I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 580: Everyone horrified

To be honest, how shocking everyone is this scene!

Chen Mo has been a man to destroy the army of a million monsters, he has been a man doing whatever he wants in a super power, he has slapped the top powerhouse and so on...

The sensation caused by everything is unparalleled! At the same time, I don’t know how many people adore him. Although many people don’t want to admit it, the fact is that at least he is currently the strongest performer in front of the world until now! none of them!

When many people thought this was the limit, Chen Mo came out again, and then brought them such a show.

The highest instantaneous damage that Chen Mo showed in front of the world was hundreds of thousands. Although one person killed millions of monsters while guarding the mission, the damage was there and the damage was not high, but the skill scale was very abnormal. !

But now...

They saw with their own eyes that the remaining 30% of the blood of a Shenhuang beast was emptied, and they counted in shock...Ten digits, yes! This 30% of the blood volume was hit by hundreds of thousands of people for a long time! It was solved by Chen Mo...

"My Nima! Are my eyes blind? More than a billion hurt? Isn't it a hundred thousand? That's one billion!"

"Nima? What's the situation? Thirty percent of the blood volume has been emptied? This Chen Mo has even emptied more than one billion blood volume in one move! Is this a player?"

"I'm really obsessed with TMD! Why can others be so perverted? And me? What kind of devil is this Chenmo? How could he be a player who was just level 49, and did not complete the second turn to deal more than a billion damage? I must be dreaming!"

"This should be a reduction in maximum health, right? Otherwise, it's too much."

"It is estimated that, but from playing games to now, I have only seen blood deprivation of 10% of the maximum health value. What is this 30% of TM?"


In Lou Xiaoqian's live broadcast room, the barrage scrolled wildly. The first three seconds were densely packed? ? ? , Yes, everyone hit? ? ? , And then there are shocking words of all kinds of rough seas.

Lou Xiaoqian was also shocked in place.

Originally, I wanted to film the scene of the battle between the temples of the gods and the beast of Shenhuang. This topic is already extremely high, but I caught Chen Mo inexplicably, and when this scene was filmed, she herself was dumbfounded, and then excited. Crazy, accidentally took another scene of the famous Chenmo god!

That's right, Chen Mo once again successfully refreshed their worldview.

And Zhao Yingmeng was shocked.

She felt that she should be the player who knew Chen Mo the best among all the players so far, and her worldview was refreshed.

She remembers that Chen Mo seemed to inflict hundreds of thousands of injuries before, right? How come all of a sudden... more than a billion?

"Big Brother Chenmo is too abnormal."

Zhao Yingmeng is almost crying, why is this person so enchanting?

"Anyway, Big Brother is the best."

Xiaoyuan said milkily.


Long Xiaoruan nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Their dependence and trust on Chen Mo is unparalleled. In their eyes, they really admire Chen Mo. If Zhao Yingmeng is Chen Mo's No. 1 fan, then they are the top fans.

When those players were shocked, they suddenly realized a problem.

"Fuck? Isn't this Chen Mo intentional?"

"Nonsense! It's definitely intentional. How can he appear here by such a coincidence? But I really admire Chen Mo. This is definitely openly against the temples!"

"Actually, it's reasonable. Last time, Chen Mo finished the mission of the gods. In the end, the gods could only swallow their anger. However, now Chen Mo is here again. I'm afraid they regret that they have provoke such a person. Kill the **** with a grudge."

"But, don't you worry about what accidents will happen to Chenmo in reality?"

"So this is the reason why Chenmo never showed his face from beginning to end. Without showing his face, the Creation Group will not disclose any player's information. Even in the face of a big family like the Qin family, they still There is no fear at all, because once one is leaked, the entire Genesis Group will definitely collapse, and they can't stand the public opinion of the society."


That Qin Tianyun was stunned, he saw with his own eyes that the target of his mission had been emptied of his blood bar, and a ten-digit damage appeared from the head of the beast of God! Then he saw the monster fall in front of him.

He deeply knew how much this monster would have to kill if it were not for the people of their guild of the gods!

The temples of the gods will be robbed and disbanded! This task was taken by him, and it cost a lot of guild value, because he felt that millions of players could try to kill the forty-level Shenhuang beast in this time period! So he took it. The reward for the mission was very strong. He felt that as long as it was normal and coupled with his strength, he still had a super god-level item in his hand, which could clear 10% of the BOSS’s maximum health. There is confidence, and the price of failure is the dissolution of the temples for seven days.

In other words, even if you have a token to build a gang, you cannot directly rebuild the temples, you have to wait seven days.

The previous dissolution was re-established on the same day, and that incident caused an extremely heavy blow to the temples of gods! The temples of their own can be divided into the world with the Shengshi Dynasty, and even have the opportunity to surpass the Shengshi Dynasty. Because of that time, the dissolution of less than a day and the public opinion that was made into that way by one person caused heavy losses to the temples. In a short time, it is impossible to contend with the Prosperity Dynasty!

This period of time is slowly catching up after perfect development, but...

Seven days! What is the concept of seven days? The loss of the temples is to be calculated in thirteen figures! Trillion!

The direct loss caused is great ~www.readwn.com~ but the indirect loss is the most terrifying! How many original members do you have to lose in seven days?

Being made like this by someone again, the reputation of your top guild has fallen again, they would rather not join the temples!

The temples of the gods have completely lost the possibility of surpassing the Prosperous Dynasty, which directly shattered the Qin family's dream! Although the lean camel is bigger than the horse, this is not the result they want, and there may even be other super guilds that can catch up with them in the future!

When the monster hung in front of him, he, including all the members of the temples, heard a voice.

"Ding...Your mission failed, and the temples will be forcibly disbanded in a day!"

"Chen Mo!"

Qin Tianyun looked at Chen Mo, who was facing away from him, gritted his teeth, his eyes red.

(End of this chapter)

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