I don't know who shouted, everyone's eyes were all focused on the direction of an inner room in front of the entire hall.

There, the old man dressed in a simple dress and bookish spirit came out talking and laughing while holding a scroll in his hand, and behind the old men, an old man wearing a pale golden robe with sharp eyes came out. .

"That's Duke Huangfu."

Tang Panpan whispered to Chen Mo.

Beside Huangfu's father, an extremely elegant woman in a white dress walked out with her hands in her hands.

The gentle watery eyes are like the vast starry sky, the bright red mouth, the lips are crimson, the facial features on the white as jade cheeks are perfect like the beautiful stars decorating the starry sky, the graceful figure is like the resentful Luoshen, the fairy of victory Somewhat, especially a white dress is more in line with her refined temperament, but she can’t see her appearance, because she wears a veil. It is a very common situation in Tianlin mainland for women to wear a veil. Saying disrespectfully.

This woman's temperament is not that noble, nor is it cold, but more of a...elegance! tender! That's right, just like a white lotus, the first thing people see is that this must be the best choice for a good wife and a mother.

"I have seen Huangfu Gong and Miss Liu."

Everyone saluted their appearance. Although Liu Qingyan's age was not much different from the young talents here, his status need not be said.

Duke Huangfu showed a smile on his face, then waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be polite."

After all, she, Liu Qingyan, and the other four elders who seem to be the highest-ranking elders here sat in a position similar to that of the judges' seat.

Huangfu Gong and Liu Qingyan are sitting in the middle, which also depends on status.


The Emperor Huangfu glanced at the people below, and then said: "If you can come to the five-year poem meeting of Miss Qingyan, you must be the people of the Saint Yao Empire who are very accomplished in poetry and lyrics. Everyone It is also known that the empress loves poems, and the meaning of this poem is to show our talents to her majesty. If successful, the poems written by you will be known to everyone in the world and can be appreciated by her majesty. The old man and the Yanyan girl, Chengzhu Yang, Chen, Li, and Wang Sanjia, the lyricist, came to select the most beautiful poems in the past five years, as well as the most talented people."

Hearing what Huangfu said, everyone was extremely excited!

This may be their closest chance to the Empress Saint Yao! Maybe it's really furious.

"Well, let’s not say much. The fighting on the other side will start soon, so our poem meeting will not be delayed. This poem meeting will be divided into three parts, and the promotion system will be adopted. People are the judges, who will read your poems one by one. The literary style does not distinguish between ages and boundaries. I only hope that everyone can show their talents. Everyone will be here."

Duke Huangfu made a gesture of please, and then everyone sat on the soft cushions on the ground. There was a small table just comfortable to sit down and write on, and there were pens and paper on the small table.

Chen Mo wanted to walk aside, and at this moment Qin Changqing came over and said to Chen Mo and Tang Panpan, "This is someone else’s poem meeting. When we come in, it’s the same as participating, so it’s better to sit down. Right."

Chen Mo didn't know what he was selling. In that case, it would be good to sit down and rest over there!

"But if I don't understand poetry, I can sit?"

"Yes, Brother Changqing, Panpan doesn't understand poetry at all."

"If you don't understand, just create a song and it's eliminated. It doesn't matter much!"

Qin Changqing said.

If Chen Mo doesn't participate, how can he let others humiliate him? Don't understand poetry? That would be the best. At that time, only Sun Xiao, who had said before, came out to take the lead in humiliating Chen Mo. Even if he really didn't understand, there would be countless ridicules in his poems by then.

Then Chen Mo and Tang Panpan sat down next to each other, and Qin Changqing sat on the other side of Tang Panpan.

The surroundings became quiet, and more than 100 people looked at the six people in front of them.

"Girl Qingyan, there are quite a few big people who came to the poem meeting this time."

Duke Huangfu smiled at Liu Qingyan next to him.

Liu Qingyan nodded, then slowly stood up, leaning gracefully toward the more than a hundred people in front of him.

"It's an honor for you to come, and you have some familiar faces. The four great talents in Tianfeng City are all the existence that Yanyan admires very much."

In that scene, four handsome men were very proud to hear Liu Qingyan's words. One of them stood up and saluted.

Chen Mo raised his brows slightly.

Sure enough, Liu Qingyan's tone and tone are all kind of ladies, gentle and virtuous.

Among these people, Liu Qingyan knew quite a lot, but she would pay more attention to Chen Mo, because he was the only one wearing a mask, which was strange.

"Girl Qingyan praised me, how can I wait to compare with Girl Yanyan, this time I came to study!"

Liu Qingyan also owed a little, and then said: "Young Master Yang is humble, learning from each other, and learning is endless. Qingyan also has a lot to learn from everyone."

"Girl Qingyan, you can come up with the first round of this poem meeting." Huangfu Gong said to Liu Qingyan.

Liu Qingyan nodded slightly, and then said softly: "Then Qingyan would be more respectful than fate."

This poem will be composed of improvisation, and even the person who writes the title does not know what he might produce. This is the most true. There is no possibility that you may ask others to write poems in advance and memorize them yourself.

Liu Qingyan then looked at the crowd, and politely bowed a little, and said, "Then I will test the poems in the first round. The topic... How about everyone's freedom?"

Poetry is one word ~www.readwn.com~ but it is two things. Poetry is poem, and word is word, each has its own beauty.

Yang Qianfeng stood up.

This Yang Qianfeng is one of the four great princes of Tianfeng City, and is also known as the head of the four great princes. Among these six, the city lord Yang is his father, so this person is also powerful and quite powerful. Favored by some women and admired by others! There is one saying, one is indeed talented.

"Then Miss Yanyan, is there no limit to this freedom of play?"

Yang Qianfeng looked at Liu Qingyan with admiration in his eyes. That's right, this woman is their dream lover.

"If you talk about restrictions, then everything you can see here can be a poem, how about it?"

Yang Qianfeng gave a fist: "It's so good!"

"Hahaha, let's do that, in two quarters of an hour, you can walk around this floor of Ruyan Pavilion at will in these two quarters of an hour, looking for what you want to describe, and read your masterpieces one by one after two quarters of an hour, everyone, please ."

(End of this chapter)

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