I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 561: Shock the world

Chen Mo's words immediately left everyone speechless again.

He is a warrior, and his poetry is better than them...

"That can't prove whether you did it yourself or asked someone else to do it! Maybe it was plagiarism."

Then Sun Xiao pointed at Chen Modao.

"Plaagiarism? Did you find it elsewhere? As for the words that I wrote, then how do you know it's not me?"

"Master Sun!"

The expression on Liu Qingyan’s face under the veil was a bit bad, no matter what it was, this word was good, and Sun Xiao, who had been looking for Chen Mo, seemed to be deliberately targeting him, and he had no evidence. Say here!

Everyone looked at Liu Qingyan.

Liu Qingyan then said: "Qingyan feels that Young Master Sun is too targeted at this prince. Qingyan feels that these are the last things to consider. At least this poem is one of Qingyan's favorite songs in recent years. Thank you for this. The son!"

After speaking, Liu Qingyan bowed slightly to Chen Mo.

"You're welcome."

When Liu Qingyan said so, Sun Xiao could no longer refute anything, because he was already a bit displeased by them, so he glanced at Qin Changqing helplessly.

Then Yang Qianfeng clenched his fist!

Why is this limelight suddenly robbed by someone who came out inexplicably?

"This little brother, what's your name?"

"Mo Chen."

"Mo Chen...never heard of it, but your word is very wonderful. It is completely fine for you to advance to the last round. The old man accepted this word first. With the strength of this word, he is absolutely qualified to give it to Shengyao. Her Majesty the Empress glanced!"

Chen Mo gave a fist: "Thanks a lot."

Then Qin Changqing was also relieved, Chen Mo didn't even tell his real name. If he did, then he might have completely robbed him of the glory tonight.

"Okay! Everyone will take a short rest, we will find the ten best words and start the next round!"

After Huangfugong finished speaking, they dispersed one after another.

"Brother Chen Mo didn't expect you to have such profound knowledge in poetry!"

Qin Changqing professionally smirked.

"I don't understand poetry."

Qin Changqing: "..."

Grass mud horse! Also install B!

Chen Mo said that he didn't lie, he really didn't understand, but he had some knowledge reserves, he knew how to use it secretly, anyway, it was not a world.

"Hehe... Brother Chenmo doesn't understand this, so what are we doing?"

At this moment, Liu Qingyan came over, holding the head of the water song written by Chen Mo in his hand, and leaned slightly.

"Mr Mo Chen, I don't understand some of the meanings of your poem. I wonder if you can ask?"

She really loves this adverb and wants to understand it. A poem can actually reflect a person.

Regardless of the previous Jing Ye Si or this song, she felt a kind of lovesickness expressed. This Young Master Mo Chen should be a man of temperament.

This scene does not know how many people envy and jealous.

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose and nodded, then the two walked to the corner.

Tang Panpan sucked his little nose, his mouth pursed.

What... Does Mr. Chenmo like girls like Ms. Liu?

She was a little bit aggrieved and grabbed a strand of her hair. For the first time, she regretted not listening to her parents to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting...

"Panpan, what's wrong?"

Qin Changqing looked at Tang Panpan.

"It's okay, I'll get something to eat."

At this time, Sun Xiao came over.

"Qin Shao, I really can't help it! Don't you say that he doesn't understand poetry? Why is he so good?"

"Do you think a person with great accomplishments in cultivation is really Dongguan poetry?"

Qin Changqing said coldly.


"I'm afraid it is indeed plagiarizing others. By the third round you are like this..."

Qin Changqing said something to him.

"Ben Shao doesn't believe he can't show his feet!"

"But... I have been caught by many people..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Changqing said: "If this matter is done well, Ben Shao will give you a unique weapon!"

Sun Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"rest assured!"


On the other side, Liu Qingyan was also very surprised when she heard Chen Mo explain the meaning of the complete first sentence.

If it is really written by someone else, then why do you understand the meaning so much? Did you specifically ask? It's impossible! So she thinks this is what Chen Mo wrote.

Anyway, there is no player, Chen Mo said that he wrote it, and that is what he wrote.

"Thank you, Mr. Mo Chen, for solving your doubts!"

Chen Mo also admired this woman. She really loved these things with all her heart, and she was very serious when she listened.

"It's ok."

"I hope I can see Master Mo Chen's exquisite poems in a while!"

Chen Mo smiled and did not speak.

"Pour out smoke first."

Chen Mo then glanced at Qin Changqing. He should be uncomfortable at this moment, right?

Seeing Liu Qingyan walking away, Tang Panpan hurried over.

"Master Chen Mo, here to..."

She handed Chen Mo a piece of cake.

Chen Mo took it.

"Thank you."

"That one……"

Tang Panpan stood in front of Chen Mo, stubbornly.

"Is there anything?"

She plucked up a little courage, and then asked, "Does Mr. Chen Mo like Miss Liu?"

After she asked, her face turned a little red.

Chen Mo shook his head: "No."


"I just appreciate it."

Hearing Chen Mo's words, Tang Panpan was as happy as having honey.


At this time, Huangfu just said: "Well, now I will announce the list of advancement to the next round!"

Chen Mo was naturally promoted, and then the four great talents were also promoted. One said that one did have some abilities, and the other five Chen Mo didn't care too much. In fact, no one cared.

Ten people then sat there, and the other more than 100 people sat in the back, quietly.

"President Huangfu, what shall we write in this last round?"

Huangfugong smiled and said: "Then let's write a topic that is rarely written~www.readwn.com~ and avoid someone saying that it might be prepared in advance."

What Huangfu Gong said was clearly aimed at Sun Xiao! Because he likes that phrase so much, talented people like it. If you are jealous, you also write such an adverb, then he likes it too.

Then Huangfu Gong looked at Liu Qingyan next to him, and then at the crowd, and said: "Girl Qingyan is called a talented woman. At the same time, she has many suitors and admirers. Although she wears a veil today, she is not People who are familiar with each other should know that under the veil, Miss Qingyan has a face that is full of the country and the city, I am afraid that many of you also admire Miss Qingyan."

Liu Qingyan was puzzled.


Huangfugong smiled and said, "The subject of our third round is about writing about beautiful women, how about it?"

Huangfu's words surprised them!

In Tianlin Continent, feelings are relatively subtle, and most of them advocate martial arts, and there are really very few poems about beautiful women.

(End of this chapter)

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