I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 575: collaborate with each other

Xiao Ruhan handed Lei Lingzhu to Chen Mo.

"You must never show this thing in front of the world or some strong people, it will be a disaster."

Xiao Ruhan reminded Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded: "I know."

Qingqiu walked in at this time, and when she saw Chen Mo, her eyes were slightly bright.

He actually came back!

"Master, Brother Chen Mo."

Qingqiu bowed slightly.

"Well, sit down and eat something together."

Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Master."

Qing Qiu then sat next to him, eating delicious food in small bites.

"Xiao Momo, what are you going to do next?"

Xiao Ruhan asked.

"Go out and practice."

"Oh? Where to go?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "I don't know either."

Na Qingqiu seemed to be eating food quietly, but in fact he was listening carefully to whatever they said.

"do not know?"

"Well, just go, face the unknown to improve yourself better."

"Then or else, you can bring Qingqiu with you."

Xiao Ruhan said.

In fact, these two people sang double song here.

Qing Qiu raised his head, and then said softly: "Being able to go out with Brother Chen Mo to strengthen, will definitely help Qing Qiu."

"Well, let's put it this way, Xiao Momo, take Qingqiu out to practice together. Qingqiu's strength is not low. Practical experience can help her the most, but she must be safe."

Xiao Ruhan nodded and said.

"But... I'm not sure about the safety of Junior Sister Qing Qiu."

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan.

In fact, the two of them dug a hole here.

"Well...also, after all, your strength is not strong, so..."

Xiao Ruhan took out two talisman and handed it to Chen Mo, and said, "This is the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman. If you really encounter any danger, this Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman can save you two lives, shouldn't it be enough?"

Chen Mo took it.

"Thank you, Master Fairy."

Qing Qiu's eyes shone with a gleam.

It turns out that Chenmo doesn’t have too many life-saving methods. If he really has one, don’t worry about it. You don’t even need to use the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman that the Seventh Elder wants to save his life. Does that mean, just let him use Without this Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman, he can basically be taken away?

Perhaps this time going out to practice is a vital opportunity for her.

"Well, Qingqiu, remember to look at him when you go out, don't let him hook up with other girls everywhere."

Chen Mo: "..."

No... Is he such a person?

"Have you misunderstood me?"

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan.

"Come on, tell me how many girls around you?"

Chen Mo: "..."

"That's not mine."

"But you brought it."

"Blam me?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Ruhan rolled his eyes.

How Chen Mo wanted to say that he was someone who had never even talked about love.

"Brother Chenmo, Brother Chenmo!"

There was a violent voice outside, and then Zhao Yingmeng opened the door and ran in.

As soon as she came in and saw everyone watching her, Zhao Yingmeng scratched her head awkwardly.

"Good elders."

Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

"What is so anxious?"

"No... I heard that Brother Chenmo is back, so come and have a look."

"You look around, and you said you didn't hook up with girls."

Xiao Ruhan then rolled her eyes at Chen Mo, then she walked away with the wine, and said: "When will I help this fairy bring some fairy drunk back?" After that, she returned to her room.

"Brother, Qingqiu also went to practice."

After Qing Qiu finished speaking, he walked away.

"Everything is gone."

Zhao Yingmeng muttered suspiciously and then sat beside Chen Mo, and said excitedly: "Big Brother Chen Mo, there are tasks and tasks."

"What task?"

Chen Mo looked at her.

"Hehe, you will be super interested."


Chen Mo looked at her suspiciously.

Does this girl know herself that much now?

Then Zhao Yingmeng said: "It was the temple of the gods that triggered a guild mission. The goal of the mission was to defeat a beast of the gods. If the mission fails, the temples will be disbanded."

Chen Mo frowned.

This is interesting. Zhao Yingmeng knows him quite well. Although the temples of the gods are really peaceful during this time, and Chen Mo did not look for them, it does not mean that the grievances between them have followed before. The mission of guarding the temple of the gods will be gone without completion!

Because of Chen Mo, their mission to guard the meeting was not completed, and the temples of the gods were temporarily disbanded. Although they were quickly re-established, both reputation and resources were greatly lost! Perhaps it was because I didn't want to have friction with Chen Mo again in a short time, so I was very low-key afterwards, and there was no relationship with Chen Mo, but this time, if the mission fails, the same temples will disband!

This is a good opportunity! It can also inflict a big hit on the temples of the gods.

"How did you hear?"

Chen Mo asked curiously.

"I met a member of the Temple of Gods, I heard that they are gathering people to start the mission, and it is an open map, which means that it is possible to encounter NPCs and other players, so Saying we can go in, hehe."

Zhao Yingmeng seemed to be anxious to make trouble.

Chen Mo: "..."

"Are you sure this is not a conspiracy?"


Zhao Yingmeng scratched her hair and suddenly realized it.

"Wow! That's right! Sinister, so sinister!"

Yes, this kind of thing always feels too coincidental to be heard by her, right? Moreover, the temples of the gods happened to have an enemy with Chen Mo, would they deliberately leak the news to her, and then let them pass, so as to catch them all at once?

"Then we still don't go."

Zhao Yingmeng shrank her head, but she was a little lost.

She always likes doing things~www.readwn.com~ so it is a pity.

"But it's not impossible to go."

Chen Mo wasn't sure whether it was a conspiracy or a coincidence. No matter what, Chen Mo had to go because he was interested.

Zhao Yingmeng flashed big eyes, looking at Chen Mo expectantly.


"In the frozen snowfield, it seems to be hundreds of kilometers away from here. I heard that Heaven and Earth Yijian is summoning members. I don't know the others."

Chen Mo took out the map and took a look.

The ice-covered snowfield is 500 kilometers north of here. The climate here is relatively warm, but the ice-covered snowfield has a very high terrain and is a very strange place, with an average elevation of four to five kilometers and a large area. As a result, it is a place covered by ice and snow, and it has also become a shelter for many cold-attribute monsters. It would not be too surprising to say that there is a beast of God.

(End of this chapter)

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