I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 785: Should we take the initiative?

Latest website: Maybe girls are like this, so strong and competitive, at least she is so!

She felt that she was not bad about dyeing Qingqiu, so why did Ran Qingqiu have been doing things like that with Chen Mo in the room, and she and Chen Mo had never been involved?

Why did Chen Mo never show her thoughts? She did not even take the initiative to try to narrow the distance between the two, nor did she take the initiative to hold her hand. Even if she did, she would not refuse. Ye Yuhan thought so anyway, because she was destined to only Can be with Chen Mo, and she is also ready for this!

Is it because Ran Qingqiu takes the initiative?

Ye Yuhan thought in his heart.

She thinks so, because based on her understanding of Chenmo, she feels that Chenmo is not the kind of person who proactively teases girls, definitely not! She even knew that Feng Shenzong had a daughter of the Thunder Ling Sect, Tang Panpan, who liked him and took the initiative to show him his thoughts, but he had never had anything ambiguous with her, at least she knew so! The girls are all taking the initiative. If you don't do anything, it is even more impossible to take the initiative to tease girls!

So Ran Qingqiu must have taken the initiative!

Thinking of this, Ye Yuhan was even more worried!

Bad heart? She was even more worried that Ran Qingqiu confused Chen Mo.

What should I do?

Ye Yuhan put down his hand and walked slowly to his room.

Should she take the initiative too?

Ye Yuhan thought inwardly.

She has a great affection for Chen Mo. She will not lie to herself, and she knows it, so she will think that it's good to be with him. It just happens that the affection destined them to be together, otherwise it would not Certainly, at least the other half of the affection was imprinted on a man who if she had no affection at all, Ye Yuhan would rather die two years later than be with someone she doesn't like! She is such a person, but if she is willing to be with Chen Mo, she knows she likes him! As for how much she likes it, she doesn't know.

Do you really want to take the initiative?

Ye Yuhan thought.

She felt that if she did not take the initiative, I am afraid that Chen Mo would not take the initiative either, because Chen Mo that she knew was so, and now that Qingqiu was dyed, the Sun God Sect saint had come first, and she was worried that she was really confused.

After thinking about it, Ye Yuhan also made up his mind, give it a try.

At least she needs to truly walk into Chenmo's heart, so that she can have a chance to know whether Ran Qingqiu confused him, and what happened to him at Yangshen Sect? After all, he is not the former Chenmo, although she thinks he has not changed, but she is worried.

The next morning, Chen Mo opened his eyes. Ran Qingqiu had just put on his clothes and looked back when he heard Chen Mo's movement.

"I'm going back."

She said a word and walked out quickly.

Chen Mo stretched his waist to check the time, and then went offline for breakfast.

Xiao Meng still made breakfast. She is now super well-behaved and super obedient. Lin Kexin is also more and more relieved, but she still doesn't know why Chen Mo and Xiao Meng are working hard.

And Lin Kexin can only go online after doing some things. She also has a lot of things to do online, but she will not deliberately go to the level, what she wants to do most is to travel the world with Chen Mo, but Chen Mo is busy, she will definitely not tell Chen Mo. Now her wish is very simple, that is, just watch the lantern show with Chen Mo once, and it will be soon. Now Lin Kexin has left the Yueling Palace. Basically, she was finished, she came to Fengshen Sect.

She wanted to help Chen Mo before she left. She could do many things in Fengshen Sect, and there were many things she could not do.

"Are you leaving Yueling Palace?"

Chen Mo was slightly surprised when he heard Lin Kexin's words.

He felt that Lin Kexin's stay in Yueling Palace was good, because Chen Mo knew that Tianlin was not a game. Improving himself might really be a real improvement in the future.

"Well, what I should learn is almost done. Now I am in Fengshen Sect. See if I can help Brother Chen Mo."

Lin Kexin nodded and said.

"Xiao Meng has already asked where she is. Every day, she is on the way super hard." Xiao Meng said sweetly.

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

He thought for a while, since Lin Kexin is not in Yueling Palace now, he can take Lin Kexin on an adventure, just as he fulfilled his promise.

is it safe?

Chen Mo thought for a while, it should be safe in the game, and she must be willing. As for going offline or something, this is not very convenient, because Lin Kexin and his offline time are not the same, she still has to take care of reality, and besides And Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu are even more inconvenient.

Chen Mo even regretted it. He knew he had come without Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu. If he knew that, how good would he bring Lin Kexin?

But it's better not to bring it now.

Chen Mo was also helpless.

But everything does not matter, as long as he can find the law of life, everything is fine.

"Well, Xiaomeng, pay attention to being tired."

"No, Xiao Meng is very happy."

Xiao Meng said sweetly.

"Kexin and Yingmeng often go on missions together now, and sometimes level up, they are very happy, and they have met a lot of friends." Lin Kexin said.

It's just that she wants to be with Chen Mo more.

"Well, when I'm done, I'll accompany you."

"it is good!"

Lin Kexin nodded repeatedly.

It’s just that I feel a little lost, and I’m done...

Can she wait until that time?

"Want to go shopping?" Chen Mo asked.


Lin Kexin was taken aback for a moment.

Chen Mo then said: "Put on your clothes, wear more, it's cold outside."

"it is good!"

Lin Kexin then happily ran back to the room to change clothes.

"Xiaomeng, go change your clothes."


For Lin Kexin, did Chen Mo go shopping? She was really happy.

Chen Mo has a lot of time in the past few days, and he has nothing to do in the Bihailong Clan. He can only wait for the night of the full moon. It just happens that these two days can spend more time with Lin Kexin, which is also excellent.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that Chen Mo and the others came back and bought a lot of things~www.readwn.com~ snacks, food, clothes, and a lot of clothes for Xiaomeng.

After coming back, Chen Mo went online directly, hoping that no one would go to the room to disturb him during this time, otherwise he would know he is gone.

Normally no one will bother you. Even if you knock on the door and no one responds, normally no one will push the door in.

Opening the door, Chen Mo walked out.

"President Chenmo, the patriarch ordered that if Mr. Chenmo is out of the room, if he wants to eat or if he has any instructions, ask Xiaolan."

The dragon girl bowed respectfully to Chen Mo.

"No need, where are my friends?"

"President Chen Mo's three younger sisters are eating, and the other two girls don't seem to come out of the room."

"Okay, thanks a lot, go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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