I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 574: Go back to Weiyang Palace

Lin Kexin rarely reveals her own thoughts, but she really likes Chen Mo, and she really wants to go with Chen Mo.

After speaking, her face blushed, and she regretted it.

Oh my god! How can she say such a thing? It's shameful.

Lin Kexin touched her hot little face with the other hand.

It's just that Chen Mo didn't think much, just apologetic.

He also wanted to take Lin Kexin, but...

"When there is a chance, we should also have a lantern festival here in a while." Chen Mo asked.

Lin Kexin then nodded her head: "Hmm."

"Well, I will take you out to play at that time."

"Thank you Brother Chen Mo."

"Do not…"

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "This is what it should be."

It really should be, otherwise it would really be boring every day. Chen Mo is used to it, but he has to consider Lin Kexin.

Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo gratefully, but he wasn't embarrassed, but he just wanted to hang out with Chen Mo and felt very happy.

"When will you be able to leave Yueling Palace in the game?"

Chen Mo asked.

He wanted to take Lin Kexin out on an adventure.

"Um... it may take a month, probably at the end of the player contest."

"Well, that's very fast, and then I will take you around the world in the game!"

"Thank you Brother Chen Mo!"

Lin Kexin said happily.


After I went back, I took a shower after eating and went online.

After walking out of the room, Chen Mo saw Tang Panpan sitting in the yard feeding the fish.

Today's Tang Panpan changed into a beautiful dress again.

"President Chen Mo." Seeing Chen Mo walking out, she quickly threw all the fish food into the small pond, and then ran to Chen Mo and stood pretty.

"Let's go?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Well, I have already told my father, Master Chen Mo doesn't have to say goodbye, we can just leave."

"it is good!"

Then they rode Tang Panpan's mount and galloped towards Fengshenzong.

It didn't take long to come to the Fengshen Sect.

"It's pretty."

Tang Panpan jumped down, then glanced in admiration.

"Compared with your Lei Lingzong, it's a little bit inferior."

"Master Chenmo."

Ye Qingqing saw that Chen Mo was back, and ran over quickly, very pleasantly surprised.

It was just that she saw another beautiful sister next to Chen Mo. She said that she was not surprised by the accident. It was just a little bit lost. She felt that there were more and more beautiful girls around him.

"Hello, my name is Tang Panpan."

Tang Panpan was a familiar one, smiling and reaching out to Ye Qingqing.

"I... my name is Ye Qingqing, please advise."

Ye Qingqing said softly.

"Qingqing, where is your sister?"

Chen Mo asked.

Chen Mo felt that it was time to merge the two treasure maps into one to find the rules.

"My elder sister went back and hasn't come back yet. Does Young Master Chenmo have anything to do with her sister?"

Chen Mo nodded.

"My sister left something for me, you can contact her, then Qingqing will help you contact me."

"Well, don't let her come over, let her give an address, and I'll just go find her."

"it is good!"

Ye Qingqing nodded and agreed.

This rule is a very important thing, it's time to look for it.

"First, take Miss Tang to familiarize yourself with Fengshen Sect. She will often live here in the future."

"Yeah, Qingqing got it."

"Master Chen Mo just tell me Panpan."

Tang Panpan said with a small mouth.

It always feels like Miss Tang and they are so strange.

Chen Mo nodded.

"You stay here first, I'll go to Weiyang Palace."

After speaking, Chen Mo walked away.

In the Weiyang Palace, Xiao Ruhan hummed a song and laid out delicious dishes on the table.

"Girls, eat delicious!"

Xiao Ruhan yelled, and then the three girls outside ran in after you chased me.

They were originally in the Fengshen Sect, but Xiao Ruhan is the elder of Weiyang Palace after all. She stays in Weiyang Palace more often. The Fengshen Sect has Yunqi presiding over the overall situation. I have to say that she is indeed a genius, so she doesn’t have to worry. What's wrong, but one person is boring, so I took these three lively girls here to accompany myself, but the four of them can't do harm to Weiyang Palace.

"Hey, when do you think Xiao Momo will come back? I guess I will be with that Miss Tang Family."

Xiao Ruhan felt inexplicably lack of appetite, watching the three girls eating happily, she sighed with her cheeks in her hands.

Very strange and strange...

Why don't you see him so much for a few days? Why?

Really, when eating was the happiest before, now I have no appetite, so I just drink a little wine.

"Um... Anyway, Big Brother's favorite is us."

Shui Shui said with a smile.


The other two girls nodded repeatedly.

"In case he has a partner, his woman will be his favorite, not you." Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

The three girls blinked big eyes.

"Um... Big Brother is back."

Suddenly Long Xiaoran felt something.

They are Chen Mo's pets, and they have a connection with Chen Mo. That's why they didn't panic after Chen Mo was arrested, because they could know Chen Mo's mood and state.

The two girls then ran outside, Xiao Yuan also put down the delicious food, and followed happily.

"Xiao Momo is here?"

Xiao Ruhan also stood up, her beautiful eyes flashing.

The three girls ran into Chen Mo just as they ran to the door.

"Big brother!"

They happily threw themselves in Chen Mo's arms and rubbed them.

Chen Mo also thought very much, rubbing their little heads with a smile.

"Are you good?"

"Of course, I don't look at which fairy led them, they must be very well-behaved."

Xiao Ruhan walked over while talking.

"Yeah." They nodded their heads, in fact, they counted them all, knowing that they are indeed capable of causing trouble these days.

"You lied."

Chen Mo squeezed Xiao Yuan's powder cheeks and smiled.


Xiao Yuan spit out her tongue cutely.

"Brother, eat delicious."

They then dragged Chen Mo over.

Then they sat together happily.

"How? Have you suffered from Lei Lingzong these days?"

Xiao Ruhan asked.

"No ~www.readwn.com~ but got a baby."


She looked at Chen Mo curiously.

Chen Mo took out Lei Lingzhu.

For Xiao Ruhan, Chen Mo didn't have much to conceal, let alone this Lei Lingzhu did not need to conceal.

"this is?"

Xiao Ruhan took the Lei Lingzhu, his fingertips wrapped around Thunder.

"Is this a Thunder Spirit Orb?"

She opened her mouth and looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

Chen Mo nodded.

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

Damn! What kind of evil is this kid?

(End of this chapter)

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