I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 847: Fairy brew

   The monster flew in directly, and several people jumped off from above.

   "Little Brother Chenmo, Miss Ye, Miss Ran, I will have someone prepare a place for you first, and the dinner will be prepared right away!"

   Sheng Yuhai said to Chen Mo and the others.


   Chen Mo nodded.

You can eat or not at the dinner party, because everyone has eaten at the banquet, but Chen Mo thought that these four girls can really eat, it is estimated that more of them want to prepare super luxurious dinners for them, so Chen Mo didn't say much.

"Young Master Chenmo, I will accompany Shuishui and the others. You can visit the Holy Light Immortal Domain first. I will tell you to go down. If you have any requirements, you can talk to anyone in the Holy Light Immortal Domain at any time. All here in the domain are the holy light winged tiger clan, there is no other race, the holy light winged tiger clan is distributed according to the holy light of various colors."

   Sheng Yuner explained to Chen Mo.

   "Okay! Thanks a lot."

   "No, we want to thank you!"

   Sheng Yun'er saluted slightly.

The four girls came to a new place, and they were super beautiful, super big, super beautiful. They were so happy. They ran around and cheered. Sheng Yuhai and Sheng Yun'er told them to go down. Behind them, I looked at them happily.

   "My husband, our daughter will be called Shui Shui from now on."

   Shui Shui was definitely not called this name before, but now she thinks this name is also quite good, Sheng Shui Shui...

   "Well, I think it's pretty good too. I really appreciate little brother Chen Mo. I didn't expect to bring our daughters back."

   Sheng Yuhai was so happy that he even felt that his daughter was no longer in this world.

   No wonder Sheng Yun'er felt that one of them felt very kind to her at the time. In fact, he also felt that she was from the same clan, but her daughter.

   "By the way, I heard that Miss Ran and Miss Ye are both the companions of Young Master Chenmo."

   Sheng Yuner said to Sheng Yuhai.

"Well... This Chenmo really surprised me. It is reasonable to have two such beautiful and excellent partners, and the little princesses of the Shengyang clan are by his side, and there is also a small partner who is the Emperor Shengyao. It is enough to prove that this popularity is against the sky, and the facts have proved so."

   Sheng Yuhai said.

   They talked a lot with Shui Shui, and they learned about Chen Mo's personality. They like Chen Mo so much, so Sheng Yuhai and his wife also have special trust in Chen Mo.

   "Then prepare a good room for them."

   "Well, I told you to go down."

   "But the law of life..."

   Sheng Yuhai sighed slightly.

   He didn’t know what Chen Mo was doing to find the law of life. This kind of thing can be met but not sought. If it is to improve his strength, there is really no need to find the law. It’s too difficult, but if it’s other aspects...

   "I think Young Master Chenmo's search for the law of life should be more than simply improving his own strength, husband, do you think?"

   "Well...Although I don't know much about him, Weihu thinks that he should not be that superficial, and there should be deeper reasons..."


   On the other side, the three of Chen Mo were walking.

They visited the entire Holy Light Immortal Territory. As Sheng Yuhai said, the Holy Light Immortal Territory is all of the holy light winged tiger clan. Sometimes you can see the beautiful winged tigers on their bodies, most of which are transformed into human forms and have green colors. The holy light lives in a certain place in the holy light fairyland, and the red holy light lives in a certain place. Each holy light winged tiger has a patriarch, who controls the corresponding race, and Sheng Yuhai rules the entire holy light. The patriarch of the Skywing Tiger! Status is the highest! Because his strength is considered the strongest in this generation, because he possesses the four-color holy light.

   Every kind of Holy Light Skywing Tigers get along very harmoniously. In addition to the strong bloodlines, they must be very united within them.

   Chen Mo increasingly felt that the people around him were getting better and better, the Shengyang clan, the Holy Light Skywing Tiger Clan, the Phoenix Phoenix, and even more mysterious little fate...

   They gathered together, and one day, they all grew up, the combat power is unimaginable!

   "Young Master Chenmo, two girls, the dinner is ready, and the patriarch invited three of them to the dinner."

   A beautiful young lady came to them and said respectfully.

   "Thank you!"

"please follow me!"

  The three people then came to a very beautiful hall.

In the whole hall, apart from the young ladies who served the dishes, there were only four girls and Sheng Yuhai and his wife. Under normal circumstances, they would invite many people of the same tribe together, but because they wanted to talk to Chen Mo about some special things, only A few of them.

   The entire table is more than ten meters long, and there are more than dozens of various dishes on the table. It can be seen that this is definitely a fine product in the world, and the four girls are about to slobber! I ate a lot at the banquet, but they were called super snacks, and they were able to eat them, but they were all enduring them and they would not eat until Chen Mo came over.

   So Sheng Yuhai and the others can see that these girls respect Chen Mo and let them eat. They all shook their heads and refused, saying that they would have to wait for the big brother to come.

   "Little Brother Chenmo, Girl Ran, Girl Ye, please sit down."

   Chen Mo and the others walked in, Sheng Yuhai said quickly.

   "Thank you, senior~www.readwn.com~Ah...Don't call senior, you look so strange, if you want, you can call me uncle."

   Sheng Yuhai smiled.

   "Uh-Uncle Saint."

   "Okay! Sit down."

   Shengyu smiled openly.

   "These are all carefully prepared by me, and I don't know if it meets your appetites. By the way, there is also this top-quality wine and fairy drunk."

   Sheng Yuhai then opened a hip flask, and the fragrance that made people drunk instantly floated out.

   Absolutely good wine! Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

   Seeing good wine, what is his first reaction now? Chen Mo was helpless if he left and honored Xiao Ruhan.

   The two young ladies poured wine on them, Shengyu Haidao; "This is a fairy drunk that has been stored for hundreds of years. It should be the top wine on the entire continent. How do you feel?"

   Chen Mo took a sip.

   This is definitely Xiao Ruhan's favorite.

   "It's delicious! The aftertaste is endless."

   "Hahaha, I still have two pots there, I will have someone give it to you then."


   Although Chen Mo wanted it very much, he still showed an expression of rejection.

   "Don't refuse, the more you refuse, the more strange it will make me feel."

   "Well, then it's better to be respectful than fate."

   There are good things to honor Xiao Ruhan's rude master. .

   "Try it now, girls, eat too."

"it is good!"

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