I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 611: He must be killed!

Chen Mo frowned.

What is this old man?

"What's my sin?"

Chen Mo looked at him.

"What sin? Why don't you know?"

The old man glared at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo sneered.

"Also I want to ask, which shallot are you?"

Everyone: "..."


If you come to find something normal, Chen Mo is not angry, because he knows that this is what they should do. They are afraid of Shura, afraid of Shura, and want to destroy any threat that might become Shura. They are for the mainland, Chen Mo understands.

However, you TM directly came over and pointed at me and asked if you were guilty?

With this attitude, Chen Mo was directly angry.


The old man pointed at Chen Mo.

I never thought that I was so ignorant, and even dared to talk to him like this in front of the strong!

"Are you shameless? Come over and point to me, can I convict? Did I sun your daughter or gave you green?"

Everyone: "..."

"This...this this..."

When Zhao Yingmeng heard Chen Mo's words, the whole person was not good.

Is this still Big Brother Chenmo?

Damn! She hadn't seen him like this since the first day she met Chen Mo, and had never heard him explode in foul language! Be good!

Qingcheng was also taken aback.

"court death!"

Venerable Zhanwu said the weather broke out, and a force directly blasted towards Chen Mo.


Long Xu appeared in front of Chen Mo, blocking his power.

"If you want to do it, you have to wait until everyone decides the result!"

Long Xu coldly glanced at Venerable Zhanwu and said.


Venerable Zhanwu snorted coldly.

"Senior Long, I'm afraid you won't be able to protect this kid this time!"

Venerable Apocalypse walked over and pointed at Chen Mo and said: "He has the power of Shura, and he will surely become a trouble for the mainland in the future, and this kid is not low in talent and strength. He has just released such a terrifying power. The flame demon is in seconds, which also shows one thing. In the future, his power will be very terrifying. It is very likely that he will become the fourth and strongest generation of Shura! At that time, the mainland will become a purgatory. Want to see?"

"Big brother won't become bad guys, you are bad guys!"

Xiao Yuan pointed at them and shouted angrily.

In their eyes, Xiaoyuan was completely ignored.

"The other old men don't care. The old man only knows that Chen Mo is a friend of my Shengyang clan. If anyone does something to him, he is disrespectful to my Shengyang clan!"

"Hmph! The Shengyang clan has a big tone, so your Excellency the Shengyang clan dare to protect the life and death of hundreds of people in the entire continent?"

A voice came again, a cloud of black mist on the horizon, a figure walked over the void step by step, and then fell to the ground.

"Have seen the Pope!"

Seeing him, a dozen of the close to one hundred strong men saluted!

"The Pope of the Martial God Temple is here!"

The flower saint showed a sad face!

As one of the four imperial-level powers, Wushen Temple is the leader of the four imperial-level forces, and even suppresses many of the other three imperial-level forces. Moreover, the Martial God Temple has a long history, and even once competed with Xianzong for the emperor level. Power, that is to say, this Martial God Temple can almost reach the existence of the emperor rank power!

There are three extremely strong people in the mainland, Moon God, Immortal Emperor, and Pope! That's right, the third is the Pope of the Martial God Temple. If there are a few more, they are the emperors of the five empires! But the emperor's strength is headed by the Saint Yao female emperor, and there must be some powerful old monsters, but these are the most popular ones.

And the Pope actually came in person, and the Venerable Zhanwu who had only proved that Chen Mo was guilty was also a member of the Martial God Temple. Everyone already knew that the Pope was also here to convict.

"Naturally not, but if anyone dares to do something against Chenmo today, he should step over from the old man's bones first!"


The Pope of Wushen Temple glanced at Chen Mo.

"As we all know, the existence of Shura is a hazard to the entire continent. If you don't remove it, you will surely be overwhelmed."


Venerable Apocalypse stepped forward and nodded, and said: "Moreover, this kid is born to kill and has no eyes. He dared to kill one person in the spirit sword pavilion that day. This is not the temperament that a normal person should have. He is not strong, but think about it. , If he had a very strong cultivation base at the time, how many of you from the Spirit Sword Pavilion would survive? He didn’t want to kill you, but couldn’t kill it at that time! Think again, this kind of person, Isn't he a big threat! Everyone in Lingjian Pavilion, what do you think?"

Venerable Holy Sword and the others sighed slightly.

Then the Holy Sword Venerable said: "Actually, the deity thinks this is human nature. My Spirit Sword Pavilion had grievances with the Sect Master at that time. He was able to turn the mountains and seas in the Spirit Sword Pavilion. Venerable Apocalypse, for example, if you are humiliated or attacked, don’t you want to find your place? I think it’s normal, not something that cannot be forgiven."

"That's it, the people involved didn't say anything, what are you worried about, what sense of presence do you have?"

Zhao Yingmeng pointed to Venerable Apocalypse and said.


"And... how did you know that Brother Chen Mo killed the Flame Demon just now? Oh... So you have been watching by the side, would you attract the monsters in the Star Forest? Because of you and Chen Brother Mo has a grudge!"

Zhao Yingmeng just talked casually, she just thought the old man was upset.

"Nonsense! The old man just happened to pass by with the disciple of the deity, and he just took a look at the sound of the mountain whistling and tsunami!"

"This lady is just talking, father, don't get excited."


Venerable Apocalypse flicked his sleeves in anger~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Tang Tianhao also walked out and said slightly: "Everyone, the deity and Chenmo also know each other. During the time we got along, the deity felt that Chenmo was very good. He even wanted to betroth his daughter to him. He is indeed a very good person. So I think that Shura is in his body, but he has never used this power to do anything bad. Things, even if he broke into the Spirit Sword Pavilion in a rage at that time, it was not this power that he used. The only thing he used was now, in order to protect his Fengshen sect and his relatives and friends in the Fengshen sect. Don’t you think this is one thing? What a decent person should have?"

"Sect Master Tang's words are wrong."

Another old man stood up and said: "Whether Chen Mo is a decent person is not a discussion for the time being. We are talking about Shura, not him. Everyone present is a strong person who resounds. , The deity would like to ask Sect Master Tang and all of you present. Can anyone dare to say that if he gains Shura's power, with your strength, he can withstand the erosion caused by Shura's will?"

(End of this chapter)


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