I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 535: Forbidden

The power of the sacred dragon is directly released, with a stun effect of up to three seconds, but this skill does not ignore the rank and level, so there is absolutely no three seconds when facing the beast of the gods, but there will definitely be a short-term stun .

The huge three-headed Thunder Lord was stunned in place.

Chen Mo then said to them: "Protect yourself, don't you!"

Then Chen Mo leaped forward directly.

Chen Mo knows that although they have obtained a very powerful hidden job, their combat power is indeed not weak, but in the face of their 900 million HP, it is really useless, they may fight against the beast of Shenhuang Hundreds of thousands of damage, it must be a very rare big move, but hundreds of thousands... useless!

So Chen Mo thinks they should not go on!

Zhao Yingmeng and Chu Naihe looked at each other.


They can go up, but their attacks may not cause much damage to the beast of Shenhuang. Faced with its 900 million HP, it is really insignificant, and the damage to them by this BOSS is a trick. Spike!

Even Chu Naihe felt that it could be withdrawn, it really couldn't be beaten, if it was a high-level Tian Jue beast, it didn't matter, Shen Huang... had surpassed the limit that they could resist!

Zhao Yingmeng was also uncomfortable. Originally thought that she could perform in front of Chen Mo to prove that she was not as weak as before, but now that she has encountered a monster of this level, it is useless for her to criticize it. At this stage, How many players in the entire Tianlin can fight the beast of Shenhuang?

However, Chen Mo had already seen it when the monsters were swarmed before, and it was indeed a lot stronger. At least for professional reasons, she should now belong to the top ranks, but she may not be able to beat a master of the same level. She still needs work out.

"We can't help. Since the Great God Chenmo wants to continue fighting, I think even though it is impossible, no matter how high the monster's blood volume, he should have a way. Even if we are up, the damage is not enough. As far as the HP BOSS is concerned, what is our damage! And it's still a trick!"

After thinking about it, Zhao Yingmeng nodded, and then distanced himself from Chu Naihe. They really wanted to help Chen Mo fight and also wanted to prove themselves, but the opponent was too strong, they could not prove it, and they were not qualified to prove it. On the contrary, if they were to fight forcibly, they would definitely die, and at the same time they might distract Chen Mo. They knew what to do under what kind of situation!

Qingqiu took a look, and then she followed Zhao Yingmeng and they quickly moved away. Her current image is also a weak person. She retreats is a better choice, but her strength lies here. She can be the first Time to rescue Chen Mo, it was a forced situation, because she couldn't let Chen Mo die, but she was even more curious about Chen Mo's ability. Knowing how strong the Thunder Lord was in front of her, he still rushed forward. , Either a fool or a certainty! She felt that for this Chen Mo, the latter was more likely, and she also wanted to see what he had hidden abilities.

"What about Shui Shui and Xiao Rou? Are they going to fight with Brother Chen Mo?"

Zhao Yingmeng, who retreated to the back, saw the two girls who were still on the front line, unavoidably showing a worried expression.

"I believe that Great God Chen Mo must have his reason! Don't worry!"

Chu Naihe said.

-2600, -2600

The damage from Chen Mo hit Lei Gong's head. This damage may be fatal to ordinary little monsters, but for this kind of BOSS, it is too weak.


While being controlled, Long Xiaorou directly sprayed the Shengyang Dragon Breath.

The Sacred Yang Dragon's Breath steadily hits Lord Thunder, and the incidental damage of the skill itself can be ignored, but the next second...



An eight-digit damage came out of Lei Gong's head, directly stunned Zhao Yingmeng and Chu Naihe behind.

"Forty-five million? How did this damage come out?"

Chu Naihe looked dazed.

Zhao Yingmeng has also seen Long Xiaorou deal high damage, but it is not so exaggerated, hundreds of thousands, but now, tens of millions! But she didn't understand how it was typed.

"I don't understand either."

"No wonder Great God Chen Mo wants to fight this monster, it turns out that there is such a hole card!"

Chu Naihe also gained insight today.

However, this 5% of the maximum health value is only one second, but it really works!


Lei Gong roared angrily to wake up, and then there was another roar. A thundercloud gathered above their heads. The coverage of thundercloud may reach 500 meters. Chen Mo knew that this was Lei Gong’s first skill Thundercloud zone. !

"Shui Shui!"

Chen Mo yelled, the extremely small figure in the face of Lei Gong is constantly attacking. Chen Mo's attacks are not for anything else, just to attract Lei Gong's attention. The real output is these two girls. .

[Thunder Cloud Zone]: Created a vision of heaven and earth. The thunder cloud is attached with 500 meters. The thunder cloud continuously bombards the thunder within the range of 500 meters. Each hit causes unimaginable damage. The thunder cloud lasts for one minute. Cooling time: five minutes.

This skill is very powerful, and it must be stopped. Otherwise, not only Chen Mo will be attacked, but Shuishi and Long Xiaorou will also be attacked, and even the three people who have retreated 100 meters away. One skill, Zhao Yingmeng or Chu Naihe died.

Shui Shui and Chen Mo have the same mind, and of course they know what Chen Mo means.


A blue light burst out from Shui Shui's body, and then the surrounding was illuminated by this wave.

Blue holy light, forbidden!

The thundercloud that had just condensed dissipated directly, because it was banned and could not continue to be released.


That Lei Gong made a shocked voice~www.readwn.com~ and then looked at Shuishi, and then the huge figure rushed directly at Shuishi, because it knew that this girl might threaten him more than the man in front of him. Much stronger!

Shenhuang level, facing him you can actually be equivalent to facing an adult, the thinking of Shenhuang level is no different from ordinary people.

"Seven loves!"

A purple light burst out of Chen Mo's body, which felt very soft, but very powerful, and then the light directed towards the thunder.

[Seven Loves-Grief]: Choose a target, ignoring the level, ignoring the rank, consume 50% of its maximum mana, reduce its all attributes except health by 50%, for a maximum of one hour. Can be released once a day.

That's right, the effect of these seven emotions is simply too abnormal, especially in the face of this kind of BOSS!

All attributes are reduced by 50%, which is exaggerated for Shenhuang! Can last an hour!

(End of this chapter)

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