Time slowly passed, and it was almost as Chen Mo guessed. They haven't talked much about this yet, a huge city appeared in front of them!

   The scale of the city is similar to that of the most prosperous Shengyao Tiancheng that Chen Mo has ever seen, but it is not so tall and may not be so lively, but it is really exciting to see such a place in the inner region of Xianhai.

   Huanghuang fell on the ground, transformed into a human body, and the pretty girl stood beside Chen Mo with the three girls.

There are many people outside the city. Some of them glanced at Chen Mo's side, but they were not as surprised as the outsiders, because here, almost all of them are monsters, and there are not a few powerful monsters. They are also used to seeing all kinds of phoenixes, dragons and other magnificent beasts flying across the sky or falling beside them.

   If you pay more attention, of course it is their temperament.

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu put on a veil!

They know that the people from the Demon God Temple are chasing them, and every person who enters the inner realm of Xianhai, as long as you need the value of fame, then you must come to this Xianhai Holy City to receive everyone’s fairy king chain, so if they If you also know that, the smartest choice is to wait for Chen Mo and others to arrive directly in this Xianhai Holy City. Therefore, Chen Mo and the others are more worried. They just don’t know who is faster or slower. According to the black boss, they are away from the fairy. Sea Saint City is near, and some people may not be able to reach Xianhai Saint City for a month.

   But it is necessary to come here, because they need to go back and establish their own influence here on the way to find the law of life.

   But you have to know that there are so many of them. The three heads surpassed Zhuge Liang, and they can think of this. But you know, they are talented people who know that they are coming to Xianhai Holy City, but what if those people did not meet? So under normal circumstances, they should be fast, but they were delayed there all night, so I really can't tell.

   Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan's first reaction when they landed was to patrol the people outside the gate of Xianhai Holy City to see if there were anyone from the Demon Temple, and glanced roughly.

   "Master Chenmo, the people from the Demon Temple may not have come here yet." Ye Yuhan said.

   Because if they come here, someone must be guarding here, and they are masters. The first reaction to seeing them must be an attack, but they did not encounter it.

   "Well, let's go in."

   Then they walked in.

   The things in the entire Xianhai Holy City are similar to those outside, including inns, pubs, and roadside stalls.

   There are many more pedestrians on the road than Chen Mo imagined. People who thought they were normal would build their own power. Who has spare time and who wants to stay in the city for consumption? Who is cultivating in the city? Those who come for cultivation, they may not even bother to come here to receive the Immortal King Chain, just find a place where no one is there. As for eating and drinking, it is just for some capable people. It can be found, and people with high levels generally don't need to eat for a long time.

   And why these people stay in the city, there must be a reason. Chen Mo feels that maybe he can't hang around outside, come here to live in peace?

  Chen Mo can't even understand the people who open pubs or even stalls here...

   They estimate that they are all those who can't live here. They can only earn fame through this kind of transaction. Of course, this may be the third way to earn fame, do business! Obviously it works, but you can't do this kind of small business if you want to make a lot of money. If you grow up, can you make a billion?

   Three...no, the things that four girls care about most when entering a city are of course delicious!

   Since coming here, Chen Mo really hasn't given them anything good, and the food he brought has already been eaten! Because he was not sure whether he could find the black-robed man, he didn't bring much food from the Bihailong clan in advance.

   But now there is no prestige value for them to buy.

  "This old man asks, where can I get the fairy king chain?"

   Chen Mo walked to an old man who was selling biscuits.

Seeing this old man, Chen Mo also suddenly realized something. Not all people in Xianhai's inner realm are people from outside. This is why there are so many people in Xianhai Holy City, because there are many people who already exist here. Indigenous people, so you will see a lot of mature industrial chains, in fact, most of them are engaged in by these indigenous people.

   "The fairy king chain is in the Tianhui over there, and you will see the Tianhui sign when you get there."

   The old man pointed in a direction and said.

   "Thank you, old man."

   Chen Mo and the others walked over and saw the magnificent Tianhui in about twenty minutes. Tianhui is the name of this building, or it may be the name of this power, it should be the black robe meeting!

   This day will be very conspicuous. It is the largest and largest building in the entire place. It is really big beyond your imagination, and it may resemble a large gymnasium.

   There are not many people, because one day someone enters the Xianhai area every month.

  Chen Mo and the others walked in. As expected, all the people in the black robe meeting were those in black robe with no skin exposed.

   "Senior, let's come and receive the fairy king chain."

   Chen Mo said.

"Come with me."

   Then the black-robed man led them into a room.

   The room is very simple~www.readwn.com~ Just a few sofas and some cabinets.

   The black-robed man walked over with some fairy king chains and handed them out one by one.

   "You can activate it by dropping your own blood on the fairy king chain."

   Black robe is humane.

   "Thank you!"

   "Well, once activated, the fairy king chain can only be used by itself. If it is dead, the reputation value of the fairy king chain is cleared, and each fairy king chain has an initial reputation value of one thousand."

   The black-robed man probably told Chen Mo about the situation.

   "Then how do you summon soldiers?"

   "When you drop blood on it, you will know it naturally."

"it is good!"

   "Just do it here, please feel free to ask me if you don't understand."

   The black robe man walked out after speaking.

   There was a small needle on the table, Chen Mo pierced it without hesitation, and a drop of blood fell on the chain of the fairy king.


  The white light flickered.

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu didn't hesitate either. The four girls weren't a coward who was afraid of pain, but one of them found it interesting.

   Chen Mo was dumbfounded by...

   When the fairy king chain was activated, his mind urged a moment, and a panel that was really the same as the game appeared in front of him, the game in the game? This is too beautiful.

   This panel records your fame value, and the fame value transaction can also be done directly with the idea. It is exactly the same as the Pluto chain. The difference is that there is a panel. There are only two things that can be exchanged on the panel, one is a soldier! The second is water.

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