I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 632: Mysterious Xuefa Little Lolita

Where is the land of the dead, in fact, Chen Mo really doesn't know, what he knows now may be another plane, but so far Chen Mo knows that he did not go wrong, but there has not been anything related to this parchment scroll. The things and power of the world, so Chen Mo can only move on!


Then Chen Mo pulled a few girls into the door of endless darkness! Go forward in the darkness.

After stepping into it, the door closed automatically, and the passage in front of him was like a space tunnel, but it was even darker.

In this passage, they walked for ten minutes.

"Big brother...Where are we going now?"

Xiao Yuan asked, tilting his head.

"The land of the dead, I don't know exactly where it is."

Chen Mo said.


They are just curious, no matter where they go, as long as there is a place for Chen Mo.

At this time, a bright light appeared in the front, and Chen Mo walked over with them in confusion.

This is a small passage, and a door appears in front of it, a door that seems to give people unlimited reverie.

Here, however, sits a...little girl!

That's right! It's really a little girl!

They seemed to be about the same age as Xiaoyuan and the others, wearing a white princess dress and little princess boots. At this moment, she was sitting on a big rock and shaking her little feet, looking at Chen Mo and the others.

This girl surprised Chen Mo. She was very beautiful and beautiful, and she seemed to be an elf. If you stand with Xiaoyuan and the others, you think they are really good-matched sisters, and you don’t lose them in terms of beauty. Yes, very cute, especially when she saw Chen Mo and the others, she couldn't help but smile. The pair of small tiger teeth and crooked moon-like eyes were very cute.

But her beauty may not be the first place that others noticed. The most amazing thing everyone noticed about her is that her beautiful hair turned out to be Xuefa!

That's right! Silver hair!

This kind of picture is the silver-white hair of the anime characters that Chen Mo can only see in certain dramas. In reality, there are really very few people who can control such beauty, only in anime. Girls can control the silver snow hair, but I have to say that it is very beautiful. This is the only silver white snow hair Chen Mo has ever seen. It is so beautiful, not showing signs of decadence at all, but a very beautiful little girl!

Moreover, the silver-haired girl in the anime is either a superb existence, or a cute and weak existence, this...not sure.

But it doesn't matter now. Finally, how can there be such a person in such a place?

Chen Mo used Shura to kill pupils to investigate.

【? ? ? 】:grade:? ? ? ,grade:? ? ? ,life value;? ? ? , Introduction:? ? ?

That's right! As expected by Chen Mo, this is another little Lolita who may be very popular!

Why is the world's best batch of small loli?

"Ah, someone has finally arrived!"

Little Lori jumped off the rock, and then ran in front of Chen Mo and the others. Her aura and big eyes looked at Chen Mo, and then approached Xiaoyuan, Shuishi and Long Xiaorou in turn, and they were very close. Looking at them very closely, even the little nose sniffed.

The three little loli blinked big eyes, and then silently hid behind Chen Mo. Without Chen Mo's order, they didn't know if this was a good person, or whether to communicate with her.

"It's so beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl Linglong has ever seen. You can almost compare to Linglong."

Little Lori said sweetly.

Chen Mo: "..."

This seems to be a little narcissistic girl.

"I don't know... you are?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Huh! I am the cutest, kind, and beautiful girl in the world."

Linglong walked around in front of them and said proudly.

"Xiao Yuan is, no, there is still water, Xiao Rourou."

Xiao Yuan said unconvincedly.

"No, Linglong is!"

"We are!"

"Linglong is!"


Chen Mo: "..."

A few little loli are really like little girls competing here for who is the cutest and most beautiful in the world.


Chen Mo thought that Linglong might be a master, no, she was indeed a master, but she really seemed to be a little girl in her heart, so she didn't seem to be afraid of anything.

"you all are."

Chen Mo then said silently.


Linglong's little mouth pursed, and then she glanced at Xiaoyuan and the others with big eyes.

Chen Mo then looked at the mysterious little Xuefa girl and asked, "Why are you here? Do you know where it is?"

"Of course I know, but why should I tell you, can you give Linglong any benefit?"

Linglong looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"what do you want?"

Linglong tilted her small head, putting her finger on her mouth, thinking carefully.

"I want... I want the legendary delicious."

Chen Mo: "..."

"do you have?"

"What's delicious?"

"Um... I don't know, it's something you can eat, do you have it?"

Chen Mo then took out a chicken leg.


Even Chen Mo had just taken it out, the chicken leg in his hand was gone, and then she saw Linglong holding the big chicken leg in the corner, sniffed it, and then slowly stretched out her little pink fragrant tongue and licked it. .

In the next instant, countless little stars flashed in her eyes.


Chen Mo: "..."

After ten seconds, she appeared in front of Chen Mo again.

"Is there any more?"

She looked at Chen Mo expectantly.

Chen Mo took out a bunch of delicious food.

"Wow! These... are these all delicious?"

Linglong asked with blinking big eyes.

Chen Mo nodded.

"I... can I eat it all?"

"You... eat with them."

Then Chen Mo sat on the rock and looked at the four girls sitting there eating delicious food.

This little Xuefa Lolita named Linglong doesn't seem to know these chickens, ducks, fish and the like, because Chen Mo saw that she swallowed all the bones of chicken legs ~ www.readwn.com~ or fish bones. Go down.

This girl seems to be very powerful, but she doesn't seem to know the outside world at all. Could she not come from outside? Could it be from the land of the dead?

"Um... this one is delicious, that one is also delicious, wow! What is this delicious, hard, long, um..."

This girl seemed to be still talking about stubbornness. While eating, she basically didn't stop talking. She didn't eat well, her face and hands were greasy, but she was beautiful and cute. All of these can be ignored.

After a while, they all solved the delicious food.

"Comfortable, comfortable! Hiccup~"

Na Linglong was lying on the ground, the oil stains on her body disappeared instantly, and then she touched her belly with satisfaction, and burped to death.

(End of this chapter)


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