a young man of the Human Race, he is Shura, but when he has not been discovered to be Shura, in a very weak situation, he used his power alone to do whatever he wants in a super power of the Human Race? ?" The man said.

(End of this chapter)

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