I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 560: I am a warrior

Sun Xiao snorted, and then said: "Everyone, the name of this young man has nine characters in total. Have we ever seen so many characters in the name of a term that we know? One to five characters, have nine characters ever appeared? So I think he doesn’t understand words at all!"

I have to say that what he said is indeed correct!

Indeed, they have never seen a nine-character name on the mainland!

So this Sun Xiao is naturally not an unreasonable duty Chen Mo, he must have a reason too.


"Then I would like to ask, is there any name on Tianlin Continent that does not use nine characters?"

Chen Mo's words immediately made him speechless.


Chen Mo said: "My name is not nine characters, it's only five characters!"


Sun Xiao laughed.

"Five words? When does the water tone song first have a bright moon? Are these five words?"

"Sorry, my word name is Mingyue When does it happen."

"Who are you lie to? What about the head of Shui Tune song in front?"

"That's just the brand name!"

"Poem name?"

The words of Chen Mo made Huangfu Gong and the others look at each other.

Chen Mo then said: "The brand name is not the name of the word. You can imagine that this is just a prefix in front of the name of the word. It is just a format I like. Why? Is there something wrong?"

At this moment, Liu Qingyan stood up and said: "Just now Qingyan saw the name of this young man. At what time was the Mingyue there was a dot in front of the head of the song, so this young man said In fact, there is no problem. Although we have never heard of a brand name, Qingyan feels that these are not too big of a problem. What do you think?"

"That's right, you can write whatever you like. What does it matter to you? Whether you write well or not? What does it matter to you? If you don't like it, you don't like it. Why do you want to say it? You seem to understand it, don't you? The girl understands? Do you know Huangfu? This is the quality of the four great talents?"

Tang Panpan couldn't help but stunned.

Sun Xiao's face was extremely ugly.

Qin Changqing's face is not pretty, mainly because this Sun Xiao is too shameless, is this the only way you humiliate him? moron!

"What Miss Liu said is absolutely true!"

"Yes, it depends on who writes the poem well, but it doesn't mean that there must be a certain format. The poem is okay, but the format of the words is too much."


Liu Qingyan's words immediately drew praise from a group of licking dogs.

Huangfugong said: "But the name of the word brand is quite interesting. The old man finds it quite novel. Isn't this the charm of the poem?"

Liu Qingyan then leaned slightly towards Chen Mo: "The son can continue reading."

Chen Mo nodded.

"When will the bright moon come, ask Qingtian about the wine."

Everyone: "..."

When Chen Mo said the first sentence, many people were already shocked! The eyes of Lord Huangfu, the three great masters including Liu Qingyan all lit up.

When will the bright moon come, ask the wine to the sky! This first sentence has already highlighted an extremely heroic and unrestrained atmosphere, which directly brings people's artistic conception into it.

"I don't know the heavenly palace, what year is this eve?"

I want to take the wind to return, and I fear Qionglou Yuyu, and I will be cold from the heights. Dancing clear shadow, like in the world?

At this moment, everyone thought the poem was over, but Chen Mo hadn't stopped.

Transfer to Zhu Pavilion, low Qi household, without sleep. There should be no hate, what is the long time to go to the other time?

People have sorrows and joys, and the moon is cloudy and clear. This is hard to come by.

Nung, moon and new moon.

After Chen Mo finished reading, there was still silence around him.

Don't understand poetry? This is called not understanding poetry?

Qin Changqing clenched his fists! He knows some poems, and naturally he can probably hear how beautiful this poem is! This is called not understanding poetry?

"Good! Good! Good!"

That Huangfu Gonglian said three good words, enough to show how happy he was.

"What time will there be a bright moon, ask the wine to the blue sky, what a high place is so cold, what a person has sorrows and joys, and the moon is full of cloudy and sunny, what a hope that people will last forever, thousands of miles away!"

Grandpa Huangfu couldn't help standing up!

To be reasonable, Chen Mo still knows how powerful this poem is. People say that there is no chanting of the moon after the beginning of the song, which is enough to show how great this poem is!

The beautiful eyes of Liu Qingyan shone with brilliance!

When she saw the name of the word, she had an expectation, looking forward to how beautiful the word is! When she finished listening, she found that the height of the word had completely exceeded her expectations, and even she thought it was the best word she had heard in these years, so you can see it by looking at the excited Prince Huangfu beside her.

The people around were quiet, and Tang Panpan, seeing their expressions, seemed to understand how powerful the word Chen Mo was, and he admired even more in his beautiful eyes!

"Brother, hurry up, show me this word! I must take a closer look!"

His name to Chen Mo has changed, enough to show how excited he is.

Chen Mo then threw it away, and the words in his hand flew over, and then the few people directly gathered together, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch.

Because this word... is actually not written by someone who can write such beautiful words.

But this word is getting more exciting and exciting as you read it!

"What a good word!"

Several people admired.

"Even I think if this song is shown to Her Majesty the Empress, it must be appreciated by her!"

"More than that, I'm afraid this word will be passed down through the ages!"


The people below were shocked when they heard their whispers!

Spread through the ages? Empress admiration?

Is this poem really that amazing?

Qin Changqing clenched his fists.

"Master Chen Mo, did you hear that, it's amazing!"

Tang Panpan said excitedly.

Chen Mo was quite calm, not too surprised.

"This little brother, this adverb is very well written, but your word..."

Gong Huangfu looked at Chen Mo.

"Duke Huangfu, do you think that a person who writes very well can write bad words? Is this a font that a literati should have? I'm afraid this adverb has been written by the young man in advance." Then Sun Xiao finally seized another opportunity.

"Yes! That must be the case! The month is a hot topic, and some people may really make such preparations, and it is too incredible to write such an adjective in such a short time!"

"There is something tricky! There is definitely something tricky!"


Those people Feng fans envy and hate ~www.readwn.com~ and yelled there one by one.

Liu Qingyan admired the adverb very much, but she thought it was really good. Although Chen Mo did say that it was done beforehand, she didn't know Chen Mo and couldn't say with certainty that he did it himself.

"Um... can you explain this little brother?"

Chen Mo then twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't think there is anything that needs to be explained. This word is indeed made in advance. Of course it is not for the poem meeting. Everyone has said that the month is a hot topic, so I usually make some There is nothing wrong with Yue's poems, right? Also, I admit that the writing is ugly, but I also want to remind you..." Chen Mo glanced at everyone.

"I am a warrior, and I have never been a professional literati poker!"

(End of this chapter)


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