I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 557: Quiet night thinking

Brother Chen Mo, then Qin is looking for something to write, Brother Chen Mo, you have to come on! In a while, I have to read my poems in front of everyone. "

Qin Changqing said to Chen Mo and then walked away!

At this time, Chen Mo finally understood what Qin Changqing was playing!

So I wanted to make him foolish in front of these people! Because it would be ridiculous to write without knowing poetry, especially since everyone is a famous literati, he just wanted to embarrass him.

Girls do not matter, there are indeed not a few girls here, but boys are different!

Since you have this abacus, Chen Mo originally wanted to abstain directly, so now have fun.

The corner of Chen Mo's mouth twitched slightly.

Of course Tang Panpan didn't understand these careful thoughts. She looked at Chen Mo and said, "Master Chen Mo, do you understand poetry?"

"What do you think?"

"I don't understand, after all, Young Master Chen Mo is already so good, there must be little research in poetry, otherwise it would be too enchanting." Tang Panpan said with a sway of his head.

Chen Mo didn't say much.

"But I won't, do you think Panpan is terrible."

Tang Panpan bit his red lips and looked at Chen Mo.

"Fifth on the bad day list?"


Hearing what Chen Mo said, Tang Panpan couldn't help but laughed, smiling from the bottom of his heart. On the other side, Qin Changqing saw that Tang Panpan was talking and laughing with Chen Mo, and secretly clenched his fists! Other people are wandering here, looking for what they want to describe. Are they still talking or laughing?

"Young Master Sun, I'll see you in a while!"

Qin Changqing said to Sun Xiao, one of the four great talents.

"Qin Shao don't worry, wrap it on me!"

There were more than one hundred people in the entire stadium, that is, a few famous ones that received more attention. This is the home stadium of Tianfeng City, and naturally there are more supporters of the four talents.

"Young Master Yang, don't you know what you want to write?"

Several people surrounded Yang Qianfeng.

Yang Qianfeng smiled and said, "Don't tell, don't tell, you will know in a while."

"These are all tables, chairs and benches. There is nothing to write about. They are all poems without depth. I wonder if Young Master Yang can tell me something?"

Yang Qianfeng smiled and said, "The key lies in the heart. You can't just look at the surface when looking at everything. Okay, I'm going to write a poem."

On the other side, Chen Mo picked up a pen and paper.

He certainly can't write poems, but since Qin Changqing wants to see him jokes, Chen Mo can't make him do what he wants.

"Master Chen Mo, have you already thought about what to write?"

Tang Panpan looked at Chen Mo and wrote two words on the paper in her hand...table and chair!

That's right, she can't write it. The name of the poem is "tables and chairs", but it's something...but it's probably going to be abstained. How could a girl who doesn't even like to wear a skirt know how to play, calligraphy, painting and poetry?

"Just write and write."

Chen Mo said, and then he sat there and began to write. Tang Panpan curiously looked at Chen Mo's writing with his chin on his side.


Then she couldn't help laughing.

Because the words are... so ugly.

Chen Mo is a little embarrassed. No matter how good your writing is, can you still look good if you haven't written in a few years? What's more, Chen Mo's writing is not very good at first.

It was only a few minutes. Chen Mo was the only one sitting there struggling to write. The others were walking and thinking, occasionally writing a few words, and then thinking for a long time.

"Oh? The young man wearing the mask looks like he is struggling to write, he seems to have already thought about it." Grandmaster Wang saw Chen Mo not far away and couldn't help saying.

"It's a little unexpected here. It seems that the four most talented talents also wrote a lot about City Master Yang's beloved son."

"Hehe..." City Lord Yang said with a smile: "My son doesn't like to practice, that is, he likes to write poems and lyrics, but he is a thousand miles away from Mr. Huangfu, and he needs more training from Mr. Huangfu."

"Hehe, no matter who they are, talented people must be well trained. After all, this is what the female emperor likes." Huangfugong smiled.

Liu Qingyan glanced at Chen Mo. She recognized the very beautiful girl next to Chen Mo. If she did not admit it wrong, plus Qin Changqing had been by her side just now, she should be Lei Lingzong's daughter.

Lei Lingzong's daughter has been following him? It seems not ordinary.

Tang Panpan didn't understand poetry, but she felt that Chen Mo's writing seemed to be OK.

"Young Master Chenmo, what does this mean?"

Tang Panpan saw Chen Mo put down his pen and asked curiously.

"Just write and write."

Chen Mo said something.

After a while, Qin Changqing also finished writing and came over.

"Brother Chen Mo, how did you write?"

"Okay, I don't know how to write poetry."

"It's okay, Panpan, how about you?"

Qin Changqing couldn't help laughing when he heard Chen Mo's words.

"Um...abstaining, not at all." Tang Panpan said uncomfortably.

"Well, you don't like this aspect after all."

"Brother Changqing, have you finished writing, too?"

"Write and write casually." Qin Changqing smiled.

Tang Panpan: "..."

Are men like this? Both of them answered casually...

Time slowly passed, and they basically returned to their seats. They must have something to come here. Even if they were tacky, half an hour was enough to write a poem.

"Okay, it seems that everyone has finished writing. Now from the first Yang Qianfeng, please read the poems you wrote in public."

Duke Huangfu smiled and said to Yang Qianfeng.


Yang Qianfeng stood up, and then said: "The poem written by the student is called "Lighting Sigh"."

Then Yang Qianfeng read his poems word by word.

"Okay, what a light sigh, using the fire of oil lamps to metaphorize life, this poem is good, do you think it?"

Huangfu Gong asked the other five people.

"Well... the poem is about borrowing things to refer to people or to use things to refer to things. In this respect, the poem is qualified, but regardless of the subject matter or the content of the poem, a little bit has fallen into the common style. Of course it is already very good! It is worthy of praise! "

Grandmaster Li nodded and said.

Several other people are also good judges, and they will not say that they are too good, but they are absolutely qualified.

"Thank you everyone!"

Yang Qianfeng then sat down with his mouth slightly raised.

This already indicates that he will be promoted to the next round~www.readwn.com~ As long as all of them are promoted, then his poems can be seen by the Emperor Shengyao!

"Next person!"

"Next person!"


Qin Changqing has also demonstrated her own poems, and it is naturally possible to pass it! As for Tang Panpan, she abstained, but no one joked, no one dared, and she was a girl again, and everyone knew her character, just came to have fun.

"Next, this boy, come on!"

Gong Huangfu looked at Chen Mo, and Liu Qingyan's gaze was also on Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stood up.

"The poem is titled "Silent Night Thoughts"."

There was a bright moon in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground, raised his head to look at the moon, and bowed his head to think about his hometown.

(End of this chapter)

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