I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 619: Mei Zilin

How to do it?

Luna didn't know either.

In fact, she didn't intend to do anything to Chen Mo, but she had no choice but to do it!

Now, Shura and disaster are together, they have the power to destroy the world! If it rises, the mainland's life will be wiped out.

"Didn't you have said how to do it? Wanted all over the mainland."

"You are such an impersonal person."

Xiao Ruhan said slightly.

"Then what do you say?"

Xiao Ruhan was speechless when she asked.

Yes, from a friend's standpoint, she naturally doesn't want to do that, but she must look at this matter from the perspective of the mainland.

The Moon God took a sip of tea and said, "The blow of the Lady of Calamity in the afternoon can even directly hurt me. If it is a strength that really grows up, all the powerhouses on the entire continent together cannot be hers. Opponent, let alone add a Shura, even now we can only pray, if not, we must kill him!"

"So you want to find them too?"

"Everything has a conclusion. It's all determined by heaven. The whole continent has wanted them. I don't have to do anything. Whether I can catch them, it depends on the heavens."

Xiao Ruhan sat there thinking.

"I'm wondering, is there any way to stop them from becoming Shura, so that disasters are no longer born! Even the laws of mind and other gods are useless. Is there really a way in this world?"

Xiao Ruhan sighed.

"In the afternoon, the girl of calamity exploded with power, but Chen Mo released some power to control it, otherwise everyone present might not escape death."

"You mean..."

Xiao Ruhan's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Chen Mo may have a way to control disasters, and now it may be more important that his own Shura power!"

Xiao Ruhan groaned: "Xiao Momo is such a wicked evildoer, I think he might have a solution himself! There should be! Should..."

Then she raised her head to look at the Moon God, and said, "I hope you can help me with this matter."

"help you with what?"

"Xiao Momo is wanted all over the mainland. He will have no place to stay in the mainland. I hope that with your personal relationship, you can give him some shelter."

"Isn't Sheng Yao, Lei Lingzong, Misty Peak and other sects not enough?"

Her meaning is very clear. Although wanted all over the mainland, those who support Chen Mo will definitely not use relationships and networks!

"Okay, no more BB with you, I'm going to Fengshenzong." After saying that Xiao Ruhan disappeared in place!


"Big brother...Little Bell, she..."

In a bamboo forest, Chen Mo walked in from outside, and then Long Xiaorou ran towards her with water.

Chen Mo led them into the room, looked at Xiaoyuan lying on the bed, then rubbed their heads, and said, "Don't worry, she's okay, she will wake up later."


They nodded their heads.

Chen Mo then took out some delicious food and said, "Get hungry, eat something."

"Little bell can't eat until he wakes up."

Shui Shui whispered.

"I will wake her up immediately."

Chen Mo said slightly, then took a big drumstick and walked to Xiao Yuan, placing the big drumstick on the tip of her nose.

After about two seconds, Xiaoyuan's nose sniffed gently.

Ah woo.

Then she bit the big drumstick.

Chen Mo: "..."

He just gave it a try, but he didn't expect it to be.

The next second, Xiao Yuan opened his eyes.

"Big brother……"

Xiaoyuan saw Chen Mo.

"Little bell!"

Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou both showed happy expressions.

Then Xiao Yuan sat up with the big drumstick.

"How is it?" Chen Mo asked quickly.


Xiao Yuan said in a low voice.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and said, "I bought a lot of things, let's eat."

"Big brother eats too."

"Well, let's eat together!"

Chen Mo smiled.

Then Chen Mo hugged Xiao Yuan and sat at the table. The four of them looked at the starry sky outside the window, eating warm and delicious food.

The place where they are now is Meizilin. Yes, the Meizilin outside Linfeng City is also the first place Chen Mo came to after he came out of Novice Village, Linfeng City!

But even so, Chen Mo did not expose himself, and it is impossible to take them to live in the inn for the time being, because the news may not reach here temporarily, but there are many players here! This is a troublesome place. Fortunately, the small courtyard of Saint Flower is still there, allowing Chen Mo and the others to have a shelter in a short time.

At that time Xiaoyuan ran away, Chen Mo must use the light of God to restore her to normal, otherwise Xiaoyuan who ran away would not be able to control herself, and would cause more serious mistakes at that time! It's just that now, the light of Shenqing is gone, and Chen Mo definitely can't let Xiaoyuan run away.

The scene of Xiaoyuan’s running away is vivid, and even the existence of the Moon God and Immortal Emperor level has been hanged. What kind of power is this? !

If she ran away again, Chen Mo would have nothing to do.

But the current situation is not too bad, isn't it just wanted by the whole mainland? What's that? At this time, the flower-picking phantom and the flower-picking cloak exerted an anti-sky effect. Chen Mo casually became invisible, and changed his appearance casually.

But the more troublesome thing is to bring Xiaoyuan with them, because everyone knows them, so naturally they know that he is Chen Mo.

it's OK.

Chen Mo must take them away. Chen Mo didn't dare to leave Xiaoyuan somewhere else, and they could help him a lot. Chen Mo couldn't do without them. In the next course, he just went to find the rules. Will not appear in the eyes of the world.

Shura once said that Shura is lonely, Chen Mo hasn't understood much yet, now he knows, it is true! But it's okay, they still accompany themselves.

"Xiao Yuan, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Chen Mo asked concerned.

Xiao Yuan shook his head.

"Just... just a little bit weak."

Chen Mo nodded.

It should be the weakness after the runaway, this is nothing.

"You may have to wander the world with me in the future."

Chen Mo rubbed the water and Long Xiaorou beside him.

"As long as I can be with my big brother."

Long Xiaorou said lively.

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

So cute.

At this time, Zhao Yingmeng heard a call, and Chen Mo answered her call.

"Big Brother Chenmo~www.readwn.com~You...how are you now? Where is Xiaoyuan? How is she?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked worriedly.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Zhao Yingmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, it's fine."

"Where is Fengshenzong?"

"Everyone is very positive, and we must help Brother Chenmo develop Fengshen Sect well."

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, I'll go over immediately."


Zhao Yingmeng was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)


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