I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 612: Luna comes

The words of the strong man in Qingyun Temple, the meaning of the eight powers, naturally got everyone's response.

"Naturally not, let alone I'm waiting, the Pope of the Martial God Temple is not sure, right?"


The pope nodded.

Then the pope stared at Chen Mo through his icy eyes under the mask, and said: "The meaning of Shura is not something that we and other mortals can resist. Anyone who gains Shura's power will eventually become Shura, endanger the mainland, and endanger the Quartet. Therefore, the pope proposed to kill him while he is not strong right now! If he stays, it will be an endless evil."

Chen Mo secretly clenched his fists.

To be honest, he was very angry when he heard this!

"You're a curse to your sister!"

Xiao Ruhan couldn't help but explode.


The pope stared at Xiao Ruhan.

"You let your sister be presumptuous!"

Chen Mo: "..."

Really, I was very angry at first, so why did I want to laugh somehow?

"People who are better than you haven't spoken yet, so why do you decide?"

Xiao Ruhan looked at her and said unhappy.

At this moment, above the void, the day before suddenly turned into night. The bright starry sky was particularly beautiful, especially a huge round moon. Chen Mo vowed that he had never seen such a big full moon.

A little white light seemed to fly out of the full moon, and then Chen Mo saw a particularly beautiful white bird, noble and noble, not just a variety, it was pulling a beautiful sedan chair on it. Sitting with a figure, wearing a veil, a very noble woman.

The figure flew over them and stopped. The figure stood looking at them.

"I have seen Lord Moon God!"

"See Lord Moon God!"


For a while everyone saluted, even the pope bowed slightly!

Chen Mo: "..."

Even the Moon God is here?

"Lord Moon God, please comment! These people are going to kill Xiao Momo for no reason!"

Xiao Ruhan punched the Moon God and said.

"No reason? He is Shura, why is there no reason? Lord Moon God, you guard the Tianlin Continent, and you know more about the terrible aspects of Shura. If you don't get rid of this dust today, he will threaten the entire continent in the future. Peace!"

Venerable Apocalypse said respectfully.

Moon God looked at Chen Mo without speaking.

At this moment, another ray of light flashed across the horizon, and two figures stood above the void and walked over.

Empress Saint Yao and Huanghuang!

"Big brother!"

Huang Huang waved at them from above the void.

"I have seen Lord Moon God!"

The Empress Saint Yao gave a slight salute.

Luna nodded slightly.

"Chen Mo, do you have anything to say?"

Moon God looked at Chen Mo and made an ethereal voice.

"Me? In front of so many strong men who want to kill me, is it useful to say anything?"

Chen Mo counseled his shoulder.

"Since Lord Moon God and Empress Shengyao have also arrived, and both of them are important members who guard the mainland, then basically everyone is already here, and the Lord Immortal is the only one, but the Lord Immortal seems to be retreating. , But Xianzong also ruled out several powerful people from coming, the deity’s meaning is very clear, killing Chenmo is as simple as that! And the most direct! There is no so-called human relationship, there is nothing to hesitate and consider, now hesitate, Countless people will die in the future!"

The pope said majestic!

"Yes, as everyone knows, Shura's ideas cannot be violated with a mortal body, which means that Chenmo will definitely become Shura. Rather than being tricky then, it is better to be happy now."

"Yeah, yeah, so many of us have already come, and we hope that it will be over perfectly. The tragedies brought by Shura in the past are well known to everyone, and I hope that they will not happen again!"


For a time, more than nine out of ten people agreed.

Chen Mo secretly clenched his fists!

Now he has lost the power of Shura's Magic Transformation, because he can only use it once, so although he is unhappy, he no longer has the qualifications to fight them, love saint... not enough!

The three girls pulled the corners of Chen Mo's clothes, panicked and angry.

"This... the deity holds different opinions."

The Empress Saint Yao then spoke slightly.

Chen Mo looked up at her.

The Empress Saint Yao said: "Although Chen Mo is arrogant by nature, his arrogance is due to him. He has never done anything wrong. On the contrary, the action at the Temple of Flames a few months ago was actually caused by him alone. Because he alone helped me destroy the Temple of Flames. In fact, his heart is a young man who wants to pay for the mainland, and also wants to protect the mainland and protect the human race, so I don’t think that he can become a Shura in the future. Ruined him."

"Yes, we are not qualified to kill a young man who has never done anything bad to the mainland. Even if he is just an ordinary citizen, we are not qualified to determine his life or death!"

Said Venerable Ziyun on Misty Peak.

"Huh! Then Yi Erren's words are to wait until he has slaughtered thousands of creatures, and then let me kill him when I pay a heavy price, right?"

Venerable Apocalypse said with an ugly face.

"Yes, he knows that he will become our enemy in the future. This is an indisputable fact. Why should you deceive yourself, Lord Shengyao? Venerable Ziyun, you said, even if you are an ordinary lady, you are not eligible. Determining his life and death, the deity agrees, but his fate is fate. Isn’t it fate that tens of thousands of lives fell that day? Can the innocent people who will die tragically in his hands die in the future?"

Yun Sheng asked coldly.

"Yeah, yeah! Kill him quickly. If he doesn't die, I will have trouble sleeping and eating!"


For a time there were countless echoes.

"The deity thinks that maybe this is possible. He is always paying attention to Chen Mo's changes. At least he can't be killed right now, and who can really say that there is no way to prevent him from becoming Shura? We can look for, explore, and wait until he is about to become Shura, and it’s not too late to start!"

The Empress Saint Yao said slightly.

There is no way, too many people will kill him, and her defense hardly receives any support. All she can do is to buy Chenmo time to survive, because Shura is really terrible! If he is not Chenmo, and if he has nothing to do with Empress Shengyao, it is possible that Empress Shengyao is also the one who supports the killing.

"No, Shura's growth is too fast. He can release the power of Shura's heyday at the current Ghost Profound level power. Do you dare to say that he can't release this power to escape in a few days? Once he escapes, he He left our sight, and when he reappeared, it was time to slaughter the world!"

Venerable Apocalypse said.

For a while, everyone was talking about it.

"I think it's up to you, Lord Luna~www.readwn.com~ The pope said something to break the noise.

He believed that as the moon **** who guarded the mainland, she would be able to make the most correct decision, because their decision was not wrong!


Moon God said lightly.


Xiao Ruhan couldn't help pointing at her, with anger on his face.

The vote indicates that she has shown her meaning, kill Chen Mo!

Because more people must support killing him!

(End of this chapter)


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