I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 857: Little dreams and the law of life

  As a sister of the same age, Xiao Meng is of course particularly interested in Xiao Yuan and the others. From following them until now, she has never played with such a girl, of course she really wants to play! She works hard every day, but in fact she also wants to play.

   "Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, and Yingying, they are all good friends, let's take you to play with them."

   "Wow, wow!"

   Xiao Meng nodded happily, and the three of them walked over.

Those girls were playing hide-and-seek in the garden. Shui Shui was blindfolded and caught them there. It can be seen that Yingying has played well with them in such a short period of time. These girls have this kind of magic power. Chen Mo has a magical power that can particularly attract the attention of little Lolita, and he is also an amazing and beautiful little Lolita.

   The mouse was lying on Yingying's shoulders all the way, and seeing Chen Mo coming, its first reaction was to run directly behind Yingying to hide.

The chain of calamity is a prison for the law. No one wants to go back to the cage. The law of death that is not even physically disfigured will want to escape when Chen Mo is equipped with the chain of calamity, let alone Derived a spiritual life law.


   Shui Shui blindfolded, then hugged Chen Mo.

   Suddenly she felt wrong, how could it be that big? Then she took off the blindfold.

"Big brother."

   Seeing Chen Mo, Shui Shui smiled happily.

Chen Mo smiled and rubbed her little head, and then several other girls came close. Yingying took the mice far away. Yingying liked Chen Mo very much, but she knew that mice did not Like it, so she didn't come close.

   "Introduce you, this is a little dream, you can take her to play together."

   Chen Mo said.

   Xiao Meng blinked her big eyes and looked at many beautiful little girls who were as big as her own. She was very happy. After all, she was the same age, they could play together.

"it is good!"

   They nodded happily.

   First, Xiao Meng is as old as them, second, she is also very beautiful, and third, she is brought by her elder brother, so they will definitely like it.

   From the beginning, there were only three girls, and now there are more phoenixes, and more Yingying, and now there is a little dream. The three-person team suddenly became a six-person team! And all of them are pretty and cute little girls. The six of them stand together, which is really dazzling. There is one kind of, god, did this man save the galaxy in his previous life? Why are there so many beautiful little loli around?

   Even if you say that the adults around you are pretty, these little loli's are so pretty to the point of enchanting that you really can't bear it.

   Chen Mo said that he was also stunned, why are all these beautiful girls by his side? Even the little loli is so pretty...

   Shui Shui took Xiao Meng and pulled her into their little... No, it's a big group now.

   Lin Kexin was even more surprised, these little girls are so pretty...Are they all good friends with Brother Chen Mo?

   The mouse on Yingying's shoulder looked at Xiao Meng with big eyes, and Xiao Meng also looked at her at the same time.


   In the next instant, the mouse jumped onto Xiao Meng's body.


   Yingying gave a cry, then ran over and stood beside Xiao Meng.

   Chen Mo was also taken aback for a while.

This mouse is the law of life, and Xiao Meng once caused the chain of disaster to react, and they seem to be very familiar with each other. The mouse actually gets close to Xiao Meng actively. Chen Mo has reason to believe that Xiao Meng will definitely follow The Chain of Disaster has an extraordinary relationship! As for who she is...

   Even Chen Mo once thought that Xiao Meng was a certain rule?

   After all, the law of life can be transformed into a beast form, and it can definitely be transformed into a human body in the future.

   But it is impossible for Chen Mo to think of it here. Xiao Meng is someone he found in reality, and here is Tianlin. Could it be said that Xiao Meng went from Tianlin to Skyblue Star?

   How is this possible? She has the ability to crush the void? That's even more impossible! In addition to being able to detect the inner thoughts of others, Xiao Meng is really soft and weak like a little girl of this size, but they must be related!

  Meng was surprised at first, a little confused and then surprised, Chen Mo could see that she didn't know mice at all, and the mice might have felt some kindness in Xiaomeng? Can only guess like this.

"Little Dream."

   Chen Mo beckoned to Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng then ran over, but the mouse quickly jumped into Yingying's arms.

   "Little dream, later..."

   Chen Mo said a few words to Xiao Meng.

   "Hmm, Xiao Meng understands."

   Lin Kexin showed a puzzled expression.

   "Well, you guys go and play."

   Chen Mo said.

   Then they ran away happily.

   "Brother Chen Mo, why did you let that little squirrel release his power to me?"

   Lin Kexin asked suspiciously.

   Chen Mo didn't plan to tell her about Lin Kexin's illness.

   "That little squirrel may have some special ability, let her release it to you to see if ~www.readwn.com~ can improve you some attributes, it is best if it can be natural."

   Lin Kexin didn't doubt anything, and nodded.

Chen Mo does not think that Lin Kexin will be released from the law of life in the game, and she will be better in reality, because it is really incredible, but Chen Mo has a little expectation, because Chen Mo can feel that he has improved in reality. Many of them are because of the improvement brought to him by the game, so by analogy, curing Lin Kexin in the game can really cure her in reality?

   Chen Mo thinks there is a slight possibility, so he must give it a try! The little squirrel is closer to Xiao Meng, and Chen Mo will let Xiao Meng take the mice to Lin Kexin to release her strength!

Sheng Yuhai and Sheng Yuner of the holy wing tiger clan have not yet recognized Shui Shui, but they are very happy, because they get along with the water and the water in a very special harmony. Yun'er sleeps with them. She really thinks this is the happiest moment in these years.

   At this time, Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan came over.

They get along a lot during this period of time. Before, no one talked to anyone, but now, the two girls will even sit down and talk with two people, and they will discuss together, discussing all the thoughts of cultivation...the relationship is getting more and more. The closer it gets! Mainly because the two people have gradually accepted each other! Although Dao is different and not conspiring, if Ran Qingqiu is really not the person of the cult, and what she said is true, Ye Yuhan will definitely accept it and will personally investigate the matter! !

   "Young Master Chenmo."

   The second girl came to Chen Mo and yelled softly, and then the eyes of the three girls fell together.

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