I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 858: Failed……

   These women are very sensitive creatures. When Lin Kexin saw two such beautiful sisters, she was really envious and surprised. It was the intuition from the women that they seemed to have a good relationship with Brother Chen Mo.

   is very strange. In her cognition, this is obviously a game. Why does she feel jealous when she sees those beautiful sisters around Chen Mo? She was jealous of the characters in the game...

   Of course, to be jealous is to be jealous. She is still very happy in her heart. Of course she is happy to see Chen Mo being liked by her beautiful sister.

   But at the same time, she was very disappointed, why?

   She would think, is Brother Chen Mo rarely offline because of his beautiful sister in the game?

   Ye Yuhan and Ran Qingqiu had an intuition when they saw Lin Kexin, she definitely had an extraordinary meaning to Mr. Chenmo, yes, girls are really very sensitive.

   "This is Kexin."

   Chen Mo said to them.

   Then they introduced each other.

   "The two sisters are so beautiful, they really look like fairies."

   Lin Kexin said enviously.

   She is really not a compliment, she feels that they are a little bit outrageous, and in front of them, she has a sense of inferiority.

   "You are beautiful too."

   Ye Yuhan said with a smile.

   "How about...play with them?"

   Chen Mo suggested.

   Chen Mo heard their conversation, what did you say? It feels like letting them meet is a bad choice, but since Lin Kexin is brought, this is inevitable. I hope nothing bad will happen. Chen Mo thinks Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan are very smart Although the word didn't tell them anything, and didn't imply anything, Chen Mo felt that they should all understand it.

   In short, they are very worry-free.

   But Chen Mo really didn't dare to let the three of them sit alone and chat together. He might talk about something, so he suggested that everyone play with these girls.


   Lin Kexin readily agreed.

   "Ding...the player [Mother Generation Woman] Qingqiu is talking to you."

   The three girls approached the girls, and Chen Mo's communicator rang.

   "Ahhhhhhh! Brother Chen Mo, it's just a little bit late, I want to play with you too! Ahhhhhhh!"

   Zhao Yingmeng's grievances and madness came from the communicator.


   Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

   Reasonable, he didn't wait for Zhao Yingmeng, he really didn't expect Zhao Yingmeng.

"Next time."

   Chen Mo then coughed dryly.


   Chen Mo: "……"

   "It's too far, it consumes too much empty magic stone, just next time."

   Chen Mo then said again.

   "Oh, good, then Brother Chen Mo must remember."


   Then Chen Mo hung up the communicator. He then sat not far away, looking at them happily playing in front of him, thinking what a beautiful picture this was.

   Even Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan showed a faint smile, and the bell-like laughter of several girls spread far and wide.

   Chen Mo did not play with them, because the mouse was afraid of himself, what Chen Mo could do next was to let the law of life see if it could successfully affect Lin Kexin.

   In the distance, Sheng Yuhai and Sheng Yun'er came over. When they saw this small team growing again, they were a little surprised.

  Really, I had never thought that there would be so many cute little girls before, and they looked at Chen Mo again, always feeling that this person saved the common people in the past life.

   The mouse jumped on Xiao Meng's body again while playing, rubbing against her arms.

After a while, Chen Mo saw with his own eyes what Xiao Meng and the mouse were saying. The mouse could obviously understand what they were saying. Then he nodded his head in Xiao Meng’s arms. After a while, Xiao Meng took Lin Kexin’s The hand took her aside.

   Chen Mo did not approach, he was afraid that if he approached, it would scare the mouse and affect its power release.

   Soon, Chen Mo saw a soft milky light burst out of the mouse, and the light enveloped Lin Kexin's whole person. Lin Kexin looked left and right, but actually didn't know what he was doing.

   Ran Qingqiu and Ye Yuhan looked over.

   The mouse is the law of life, and Mr. Chen Mo said that he was looking for the law of life to save people. Now he specially brought a beautiful girl. Could it be that Mr. Chen Mo wants to save her?

   But it feels like she has nothing to do? Shouldn't Mr. Chen Mo use the Law of Life to save a dying person? And she looked normal, they didn't even feel any weak aura in her.

   This is also what Tianlin is so good about. In reality, even if you are disabled, even if you can’t see it, you will be alive and kicking when you arrive at Tianlin. Chen Mo is like that, so they naturally cannot feel it.

   The light gradually dissipated. Chen Mo then walked over. Seeing Chen Mo walking by, the mouse quickly jumped into Yingying's arms again, and his big smart eyes looked at Chen Mo vigilantly.

"how about it?"

   Chen Mo asked Xiang Lin Kexin.

   Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo suspiciously, and said, "It doesn't feel much, it just feels quite comfortable, but no attributes are added."

   Chen Mo frowned slightly.

   "Are there any system prompts?"

   Lin Kexin nodded ~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo still showed a disappointed expression.

   That seems to be out of play, I can only find another way.

  Of course it’s not necessarily. There may not be any reaction in the game, but what if there is a reaction in reality? Chen Mo still had a slight expectation.

   "Then it's okay. Let's continue playing. I'll see how the food is prepared. There are a lot of things you haven't eaten in it. You will go offline later with Xiao Meng. Let's eat something here."

   Chen Modao.

"it is good!"

   Lin Kexin nodded.

   The time lapse here is doubled, so Chen Mo must not let Lin Kexin stay longer. After eating, Chen Mo intends to send Lin Kexin and Xiao Meng back.

   Then Chen Mo walked towards the Sheng Yuhai couple in the distance.

   They have been watching their daughters happily playing with these beautiful and cute girls from a distance, and they couldn't help laughing when they watched them.

   "Two seniors, there is one thing I want to ask two of you."

   The two looked at Chen Mo.

   "Just ask, if you have anything, you don't have to be cautious with us."

   Sheng Yuhai said.

   Chen Mo nodded, and then asked: "I wonder if the two seniors know that there is something in this world that can transcend planes?"

   The two looked at each other in surprise. .

   They never expected that Chen Mo would ask questions of this level.

"This... little brother Chenmo, you ask no one knows this kind of question, beyond the plane, it may be the realm above the heavenly realm, that is, the god, crush the void, other than that, Is there any way?"

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