I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 805: 9 spirits 1 family

   Chen Mo then looked at Huanghuang and asked; "Did you come last night?"

"Yeah, yeah, when I came here, I happened to ran into a group of uncles who entered a portal, and then heard them say that they were going to find your eldest brother in Xianhai, so I came with them, but It seems that it landed randomly."

   Huanghuang nodded his little head and said.

   Chen Mo; "..."

   This is a coincidence too!

Chen Mo searched for the black robe man for a night, but finally he used other methods to attract him, and after this Huanghuang came here, he directly met the demon temple who lined up to enter the inner realm of Xianhai. Everyone, this luck is also out of luck.

   "Then how did you find me?"

   Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

   Is it luck?

   That's incredible, why is this world so small?

   "Hmm... My sister gave Huang Huang a mirror. You can find the big brother by following this mirror."

   Huang Huang said sweetly.

Then Chen Mo would understand. No wonder this Huanghuang can directly find the location of the black-robed man, because Chen Mo entered from there. If this mirror has the same positioning function, she found it by herself, and it happened to be there. The black robe man is there, this is also a small coincidence.

   This also made Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief. Chen Mo was most afraid that it would be bad if the Huanghuang was found by smelling the smell, because if she could, the Demon Temple was also a demon clan, and it was naturally possible, obviously not.

   "You came just right, and you just took us to Xianhai Holy City." Chen Mo said.

"it is good."

   Huanghuang nodded his little head.

   "Let’s rest for a while. You can find something to eat. There may not be much meat. When you arrive in Xianhai Holy City, I will take you to eat better."

  With the phoenix and phoenix, this day's journey may be half an hour, so Chen Mo is really happy. I am very grateful to Xiao Ruhan and also very grateful to Empress Shengyao for her support.

   "There is meat."

   Then Huang Huang raised his hand and didn't know where it came from, carrying two dead rabbits in his hand.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Chen Mo then held back his laugh.

   No wonder these girls can go together, that's how it is.

   "Then you can bake it yourself, I have some seasoning here." Chen Mo put the seasoning on the ground.

   "Young Master Chenmo, what about you?"

   "I'll rest for a while, and leave in an hour."

"it is good!"

Then Chen Mo returned to the room. The so-called rest was actually offline. Last night, it was offline. At that time, the reality was in the morning. Now it’s dawn, the reality is probably in the afternoon. It happened that Lin Kexin and the others should be cooking dinner, Chen Mo must go offline if he has the opportunity to go offline, at least not to worry them too much.

   Lin Kexin’s heart is not good, and thanks to the medicine of the medical sage Jiang Renyi forcing her life, if she is worried all day long, it will definitely burden her heart.

   Chen Mo didn't want her to worry, but he had to stay in Tianlin, stay in Xianhai.

   went online again, the four beautiful girls and Ye Yuhan, Ran Qingqiu sat there, the Bunny had finished eating, and they had eaten some other things. I don’t know what they were talking about.

   Chen Mo walked over slowly and heard what they were talking about.

   It was Chen Mo who had handled the Flame Demon Temple alone. Of course, it was Huang Huang who said there. Everyone was fascinated! Of course, Huang Huang didn’t see the specific situation either. She just sent Chen Mo to the neighborhood. What she said was the vision of heaven and earth that she probably saw, that is, the angry flame demon attacking Chen Mo’s world. Elephant, anyway, is very powerful, and Chen Mo can still be fine in such a situation, even more powerful.

   "How can I be as good as you said."

   Chen Mo smiled and said.

   Several people quickly turned around.

   "Young Master Chenmo..."

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu also stood up.

   "No, my elder sister said that the elder brother is very good, so he must be very good."

   Huang Huang said confidently.

   Chen Mo is really good. He feels that he is really so-so. The so-called good is actually a few good skills. If you abandon these skills, Chen Mo is really nothing.

   "Go, let's hurry."

"it is good!"

   Then the Huanghuang jumped, transforming into that beautiful and noble Phoenix form.

   "Huanghuang is a family of nine spirits?"

   Ran Qingqiu showed a surprised expression after seeing Huanghuang's body.

   Chen Mo looked at Ran Qingqiu with interest.

   "The Nine Spirits?"

   Ye Yuhan also gave her a surprised look.

   She had heard of this Nine Spirits clan, but she had only heard of it and didn't know it. She didn't know that Huang Huang was the Nine Spirits clan.

   "It should be, I have read ancient books, and they look very similar to ancient books."

   Then they jumped and landed on the top, Huang Huang galloped towards the distance, this speed is absolutely unimaginable.

   Chen Mo has been riding a lot of powerful mounts, and there has never been one faster than Huanghuang.

   "What kind of race is the Nine Spirits?"

   They sat on Huanghuang, and Chen Mo asked.

   They can also hear their conversation.

"The Nine Spirits are rumored to be the strongest family in the Phoenix line~www.readwn.com~ The phoenix, like the dragon, has many branches, but in the record the Nine Spirits are the strongest. It is said that the Nine Spirits have nine lives. One of them, the second point is that the Nine Spirits are the incarnation of the sun. The explosive power of the Nine Spirits is the strongest among all races. No... it can't be said to be explosive, but the largest range of destructive power is the strongest!"

   Ran Qingqiu said.

   "The incarnation of the sun, isn't it illuminated by a candle?"

"The sun candle light came from the demon temple of the demon clan, and it is recognized that the Nine Spirits are the incarnation of the sun, and it is more convincing. In terms of combat power, the sun candle light may not be as strong as the Nine Spirits clan, so if the Phoenix If Huang is really from the Nine Spirits clan, it must be very strong."

   "Hmm... I don't know. My sister found me when I was very young and adopted Huanghuang. She didn't tell Huanghuang about my life experience."

   Huanghuang's voice came.

"The Nine Spirits are a kind of existence side by side with the holy angels, but I read the ancient books that said that the Nine Spirits provoked the wrath of the sky, and it has been extinct on the mainland long, long ago. I don't know whether it is true or not. "

   Ran Qingqiu said.

   Huang Huang did not speak either. .

She may not care about these, because she has no memory of this aspect. If it is really her race, she will care about it. If she is persecuted by other races, she will definitely take revenge, but if it really provokes the wrath of the sky, There is nothing she can do! She likes her life now, and she likes everyone.

   Chen Mo felt quite surprised, how come there are so many **** around him? All of them look ordinary, but in fact they are all big guys.

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