I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 528: Sacred Dragon Body

This Lei Ling Pagoda seems to be a place on the mainland, not a copy created by the system, but the monster inside is really the same as the copy in the game, he will take the initiative to come to you until you completely wipe it out.

"According to the green light, one thousand monsters are in the sight range, and the level and so on have not been clearly seen."

Chu Naihe shook the sword in his hand and said nervously, after all, he had hung here.

"Ding...You got the ultimate [Shenglong True Body]."

"Ding...you got the ultimate [Nine-Colored Holy Sky Strike]."

That's right, Chen Mo thought about it slightly, and decided to steal these two girls' ults. Their ults belonged to the top class. Stealing water before was a magical change, but this time it changed. Became the Nine-Colored Holy Sky Strike. Although Chen Mo liked the ability of the Magical God Change very much, since they were all big moves, then this Nine Colored Holy Sky Strike was definitely a big move of the level of the Illusory God Change.

Chen Mo's attributes are indeed not high, but he is very popular!

Originally, Chen Mo thought it was only the fourth floor, so let’s keep the big move, but it’s so dark here and the visibility is less than five meters. They are really not good at fighting, even Chen Mo is not good at fighting, even if he adapts to the darkness, If there are only a few, there may be a dozen or so, but if you have thousands, you really can’t stand it! Although it will be more difficult later, Chen Mo feels that this level of dark environment is more suitable for big moves.


A black power rushed directly to Chu Naihe from a distance.


"Damn! I'll fight Nima!"

Chu Nai couldn't help but explode!

Even if your environment is all dark, the skills released by your monsters are also dark. In this dark environment, the two are combined into one. Nima, only to find out before her eyes, can't react at all!

"This is over! If these thousands of monsters all use this skill, we will be submerged in an instant, and there is no way to avoid it." Zhao Yingmeng also showed a bewildered expression.

Then Qingqiu has a way, the way is to use her own powerful force to directly strangle, but she can't release it!

I hope they can retreat in the face of difficulties, because the teleportation array still exists, they have a way out, and they can go back.

"Shui Shui, protect everyone!"

Chen Mo said a word and rushed forward, jumping.

"No way, Great God Chenmo, this dark environment is passively beaten!"

Chu Naihe shouted at Chen Mo, but Chen Mo's leap was flying to the sky. Chen Mo's body was burning with flames, and the terrifying flames were like the sun, immediately illuminating the surrounding area.


A thunderous dragon roar came from the air.

"Damn me?"

Chu Naihe and they looked up at Chen Mo who was burning with flames. They were shocked to find that Chen Mo had turned into a dragon! A huge yellow-red dragon hovered in the air.

"What the **** is this?"

Chu Nai asked dumbfoundedly.

Zhao Yingmeng also shook his head dumbfounded.

She has seen Chen Mo use many ultimatums, and some of them have even attracted visions of heaven and earth, which are very exaggerated, but this is the first time she saw this ultimatum, and she even felt even more majestic! A dragon that is thousands of meters long in the air is really shocking!

Long Xiaorou's mouth opened wide!

Isn't this a power that can only be used by her Shengyang clan? Why would Big Brother use this power? Her little face was full of confusion.

The true body of the sacred dragon is similar to the phantom **** change, but it will not give Chen Mo all the skills, without any skills, but simply become a true body of the sacred dragon. The dragon family possesses the world’s top physical power. The so-called sacred dragon body is not as simple as turning into the body. This is a top-notch big move. It will turn the Shengyang clan into the body, and then increase the strength by an unimaginable multiple, and the body's toughness has also increased to an unimaginable stage. According to the mainland records, the defensive ability of the sacred dragon is the strongest in the world, no one, no power can break through the defense of the sacred dragon! Even if the dragon is not a monster of the main defense type! But release the true body of the holy dragon, that is invincible!

At the same time, its power is the strongest in the world, not one of them! The destructive power can be said to be against the sky, of course, only during the release of the holy dragon body, the release of the holy dragon body consumes a lot of spiritual power every second, which is also destined to be unable to last too long.

Qingqiu watched this scene in shock!

This momentum has definitely reached the power of the Heaven Forbidden Grade, and it is still a dragon!

For a time, her heart was extremely complicated!

First of all, she finally understood why the leader valued him so much, and even took him back at all costs, and even wanted to train him to become the next leader of Yangshen Sect, because he was so incredible! She heard rumors about the previous things. Some of the rumors were false and some were true. Although it seemed that everything about him was true, it was hard to imagine and accept that you had never seen it with your own eyes. But today I saw it with my own eyes. In this scene, a martial artist with only the strength of the ghost and mysterious can burst out this kind of power. Although it is the power of an alien race, how many kinds of power does he have?

Then there is some helplessness. Since he has directly released this kind of power on this occasion, can it be explained that he is not so lack of this level of power? I'm afraid it can be explained this way, otherwise it is impossible for someone to release it so easily. That means that in the future, if she shoots him, he will definitely be able to release this power, and even kill her in a flash, which is embarrassing. !

So this made Qingqiu cautious again, and he didn't even dare to do it.

At this moment, Chen Mo feels uncomfortable. He thinks that although this holy dragon body is powerful, it is only a very powerful big move. If his attribute release is actually relatively weak, he can think of this holy dragon body. The body is actually equivalent to the skill of phantom change?

The reason why it is uncomfortable is because ~www.readwn.com~ this awesome skill has long known that it is so powerful, so I used it when it was really dangerous! Blame him for not seeing the skill introduction.

The big moves of the same strength are also divided into types. For example, if Chen Mo stole the phantom change, then Chen Mo can really have the peak level of power, breaking hundreds of millions of damage in one move, and stealing a large amount of air every second. The trick is to release Chen Mo's attributes. The visual impact is powerful, but the damage is nothing more than that. Which is powerful? Of course it is the former, and this holy dragon is the former! Chen Mo is now... invincible!


Without using the skills, Chen Mo rushed down like this. The huge dragon body bombarded the ground, and a tail smashed down. The whole ground cracked tens of meters. The monster was instantly killed, and the damage value exceeded 100 million... That's right! In just one minute, Chen Mo killed all the monsters on the fourth floor.

Zhao Yingmeng and Chu Nai opened their mouths wide, and they almost saw a ghost.

This TM thought it was a fierce battle, but I didn't expect...

(End of this chapter)

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