I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 737: Strong water


The ground trembled, and their figures in the distance even jumped! The dust is all over the sky! You can no longer see the front.

Seeing this scene, Qingqiu frowned deeper.

What kind of power is this? She was able to stop the thunder that she felt like she would be killed instantly, not to mention, she could return it to the past!

Where does he have the ability to catch it? He didn't catch the previous power either, it was just a blast on him, but it was blocked! Blocking and catching are two concepts.

When the dust clears, the next scene will shock everyone even more!

The BOSS's health bar is now only 50% left! That power just emptied two-fifths of his blood! Forty percent!

Chen Mo was also secretly stunned. This BOSS is indeed powerful. The damage of this skill is really terrible. It is definitely a high-level existence in the same realm. It is a pity that I met them.

And this power apparently blasted him somewhat unknown.

And its lightning possession effect has also ended, and its current full attribute is still weakened by 50%, and it has only 50% power! Simultaneously……

"The Law of Withering!"

Chen Mo directly released the Law of Withering on him, once again weakening his all attributes by 10%.


The number of damages of 90 million appeared from Lei Gong's head.

Zhao Yingmeng:? ? ?

Chu Naihe:? ? ?

Qingqiu Dai frowned.

What kind of power is this again? I've never felt this kind of power before. If you say it is strong, it must be strong. It must be very strong to cause such damage to monsters of this level, but the most powerful thing is that she saw all the grass on the ground at a time. Withered, this is a bit weird.

Chen Mo found out that he was wrong, so he should directly use the Withering Law at the beginning of the battle. The start weakened the opponent’s all attributes by 60%, and the grade and level were ignored. All attributes are reduced by 60%, this TM...

The current Thunder King only has 40% of his blood left.

"Shui Shui, it's you!"

Chen Mo said to the water channel!


Shui Shui nodded his head, and then opened the Holy Light Moment!

At the moment of the Holy Light, the movement speed is increased by 500%. In the previous appraisal of the disciples, Shuishi took a body as light as a yanling bell. She has been wearing it on her body this day, and the effect is to improve 200% movement speed bonus, and then she turned on the runaway bar. All the attacks absolutely hit. The movement speed has increased by 300%. The current state of the water and water is her own power burst out, which is full of firepower. , Chen Mo is beyond the reach of the dust, so how lucky Chen Mo got them.

"Seven emotions-love!"

[Seven Loves-Love]: Choose a target (except yourself) and increase the target's all attributes by 100% for up to one hour. Mana consumption: 10000, which can be released once a day.

That's right, then Chen Mo became a tool man of Shui Shui, adding a buff to Shui Shui, all attributes were increased by 100%! Now Shui Shui is father!


A flash of light flashed past, and the water rushed towards the huge Thunder God, attacking like a violent storm. Every attack was accompanied by 1% of Thunder God's minimum health, which was an additional 10 million damage! That's right, it's the maximum health damage!

At the moment of the Holy Light, I am immune to 99% of the damage and all negative effects, and Shui Shui can fight with confidence! That Lei Gong has no skills! It will take time for the strongest skills to be released by swallowing different dimensions, and the current state of Shuishi can definitely be withdrawn in the first time!


Chu Naihe saw this scene, the whole person was shocked!

He thought that the great God was Chen Mo alone, who would have thought that the two harmless and super beautiful little girls around him would be more ruthless than the other!

The girl who used to have a random 45 million damage, hit several times, but now this one, although each damage is not 45 million, but...every time 10 million, and every attack is all incidental Ten million damage, this...

In just a few seconds, Thunder Lord's health bar was reduced to 20%! Shui Shui's punching speed is really not covered, and this Thunder God is too big, the overall speed bonus of Shui Shui is 2000%, except for the skill, how can Thunder God hit Zhong Shui with such a speed?

I'm afraid this is the most frustrated battle it has ever fought in its entire life.

"Enough water!"

Chen Mo snorted.


The water then flashed here!

Qing Qiu took a deep breath.

You must avoid these two girls when you work on Chenmo. They are too scary.

And that Thunder Lord was obviously beaten up, he climbed up the huge body from the ground and roared in anger. Behind it, an endless black hole that gradually became larger could be seen.

"Brother Chenmo, be careful!"


[Seven Emotions-Desire]: After opening, the effect of the next Seven Emotion skills will be doubled. Consumes all current mana points and can be released once a day.

[Seven Emotions-Evil]: Choose a target, ignoring the level, ignoring the rank, forcibly depriving the target of 10% of the maximum health, the consumption of mana: 10000, can be released once a day.

This TM is the scariest thing! God knows how much the profession of Love Saint has improved Chen Mo by the simple Qiqing skills?

The purple light on his body flickered, and then a purple beam of light burst from the sky above the sky and directly hit the BOSS.

Seven emotions-desire, can double the effect of the next seven emotions, while seven emotions-evil deprives them of 10% of their maximum health. Under the blessing of seven emotions-desire, that is 20%. What does the withering law mean? If Chen Mo is willing, no matter what BOSS you are, as long as you hit, all stats will be reduced by 60% and HP will be reduced by 30%!

These two girls, coupled with Chen Mo's skills, are simply the nemesis of BOSS! A lot of blood is useless.

"Ding...You killed [Lei Gong]."

"Ding...your level increased to 45~www.readwn.com~ding...your level increased to 46."


"Ding... your level is raised to 49."

I have to say that the experience value of this beast of God is really high! It came directly to level 49! And Zhao Yingmeng and Chu Naihe are simply explosive! Directly broke through level fifty! I'm really sorry! He didn't do almost anything, it was Chen Mo who did it, and they just gained experience for nothing!

Although Zhao Yingmeng got used to it, the feeling was really bad. She could only tell herself that she must become stronger and work harder to repay Chen Mo in the future.

But Chen Mo didn't think it mattered. He didn't care. They were all friends, all his own. They were strong, and Feng Shenzong was strong, and the future team was strong against the sky!

(End of this chapter)


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