I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 620: Return to Feng Shenzong

Zhao Yingmeng did not receive Chen Mo's reply and Chen Mo died!

She was still wondering why Brother Chen Mo dared to go back just now.

"You stay here first, eat, don't go anywhere else, I will leave first."

Chen Mo said to the three girls.


Then Chen Mo disappeared in place!

"Qingqing, when do you think we will see Master Chenmo..."

In Fengshen Sect, Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing sat together and talked about their concerns.

Ye Qingqing shook his head.

"Young Master Chen Mo is wanted by the mainland, and now he can't even appear in front of the world. I think...maybe you will have to wait until Young Master Chen Mo has the ability to compete with the entire continent before you can see him." Ye Qingqing said with some loss. .

When does that have to be.

She knew there would be such a day, but no matter how powerful people wanted to contend with the entire continent, it would be too difficult and too difficult.

"Blame those people, it's terrible! Young Master Chenmo is obviously a good person. They will kill Young Master Chenmo indiscriminately, just like the people in the Demon Cult, cold-blooded and ruthless, with the current situation, all They did it all!"

Tang Panpan said angrily.

Really, he finally fell in love with a boy, but he was so angry when he encountered such injustice.

"Hey, I don't know where Master Chen Mo is now, how is it..."

Tang Panpan muttered to himself with his chin in his hands.


A voice suddenly came from behind her, and then both Ye Qingqing and Tang Panpan trembled suddenly.

How hot is this sound familiar?

The second woman slowly turned her head, and the next moment she showed a surprised expression.

"Master Chenmo!"

The two yelled in unison, and then pounced on Chen Mo. Tang Panpan went a little faster and threw directly into Chen Mo's arms. Although Ye Qingqing stood there a little lost, he looked very happy seeing Chen Mo back. .

"Master Chen Mo, it would be great for you to be fine."

Tang Panpan said excitedly.

"It's okay, go to the house first."

Although he came to the Fengshen Sect, Chen Mo didn't want to be seen by too many people. He couldn't fully trust the people in Lingjian Pavilion. Some people could, but there were many people Chen Mo didn't know. They knew that he would come to the Fengshen Sect. Maybe someone will inform some sects.

"Little Momo!"

Xiao Ruhan and Yun Qi were discussing something outside the forbidden area of ​​Fengshenzong, when they suddenly heard footsteps behind them, they turned around and found Chen Mo.

"You brat, you just ran in the afternoon and came back in the evening. Are you really afraid?"

Xiao Ruhan ran over and twisted Chen Mo's ears.

Chen Mo: "..."

"Aren't there empty magic stones."

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Fortunately, the empty magic stone of the empress, otherwise you would not be able to get out." Xiao Ruhan stopped arguing with Chen Mo, and then asked, "How is Xiaoyuan?"

"She's fine."

"Just fine!"

Chen Mo then said, "I actually came here to report peace to everyone, so you don't have to worry about us."

Xiao Ruhan nodded: "Well, as long as you are okay, leave the Fengshen Sect to this fairy. It's just that you are wanted by the mainland and it is difficult to move. What will you do next?"

Xiao Ruhan then asked worriedly.

"Next, I can just do some of the things I want to do and the promises I have not fulfilled. Please don't worry, Master Fairy. Regarding the ability to escape, I'm afraid we are now number one in this world!"

Of course, what I wanted to do was Wander the End. It happened to be this time that Chen Mo was given the opportunity to Wander the End. However, the unfulfilled promise, a long time ago, said that he would take those three girls to visit the mainland. Now it can finally be realized.

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

"Okay, I'm relieved if you can say that, but there is one thing you really need to pay attention to."

Xiao Ruhan sighed and looked at Chen Mo, and said, "That's the power of Shura in your body. It's not unreasonable for the mainland to act on you. Except for a few of your enemies, who want you to die, the others are actually It’s not wrong, it’s just a different position."

Chen Mo nodded; "I understand."

"And Xiaoyuan's disaster..."

"Relax, although I am not a good person, I don't want to be a wicked person who has been stinking for thousands of years. If one day I really feel something wrong, I will kill myself!"

Chen Mo said lightly.

"Young Master Chenmo..."

Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing bit their lip, not knowing what to say.

"Don't, there is a way to suppress the power of Shura in your body! I will help you find out, you must not have negative emotions during this period of time, and there are small predecessors. Negative emotions will only deepen and accelerate your formation. ."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Would you like to meet Senior Long and Senior Flower?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No, the three girls are still on the other side, just come over to report to everyone for safety, and I have time to see the magic stone, and will often come back to visit you."

Upon hearing Chen Mo's words, Tang Panpan, Ye Qingqing and the others showed surprise expressions.

They thought they would not see it for a long time, but they felt relieved when they heard Chen Mo's words.

"Also, please tell Senior Long, I will take care of Xiao Rou."

Xiao Ruhan nodded.

"Do not worry."

Chen Mo then looked at Ye Qingqing and Tang Panpan.

"Aren't you going back against Lei Lingzong?" Chen Mo asked Tang Panpan.

"No, there are so many good friends here, I think it's good here."

Tang Panpan shook his head and said.

"Hmm..." Chen Mo nodded, then looked at Ye Qingqing, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Usually I have to cultivate myself, so I can't waste your talent."

Ye Qingqing and Ye Yuhan are sisters, Ye Yuhan's talent is against the sky, and Ye Qingqing's talent is absolutely top-notch even if it is not as good as that! She has been cultivating for so long, and she must do it too.

"Well, Qingqing knows, Master Chen Mo must be careful when he is outside."

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Then he looked at Yunqi and said, "Girl Yunqi, if the money runs out, I will just come back and tell me when that happens."

"Don't worry~www.readwn.com~ The money you gave last time, Mr. Chen Mo, is enough. Let us leave the rest."

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo sighed, and then said to Xiao Ruhan: "The matter on the Yangshen Sect..."

"You have this kind of thing now that no one has counted. It is estimated that the Yangshen Sect may directly look for you. After all, you are now intolerable by the mainland. For them, it is the best opportunity. Qingqiu estimates I will leave these few days."

"Well, let's go!"

After that, Chen Mo's figure disappeared again.

"everything will get better!"

Xiao Ruhan patted Tang Panpan and Ye Qingqing on the shoulders and said, then also walked away.

(End of this chapter)


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