I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 787: Ye Yuhan's initiative

   Hearing what Ye Yuhan said, Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose, a little embarrassed.

   Bewildered by Ran Qingqiu?

   Uh...it seems a little bit, after all, it would be abnormal if such a beautiful woman is not a man.

   It's just that, in Ye Yuhan's heart, isn't he reliable now?

   is a little embarrassed, or did she know something?

   Maybe... After all, girls are delicate, and she can see that some things are actually quite normal.

   But Chen Mo must have never imagined that Ye Yuhan had even heard his breathing inside the door, with Qingqiu's sweet screams.

   "Do you think I am such a person?"

   Chen Mo didn't know how to answer her words, so he asked instead!

   This is a kind of routine. Lin Xuan may not understand the affection of children. He is an emotional idiot, but he is smarter than anyone else.

   This kind of rhetorical question will make the questioner fall into deep thoughts, and it will be very easy to achieve the effect of skipping the topic without answering.

   Ye Yuhan heard Chen Mo's rhetorical question and did not know how to answer it.

   "No, I'm just... worried."

   Ye Yuhan shook his head slightly and said.

   Chen Mo looked at her.

   This woman is really beautiful, that kind of cold and beautiful, but she is very gentle to Chen Mo, although her tone is still cold, but she has feelings.

"You are not better than Ran Qingqiu? The man who loves you and admires you is more like her than her. If I am so attracted, I know you so much earlier than her. I and you are nothing, she is a person. The degree of indifference is not worse than that of you. Do you think you can do things like confusing people?"

   Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   How do you feel that you are heading towards the scumbag?

   Chen Mo shook his head secretly.

   Ye Yuhan knows the relationship between Chen Mo and Ran Qingqiu, but having this relationship and not being confused is completely two concepts.

   But Ye Yuhan began to think more about what Chen Mo said.

It’s not that easy to be attracted... They met Ran Qingqiu a long time earlier than Ran Qingqiu, but Ran Qingqiu had such a close relationship with him, and they had known each other for a long time but never even held hands. It means that she was not infected. Is Qingqiu attractive to Chenmo?

   Why is this happening?

Ye Yuhan has never doubted her appearance, nor is she arrogant, because she has really countless pursuers, too many outstanding men, and people of famous background admire her. He has been to Moon God Palace more than once to propose marriage, but he has not Ran Qingqiu was very attractive to him...Of course, Ran Qingqiu was also beautiful, but she really had doubts for the first time.

   Actually, Chen Mo really didn't mean that, but the girl just wanted to think about what he could do.

   "Hey, what's wrong?"

   Chen Mo looked at Ye Yuhan suspiciously, this woman was in a daze, which is really rare.


   Ye Yuhan shook his head quickly.

   Two people are walking here like this, Ye Yuhan has been struggling inwardly.

   Is she really better off dyeing Qingqiu? How is she better?

  Really, she has been thinking about these two issues in her heart.

   Chen Mo knew that she had something on her mind, but how did he know what she was thinking.

   "What do you think?"

   Chen Mo still asked suspiciously.

   Ye Yuhan heard Chen Mo's question, bit his red lips slightly, and plucked up the courage to raise his head.

   She doesn't wear a veil, and there is no need to wear a veil here. This face is really deep.

   "Young Master Chenmo, who do you think is the more beautiful girl or me?"

   Chen Mo: "……"

  Really, Chen Mo is forced!

  Hello, you are Ye Yuhan, is this a question that should be asked from your mouth? who the **** are you! Hey Hey hey! !

   But Chen Mo knows this is a proposition! When he watched TV when he was not blind before, he could always see that the boyfriend's girlfriend would ask such a question. He never thought it would fall on him one day.

   Say she is more beautiful?

   That is of course the best answer, but if Ran Qingqiu knows about it, it's over!

   Is dyeing Qingqiu more beautiful?

   Ye Yuhan is over here!

   as beautiful?

   It seems that no one can be guilty, so Ye Yuhan would think it was just as beautiful? Anyway, it is to send propositions.

   Ye Yuhan really didn't mean anything else, she just wanted to know who was pretty in Chen Mo's eyes.

"This one……"

   Chen Mo scratched his head, brainstorming fast in his head, and there was only one answer he could think of.

   "Actually, you two are very beautiful, and each has its own merits. I can't tell who is more beautiful."

   Hearing Chen Mo's answer, Ye Yuhan was actually quite happy in his heart. It wasn't just to dye Qingqiu to be pretty, but he was a bit disappointed. It turned out to be just as beautiful... Then why dyeing Qingqiu was more attractive to him? Is she still too late to dye Qingqiu?

   Chen Mo was paying attention to Ye Yuhan's expression, and he was very nervous.

   "Then... Mr. Chen Mo, have you ever thought about the relationship between you and me... a little bit further?"

   Ye Yuhan's pretty face immediately blushed after speaking. It makes sense. This kind of beauty blushes that is really fascinating.

   After speaking, she regretted immediately, and hurriedly said, "I... I just mentioned that... After all, we two are implicated in affection..."

   Chen Mo: "……"

   My god! Ye Yuhan took the initiative...

   Chen Mo really doubts whether this is Ye Yuhan!

Yes~www.readwn.com~ Ye Yuhan also struggled with whether to take the initiative all night, plus feeling the huge crisis brought about by dyeing Qingqiu, and Chen Mo may think dyeing Qingqiu is more attractive to him, yes Because Ran Qingqiu can bring him more of that kind of relationship between men and women? She didn't know, but she felt that since Mr. Chen Mo was not taking the initiative, she could take the initiative. After all, she admired him a lot and was willing to become a partner with him.

"This one……"

   Chen Mo felt that today was pretty good, but he was at a loss.

"Actually, I really don’t care. I always think that it’s very important for you to be innocent for a woman like Miss Ye. Yes, you and me are implicated in affection. If you are not together, the consequences will be disastrous. You are so beautiful and I naturally have nothing to do. I am talking about you……"

Chen Mo didn't know what he was talking about. For someone who has never been in love, Chen Mo felt his head was blank when he said these things. He felt a little dizzy and his feet were a little unsteady. .

   "I have no... opinions."

   Ye Yuhan lowered his head and said softly.

   I'm so ashamed, I'm so ashamed, Ye Yuhan will be like this one day... She never thought about it in her life!

   Chen Mo: "……"

   At this time, if you are a normal person who has some understanding of feelings, the easiest way is to hold her hand and say what is not important, holding hands is enough, but Chen Mo knows something about wool? He is no less nervous than Ye Yuhan.

   "That...the weather is pretty good today...".

   Chen Mo really didn't know what to say, and then said haha.

   Ye Yuhan: "..."

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