I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 579: Instant deprivation

At this moment, Chen Mo and the others were sitting on the top of a snow-capped mountain not far away, condescendingly admiring the sea battles in the huge open space below.

As time passed, everyone's attention was all on the BOSS, and no one even noticed a few people sitting on the snowy hills at a height of more than 100 meters watching the show.

"Too slow, isn't it? It's been half an hour, and the BOSS has only dropped one twentieth of his blood volume. When will it be necessary to fight? It's boring."

Zhao Yingmeng sat there shaking her feet and muttered.

In fact, one in twentieth has hundreds of millions of blood, which is really good! It's just that they have suffered extremely heavy losses. There are still thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of people have persisted for half an hour.

"Where are the support troops? When will the support troops arrive!"

Qin Tianyun panicked. If he doesn't come again, they will die!

"Now, there is one kilometer!"


At this moment, the divine beast jumped, and countless ice crystals were released.

When the release of the ice crystal is over, everyone has turned into a light and resurrected, only Qin Tianyun is still alive, oh no, and Lou Xiaoqian who was hiding to shoot.

"Nima! This is the beast of Shenhuang! It's too fierce!"

"It's over, it's over! These temples are going to be wiped out!"

"It's so boring, I haven't seen this world with a sword before, and I've been commanding the whole process. I deserve it!"


Qin Tianyun gritted his teeth!

One kilometer, two or three minutes at full speed! He wants to hold on for two or three minutes under this sacred beast!

"One thought of heaven and earth!"

Qin Tianyun faced the BOSS head-on, pointing the sword in his hand towards the sky, and then countless phantoms of the sword flocked to the divine beast.

Chen Mo frowned.

The pinnacle player is indeed a pinnacle player, and the level of this big move is really not what ordinary players can have!

"Fogweed! Got it! It's so dazzling!"

"One talk, one is still very strong!"

"If this trick is released in the crowd, I am afraid it can kill a thousand people!"

"Look at the damage! One hundred fifty thousand! One hundred fifty thousand damage was hit in an instant! This is a beast of Shenhuang! Niubi!"


See this scene. Those who watched the live broadcast also admired and changed their previous evaluations of him!


The beast of Shenhuang leaped directly towards Qin Tianyun, and slapped him with a paw. After all, he was a pinnacle player. Qin Tianyun was naturally not a vegetarian. He leaped and dodged, and the beast of Shenhuang slapped him with a slap. On the ground, the whole ground trembled, as if a bomb exploded there!


There was another roar, and the terrifying cold force burst out. The surrounding itself was full of snow, but the snow instantly turned into ice, and Qin Tianyun was directly sealed by the ice!


The beast of Shenhuang jumped and slapped him with a paw.

Just when everyone thought he was going to be killed in seconds...


That's right, the damage coming out of his head is 0! Invincible!

"It turned out to be an invincible skill!"

"Awesome, sure enough, the strong is still the strong, I have to admire it!"


"Boundary Sealing Pearl!"

After Qin Tianyun released his control, he directly took out a bead and crushed it, a force wrapped around the divine beast, it couldn't move!

"I can hold it for thirty seconds, thirty seconds, it should be almost the same! I won't be able to stand it if no one comes."

Qin Tianyun gritted his teeth and said.

And Chen Mo above could see clearly.

"Wow! Brother Chenmo, do you swordsmen have invincible skills?"

Zhao Yingmeng said enviously.

If she also has invincible skills, it's really amazing.

"Invincible skills can be regarded as the rarest skills, only certain occupations can have them."

He is not surprised that Chen Mo is invincible, but at least Chen Mo already knows that he is invincible, and they will definitely fight in the future. Knowing some of his cards is also a good thing.

In the distance, a dense crowd roared towards him.

Qin Tianyun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene and resisted it.

The crowd of hundreds of thousands joined the battle again! Besieged the beast of Shenhuang with human tactics.

"This has already been won. Slowly grinding can kill the BOSS."

"But... Although it's magnificent, it's not good-looking, I still like to watch Chen Mo's bells and whistles, every minute of the air battle!"

"Come on, no matter how powerful Chen Mo is, the beast of Shenhuang? He can only deal damage of hundreds of thousands and two hundred thousand with a big move. The beast of Shenhuang has billions of blood!"


Time slowly passed, and two more groups of people joined the battlefield. Although the blood volume of the BOSS dropped slowly, the ending was doomed.

"There is still about 30% of the blood."

Zhao Yingmeng said excitedly.

"about there!"

Chen Mo then activated the flying skill of the flower-picking cloak, suddenly raised his speed, and then rushed into the battlefield.

"Look! Someone is coming!"

Originally, no one would notice Chen Mo and the others sitting there, but suddenly a figure in a red cloak flew into the battlefield and it had to be noticed.

Lou Xiaoqian turned the camera to Chen Mo.

"It's Chenmo! That's Chenmo!"

"Damn me? Chenmo? Why is he here?"

"Why does Lao Tzu feel a sense of excitement inexplicably seeing Chen Mo? He wants to steal the blame?"

"Snatch you, don't look at the BOSS's blood volume? There is still about 30%, that is one billion blood, how can he grab it?"


Then Qin Tianyun frowned when he saw Chen Mo flying over.

Why is he here?


This is his subconscious reaction, but after looking at the blood volume of the BOSS, even if he robs the blame, it is impossible to get this blood volume, right?


[Seven Emotions-Desire]: After opening, the effect of the next Seven Emotion skills will be doubled. Consumes all current mana points and can be released once a day.

[Seven Emotions-Evil]: Choose a target, ignoring the level, ignoring the rank, forcibly depriving the target of 10% of the maximum health, the consumption of mana: 10000, can be released once a day.

After Chen Mo rushed over ~www.readwn.com~ the two skills of Qiqing were directly released, and at the same time released the power of the law of withering once a day. The law of withering can also deprive 10% of the maximum attributes, including the value of life, which means Under these powers, Chen Mo can ignore the level and directly deprive the target of 30% of the maximum life! It's now!


A huge damage came from the head of the beast of God, and then the blood bar of the beast of God was emptied...

At this moment, both the barrage and the surroundings became quiet, it was completely quiet. The barrage that was originally refreshing stopped, and the screen was blank.

That's right, everyone was stunned, completely stunned, what happened to this TM? Why didn't they understand?

After a few seconds... everything exploded! !

(End of this chapter)


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