I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 846: Go to the Holy Light Fairyland

   Sheng Yuhai and Sheng Yuner are really amazing!

   They never thought that a banquet would allow them to find their daughter. In such a big world, they could not find it, but someone sent their daughter to the front. The feeling is really indescribable! Compared to one day suddenly, your father told you that you are actually a rich second generation and more comfortable.

   "Then... Then I'll meet her first."

   Sheng Yuner said.

   "Let's go, let's be together."

   Then the three of them walked out together.

   Everyone looked at Chen Mo with envy and jealousy. They all thought it was a lucky thing to be able to stay and chat with Sheng Yuhai.

   "Shui Shui."

   Chen Mo then beckoned.

"Big brother."

   Then the four girls holding delicious food in their hands, happily ran over.


   Shui Shui stuffed a small piece of cake into Chen Mo's mouth, and then smiled happily.

   Sheng Yun'er and Sheng Yuhai saw her smiling so happily, they were also happy in their hearts, at least they knew that she was happy with him.

   And Sheng Yun'er has been holding back her impulse and excitement, her eyes are red again.

   "Shui Shui, these two are the masters of the Holy Light Immortal Territory. During this time, the four of you will stay here and have fun, OK?"

   Chen Mo asked.

   "What about Big Brother?"

   Shui Shui asked.


   "You guys stay here too, I will find someone to help guard your forces."

   Sheng Yuhai said to Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo nodded; "Okay!"


   They are naturally happy, and they are willing to go wherever Chen Mo is there.

   "Huh? Sister, what's wrong with you?"

   Xiao Yuan tilted his head and looked at Sheng Yun'er and asked.

   everyone; "..."


   Tong Yan Wu Ji, Tong Yan Wu Ji.

   Sheng Yuner wiped the reddish eye sockets, and then smiled; "There is nothing unhappy."


   Xiaoyuan then handed her a piece of cake.

   "You won’t be unhappy if you eat delicious food."

   Sheng Yuner took the cake, rubbed her little head with a smile, and then looked at Shuishi.

   is her daughter, so pretty.

   For a while, she really didn't know what to say to her daughter.

   Sheng Yuhai is the same. He knows that his daughter is standing in front of him, but he doesn't know what to say. Maybe she has infinite guilt in her heart, maybe she only has blood relationship now, and she doesn't know how to speak.

   "Shui Shui, these two are super super awesome. They have a lot of delicious food, and they have everything they want to eat."

   Chen Mo then said.

   "Wow! Really?"

   "Well, I have everything I want to eat."

   Sheng Yun'er said happily.

The first sentence    said, she was really happy and excited.

   "So, I will be satisfied if I tell them what I want to eat in the future."

   Chen Mo smiled.

"well, thanks."

   Shui Shui said happily.

   "It's okay, it's okay, so... shall we go back first? I'll let someone arrange a place for you first. If you want to eat, go to the Holy Light Immortal Realm, and I'll let you prepare it."

   "Wow, wow!"

   The four girls nodded happily.

   "Let's go, follow them."

   "What about Big Brother?"

   They blinked their big eyes and looked at Chen Mo

   "We are behind you, you can ask them what's delicious." Chen Mo smiled.

"it is good."

   Their sweet and greasy answers.

   Chen Mo left them a chance to chat alone.

   Sheng Yuhai and Sheng Yuner looked at Chen Mo gratefully.

   "Everyone, this is the end of today's banquet. I am very happy that you can come. There are still things that I want to deal with in the Saint Light Immortal Domain, so I will end it early!"

   Sheng Yuhai then said to everyone.

After   , they scattered one after another.

The four girls listened to Chen Mo's words and chased them to ask what was delicious and fun... Of course they were super patient and willing to answer them, while Chen Mo, Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan followed them. A distance of tens of meters!

   "Master Chenmo, what's the matter?"

   Ran Qingqiu asked puzzledly.

   "Holy Light Immortal Domain is actually the holy light winged tiger clan, and Shui Shui is also the holy light winged tiger clan, their daughter who has been lost for many years."

   Chen Mo explained.

   Two women: "..."

   Ye Yuhan is even more dazed, isn't he about to accept the righteous girl? Did you find your own daughter at once?

that's nice.

   "So, we can get their support!"

  Chen Mo nodded: "Definitely, Shui Shui is their daughter, and we are of great help to Shui Shui, they can definitely help us."

   Chen Mo said.

   This is also luck. Because of his luck, he met Shuishi, and because of good luck, they are Shuishi's parents. Isn't this luck?

   "What about the law of life?"

   Ye Yuhan asked.

   "He hasn't said anything about the law of life, but the predecessor personally participated in the battle that year!"

   Chen Mo said.

   The beautiful eyes of the second girl lit up slightly.

   This is too good news.

   "But the specific needs will be discussed when I get there, I hope he can give me good news."

   Chen Mo said.

   He is really looking forward to it. He thinks he will definitely get good news.

   "But Shui Shui turned out to be their daughter. I really didn't expect it to be a fate to meet."

   Ye Yuhan couldn't help but said in surprise.

  "Yes~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo really feels that there are too many coincidences that have happened to you.


   Soon, they came to a huge flying monster.

   "Little Brother Chenmo, Miss Ye, Miss Ran, let's go up together, let's go to Shengguang Xianyu."

   Sheng Yuhai said to Chen Mo and the others.

"it is good!"

   Then they jumped onto the monster beast and galloped away.

   Behind him, Liu Feng walked out, watching Chen Mo and the others go away, his eyes flashing viciously!

   Why? Why did all of them leave with the Lord of the Holy Light Immortal Domain?

   Even if he did have a very good record, he wouldn't be taken to the Holy Light Immortal Realm, right?

   Maybe that person can be brought over, after all, he has to be brought over to cultivate, why did everyone go?

   Liu Feng originally thought, ask the strong family to intercept them halfway, then kill them all, and forcibly **** those beautiful girls away. In this case, this plan won't work!

   Even he was jealous, would these people really get the respect of the Holy Light Immortal Domain? If it is, then he can't afford it.

   "Damn it!"

   Liu Feng clenched his fists.


   On the other side, they soon came to the Holy Light Fairyland!

   Looking condescendingly, the Holy Light Immortal Domain is simply not too big, too beautiful. It may not be the size of a city, but it is definitely not much smaller. The lights of various colors are flashing, which is particularly shocking.

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