I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 527: Infinite darkness

Chen Mo said lightly: "Go in."

It's already like this, go out now? Going out now, even if they haven't entered the Lei Ling Pagoda, they will definitely be captured by these people and caught Lei Lingzong. Isn't it troublesome? I didn't know them anyway, so I went straight in.

Zhao Yingmeng likes to follow Chen Mo and feels very exciting. For example, now, the few powerhouses behind watched them open the door of Lei Ling Tower.

"You are looking for death! This is the Lei Ling Pagoda, this is the Lei Ling Pagoda of my Lei Ling Sect. There are countless terrifying monsters inside. You will definitely die after entering!"

The four people behind did not dare to enter, and roared angrily at Chen Mo and their backs!

They are responsible for guarding this place to prevent people with wrong intentions from releasing the monsters inside, otherwise they will harm the people. Therefore, they are of course panicked when they see someone breaking in, because they are worried that their negligence and omissions may really lead to big problems. Wrong, then when the Lei Lingzong knew that it was their fault, they would naturally inevitably be punished, because they went to drink, and they didn’t even know that someone went in here yesterday, and they didn’t expect anyone to come here, although It is possible, but they have not seen one for so many years, and they have all relaxed their vigilance. Who knows that someone broke in openly in front of them, and they don’t know how to break in, and they dare not charge. Entering that barrier, this is the barrier that gathers the thunder of heaven and earth, it exists all year round.

The others ignored them, opened the door and walked in, Zhao Yingmeng turned around and waved at them.

"Bye bye uncles."

Those people clenched their fists.

"Too arrogant, they are simply too arrogant!"

The few people pointed at them who disappeared and roared angrily! The most uncomfortable thing is that they are allowed to guard here, but they have no way to break through the thunder barrier.

"Go! Go and inform the eldest lady, the eldest lady has a way to enter the Leiling Tower, and you must let the lady stop them!"


Chen Mo and the others entered the first floor. Before, Chu Naihe said that each floor in this tower is actually a map. The consequences of entering this tower are not natural. After they enter, it will be a whole new world. You can't tell that it is in a huge Inside the tower! Obviously, these things cannot be explained by science, but how many of Tianlin can be explained by science? This is not a scientific world.

"We have almost cleared the first three floors before, and we can go directly to the fourth floor." Chu Naihe said.

Chen Mo nodded, and then Chu Naihe led the team. After all, he has been here and walked through. He knows which way he is going. There are not many monsters to stop them. In only twenty minutes, they have reached the third place in Leiling Tower. The end of the layer.

There is a teleportation array in front of it. Each layer leads to the next one. It seems that the monsters that are sealed here do not have the ability to teleport, because the strength of each layer of monsters is very balanced. Strong.

"Ahhhhh! It's so boring, isn't it dangerous? Why are the few monsters so weak? Only the 30th level of gold, this is the third level? No, you have this strength? Three? Can a tenth-level gold-level boss kill you here? Really weak."

Zhao Yingmeng said helplessly to Chu Naihe.

Chu Naihe: "..."

"Damn! If it weren't for the woman who couldn't beat me, I would hit your stinky brother with my backhand!"

Chu Naihe gave Zhao Yingmeng a blank look, and then said, "The monsters are not strong, but they are not strong, but the six of my TM were besieged by more than 500 golden bosses. There are a lot of monsters in each layer, and the distance to The teleportation array of the second layer is not far away. From the first moment you enter, it seems to be locked. All monsters will come from all directions. There are too many, and they can’t stand the TM. You will be on the fourth layer later. I know."

"Then why Big Brother Chenmo is not afraid?"

"Because the Great God Chenmo is much better than me. He is one of the great gods I worship. Isn't that normal?" Chu Naihe didn't fret at all, just said so.

"Wow! You are a real face, you are a man, how can you admit that another man is better than you."

"Is it wrong to admit that the person I admire is stronger than me?"

Chu Nai said it for granted!

"You cowhide!"

Zhao Yingmeng gave him a thumbs up secretly.

This Chu Naihe is not too old, 17 or 18 years old, and about the same as Zhao Yingmeng. Because they are the same age, they are the kind of people who talk a lot, so they can be so happy with each other.

Chen Mo shook his head secretly, it was too noisy, compared to Shuishi and Long Xiaorou, he was too obedient.

"Get ready to fight!"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he walked into the teleportation formation, followed by others.

The light flashed, and time came to the most tense moment, because the first three levels were already cleared, but only a few dozen monsters were left on the third level. They were really trying their best to kill the monsters, but to Chen Mo They say dozens of...It's really just a matter of a few skills.

"Where is this?"

When they opened their eyes, they all had very surprised expressions. They were surrounded by pitch black. There was no sky, no stars, and no moonlight. There were only scattered gleaming crystal stones on the ground, but These lights don’t give them too much light. The visibility is only about five meters. In a dark place, the visibility of five meters is really terrifying. Zhao Yingmeng subconsciously approached Chen Mo, sorry. Pulling Chen Mo, she put her hand on Shuishi's shoulder.

"I don't know either. I was violently killed before being here."

Chu Naihe shrugged his shoulders and said ~www.readwn.com~ Qingqiu stood behind them and said nothing. In her eyes, everyone in front of them just didn't know how dangerous and ignorant people were. She knew It's dangerous here, so she can't get up easily. Although she is sure she will have nothing to do, she can't let Chen Mo have something to do, and she doesn't want to expose herself now, so I hope they dare to come over because of some confidence.

"Little Rou!"

Chen Mo said, Long Xiaorou understood what Chen Mo meant. There was a raging flame in his hand, and then he threw it forward, one after another, burning on the ground, and Long Xiaorou’s flame was white, but the white flame was on the ground. In this dark environment, you can shoot farther, and don't ask to illuminate all the enemies, at least let them know what is going on!

In the darkness further away, as well as on the left and right sides, they saw a pair of dense green eye creatures rushing towards them.


A few people grouped together instantly, forming a circle back to back.

(End of this chapter)

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