I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 786: Ye Yuhan's thoughts

The latest website: The three girls are eating. This is in Chen Mo's expectation. If there is something delicious that can't be eaten, they are bound to finish eating the delicious food.

And neither Ye Yuhan nor Ran Qingqiu came out of the room?

They all practiced in the room as Chen Mo could think of.

Yes, they did practice in the room, but Ye Yuhan didn't practice in, and after a few short intervals, Chen Mo still didn't come out of the room!

She didn't know if Ran Qingqiu was in Chen Mo's room or her room. Anyway, it was in Chen Mo's room last night. She even thought they had slept until now? How long was it last night?

Chen Mo walked out, Ye Yuhan opened her beautiful eyes in the room, and then she walked out.

He is alone, that means Ran Qingqiu is in her own room?

Ye Yuhan thought a lot last night, she finally decided to take the initiative, but when facing Chen Mo face to face, she didn't know what to do.


Chen Mo asked.

Ye Yuhan nodded.

"Go and eat something."

Ye Yuhan shook his head: "Not hungry."

Chen Mo also nodded, and the scene was once again embarrassing.

After a short while, Ye Yuhan hesitated, bit his red lips slightly, looked at Chen Mo, and said, "Master Chen Mo, would you like to go for a walk together? I haven't visited here before."

Chen Mo hesitated slightly.

Does Ye Yuhan have something to say to himself?

Although Chen Mo is an emotional idiot, he can still understand the meaning in some words. Of course, if these meanings express the underlying emotional meaning, then they don’t understand it. The simplest truth is like a girl. Wearing a dress and telling you that this dress seems to have grown bigger, what does that mean?

You have to praise her for losing weight, and she will wait for you to praise her for losing weight.

Chen Mo didn’t understand these things, but Ye Yuhan took the initiative to invite Chen Mo to go out for a walk and stroll around. The hidden meaning was that he had something to tell him. I can go, why invite?

"it is good."

Chen Mo nodded, and then the two walked among the Bihailong Palace.

This Bihailong Palace is really beautiful. Two people walking in the beautiful and huge back garden, those Bihailong clan who saw them will respectfully salute and shout, they really respect and respect Chen Mo. Thank you.

"What happened to Master Chen Mo at Yangshen Sect?"

Ye Yuhan finally asked this question of his own.

"What? Do you think I was bought by people from Yangshen?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

Ye Yuhan: "..."

No, this Young Master Chen Mo is so smart, how can he treat feelings without knowing everything?

She knew what she was thinking directly with these words, it was really super powerful.

"No...I...I'm just a little worried. Of course, I know and understand Mr. Chen Mo's personality. It's just that sometimes there are some things, but you can't do anything against some people."

Ye Yuhan said.

As Chen Mo walked forward, he said: "In Yangshen Sect, I met their leader, and at the same time I became the next quasi leader of Yangshen Sect."

Ye Yuhan: "..."


She looked at Chen Mo with frowning eyebrows.

"By the way, I just happened to ask you something, do you know Yangshen Sect and Yangshen Sect foreign teachers?"

Chen Mo asked.

Ye Yuhan thought for a while, and then said: "Aren't the foreign teachers of Yangshen Sect just the people sent by Yangshen Sect to harm the mainland? They are collectively called Yangshen Sect foreign teachers."

Chen Mo then said: "But they said that Yangshen Sect and Yangshen Sect foreign teachers are two sects."

Then Chen Mo told Ye Yuhan what Ran Qingqiu had told him, and Ye Yuhan fell silent.

"It's not that there is no such possibility."

Ye Yuhan said after hesitating slightly.

Although she was surprised by what Chen Mo said, Ye Yuhan is not the kind of irrational and one-sided person. Chen Mo said that she rationalized her thoughts, and there is indeed such a possibility! Because they have never considered these, and Yang Shenjia has never said these, but it is really possible.

"That's what she told me! The Yangshen Sect she belongs to, at least as far as she knows she has never done something the cult does."

"Don't tell the truth first, even if it is true, why not clarify? I believe we sects will be willing to listen."

Ye Yuhan said puzzledly.

"I don't know, I didn't ask, I will ask when the time comes."

"Just because of this, Master Chen Mo, you have become their quasi-teacher?"

Ye Yuhan looked at Chen Mo.

Ye Yuhan doesn’t care about whether he is the leader or not, but she only cares about Chen Mo. Yes, Chen Mo is wanted by the entire mainland because he is Shura, but there are still many people and many sects supporting him, but if he joins After the Yangshen Sect, if the Yangshen Sect is really not a real cult, as he said, and the real cult is a foreign teacher of the Yangshen Sect, that’s fine, but what if it is?

What is the result once it is known?

The mainland still wants him, and those sects who support him no longer have the right and reason to support him and protect him!

The reason now is that he is Shura, but he has not yet become a real Shura, he is a human, he has the right to survive, has the right to live, and has the opportunity to find a way to not become a real Shura! But after joining the cult Yangshen Sect, it was different.

"No, the bigger reason is because their leader said that he might have a way to help me not become a real Shura."

Chen Mo said.

"Master Chen Mo, do you believe it?"

Ye Yuhan asked.

"Doubtly believe, but there is always something to think about, right?"

"The entire continent, including my master, countless strong people are not weaker than him. They can't help it. Young Master Chen Mo thinks he can have it?"

Anyway, Ye Yuhan felt that the credibility was too low.

"It's really not believable, but there is always a chance. He said that what he cultivates is spiritual control, and being a Shura and becoming a demon is the same reason ~ www.readwn.com~ is eroded by consciousness, so he Give it a try, I, the prospective leader, don't need to do anything, let alone do something harmful to the mainland for them. Don't worry about that, and I'm not under their control, don't worry." Chen Mo said.

Ye Yuhan looked at Chen Mo, then nodded slightly.

"But anyway, I don't think Mr. Chen Mo should be reckless to try. Even if there is any method, I think I will discuss it with the Seventh Elders and see if they think it is feasible."

"I understand these!"

"I thought Master Chenmo was bewildered by Ran Qingqiu."

Ye Yuhan showed a light smile.

After chatting with Chen Mo, she was relieved. Although he joined the Yangshen Sect, he had his own ideas. He was normal. In this case, Ye Yuhan would be relieved enough.

Chen Mo; "..."

(End of this chapter)

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