I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 536: 7 the power of love

All attributes were lowered, Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou had a chance to get a distance, the two girls quickly pulled apart, and Chen Mo opened up seven emotions-happiness and anger, and rushed towards Lei Gong.

[Seven Love-Happy]: The next movement speed is increased by 1000%, and 100 mana is consumed per second. It can be turned on and turned off at any time. The total time it can be turned on per day: one hour.

[Seven emotions-anger]: Next, the attack power will be doubled and the damage halving effect on the unit of the opposite **** will be cancelled. The damage caused must be a crit. It consumes 100 mana per second. It can be turned on and off at any time. It can be turned on every day. Time: one hour.

In fact, these seven emotion skills are strong, but there is a huge limitation, that is, the mana is not enough, but Chen Mo just ignored this effect, because he has no consumption.

"Nine days exploding three pedals!"


Then Chen Mo took a kick, and this kick directly kicked him a distance of tens of meters!

This is very exaggerated. One is a huge monster of tens of meters, and the other is only 1.8 meters, and then a person of 1.8 meters kicks the monster tens of meters away!

And taking advantage of this moment, Long Xiaorou turned three figures around.

[Sacred Flame Combination Attack]: As the existence that mainly relies on skill damage, the Saint Flame Tianlong naturally has the power of melee combat. The Saint Flame Combination Attack blesses the power of the Holy Flame on itself, transforming into three clones, and the clone possesses all the attributes of the body. (Skills cannot be used), the movement speed of the self and the clone is increased by 500%, and the concentration is increased to the extreme. Every attack between the self and the clone is accompanied by the holy flame damage power, and the basic physical damage is added with a damage value equal to the magic attack power. After hitting the target at the same time, it will be burned by 100%, and the maximum health will be reduced by 5% every second for a maximum of ten seconds. Mana consumption: 3000, cooling time: ten minutes.

That's right, it was the combination of Saint Flame. Long Xiaorou didn't rush over by herself, because she knew that it was very dangerous to rush over, but these three clones rushed over. In the past, only a little bit was needed, and one attack was enough!


The clone attacked the Thunder King who had just fallen to the ground, and the damage of a maximum health value broke out again!

That's right, this clone can also have the effect of this skill, but even if all three clones are attacked, it can only be appended once, but it is enough.

Fighting with this kind of BOSS is just playing and pulling, which makes him feel like he can't use it!

And Chen Mo hasn't used Shura's intention, because he can't use it, because he doesn't rely on him to fight damage, he only needs to be responsible for resisting, and Shura's immunity to death is the key! So the timing of use is critical.


The Thunder King flapped his huge wings and climbed up from the ground, red light gleaming in the eyes of the three heads.

"Shui Shui, Xiao Yuan, find a chance to fight! Nine-Colored Holy Light Strike!"

After Chen Mo finished speaking, the whole body was shining with colorful light, and the aura on his body suddenly soared, and then he held the sword of calamity and rushed towards Lei Gong at an unimaginable speed!

"I go!"

They were shocked in the distance! Chen Mo has become a rainbow?

Then the next scene made them open their mouths!

Chen Mo completely turned into a light. This light pierced at Lei Gong’s side at an unimaginable speed. In one second, it might get 20 damages to the top of its head, and each damage was a steady one hundred thousand. In other words, One second is two million damage! The three heads of Lei Gong, including his claws, bit Chen Mo crazily, but they couldn't bite them at all.

In fact, it was very simple. Long Xiaorou used a Dragon Mountain to descend on the monster and died, but this kind of lifelong skill could not be used just like that, and Chen Mo felt it was completely unnecessary.

Shui Shui knew what Chen Mo meant. Chen Mo asked her to find the best time to start the Holy Light Moment. This is also the main damage skill. As long as Long Xiaorou is attacked for five seconds, she should be able to clear the BOSS 100 in the Holy Light Moment. More than 30% of the blood volume, but Chen Mo did not have the ability to control it stably for five seconds! So it takes time, and it needs to let this BOSS release the skills. After releasing it, Chen Mo can calmly let the water attack!

Being big is not a good thing.


"You are all going to die!"

The Thunder Lord felt that he could not release his power at all, and he shouted angrily, and then a thunderbolt from the sky hit him.

[Thunder Possession]: Cause Thunder to possess yourself, and you can control the Thunder bombardment at will. At the same time, if a unit attacks itself, Thunder will fight back. The damage is unimaginable. During the period of Thunder possession, all attributes will be increased except for the health. 100%, lasts thirty seconds, cooling time: three minutes.

Under the thunder and lightning, he directly compensated for the negative state of reducing his full attributes by 50%, and at the same time strengthened a lot, but without the Qiqing power, it is now stronger, but only 30 seconds!

"Die to this king!"

With a roar, Lei Gong rushed towards Chen Mo!

He must be killed! Otherwise it will be difficult to kill the latter two!

And Chen Mo didn't panic at all!

"The meaning of Shura!"

In the next instant, Chen Mo was directly attacked, and his health bar was emptied until there was one drop of health left. However, no matter how much he attacked, he couldn't kill him in seconds.

"Is this power again?"

Qingqiu saw this scene frowning her eyebrows, maybe this is where his confidence lies, just like the rumors she has heard, the reason why countless strong people in the Spirit Sword Pavilion can't help him! This is the power! He is not afraid of attacks of this intensity at all!


Lei Gong attacked for a few seconds but found that Chen Mo was unharmed, and his six blood-red eyes were shining with strange light.

Although I can't figure it out, it doesn't matter.


The terrifying thunder is condensed on it, and the powerful thunder power is condensed in front of the three heads, and no one dares to attack it, because it is still in the state of thunder and lightning at the moment.

Thunder Fury! The introduction said that even the existence of the super **** level could be killed by a second, and it needs to be charged for ten seconds!

And Chen Mo is waiting for this!

Ten seconds later...


The sky and the earth changed, and a thunder that rolled up the ground rushed towards Chen Mo.

"Brother Chenmo, be careful!"

This horrible scene shocked them in the distance!

"Reincarnation Light Moon!"

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched ~www.readwn.com~ and danced in place, and the sword of disaster directly caught the terrifying thunder that rushed forward, and then danced with Chen Mo.

"Shui Shui!"

Shui Shui understood what Chen Mo meant, and the cyan holy light he had just obtained was released to Chen Mo! Light up the surroundings!

A reincarnation light moon is naturally difficult to catch such a terrifying force, but what about continuous release? Cyan Holy Light, skills with a cooldown of less than one hour have no cooldown!

It seems that Chen Mo is dancing this terrifying thunder, but he has released dozens of them in succession!

The eyes widened in the distance!

He actually took this BOSS skill down?


Chen Mo shouted, and the high-intensity skills released by Lei Gong directly bombarded the past!

(End of this chapter)

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