I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 633: Linglong, the gate of the underworld

Chen Mo jumped down, then looked at her and asked, "Then you can tell me now, right?"

"Tell you what?"

Linglong blinked her eyes.

"Where is behind the door, what is there, who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Um... because you gave Linglong so many delicious portions, then Linglong will tell you!"

Then she pointed her finger at the back door and said, "There is the underworld inside."

"Underworld? Isn't it the land of the dead?"

"The land of the dead? What is that place?"

Linglong blinked her eyes.

Chen Mo frowned slightly and groaned slightly.

Or is the land of the dead just a name for this place? should be.

"It's okay, you mean this is the underworld, where the dead came?"

"Um... it can be explained almost like this."

Chen Mo: "..."

This TM is too outrageous, right?

Did people really go to another place when they died?

Some people predict that when a person dies, he will indeed go to another world. After a lifetime in that world, he will return to the first world and cycle back and forth. During this period, he will not retain any memories. It is a new life.

"It's the people who died outside. Will they come here?"

"Well, yes, it's just that they came here through other channels. Some people will die or be eaten on the way. Only those who come here alive can enter the underworld."

Linglong nodded and said.

"So there are souls in the underworld?"

"No, the underworld has the laws of the underworld. Even if you enter the underworld as a soul, you have a physical body in it. Of course, only in the underworld. You will die when you go out, hehe, but there is Linglong in it. , They can't get out either."

Linglong shook her little feet and said.

"What do you mean?"

"Um... this is Linglong's mission here. It is forbidden to allow any creature to shuttle between the two worlds."

Chen Mo: "..."

It turns out that she is similar to the identity of a guardian here!

But think about it, this is similar to the world and the underworld. If the underworld can come to the earth at will, wouldn’t it be a mess?

This is two worlds, two planes, two continents!

Does that mean that Chen Mo can find Ye Yuhan, Ye Qingqing's parents, or Han Jiangxue's family in the underworld?

It is certainly possible, but the premise is that they must live here!

"Does that mean that people in the underworld can return to the outer Tianlin continent to reincarnate after a lifetime?"

"Of course not. After a lifetime in the underworld, he disappeared completely, and there is no such person anymore."

Chen Mo: "..."

"Um... But what you said about reincarnation is called reincarnation. Only those who have not entered the underworld can they have the opportunity to reincarnate directly in the dead world, but that requires a very powerful cultivation base to do it. "

Linglong explained to Chen Mo.

"So... can actually bring the people inside from the underworld to Tianlin Continent?"

"Of course it can, but Linglong is there, huh, impossible!"

Chen Mo; "..."

Therefore, she is responsible for guarding the existence of these two planes!

Chen Mo probably understood everything.

Fortunately, the existence of such a girl allowed Chen Mo to understand a lot of things for a while, and this day was even more miraculous! Does that mean that the sky blue stars, that is, their reality, people have gone to some other plane when they die, and that they will truly die after a lifetime on that plane?

So, in fact, people don’t really die when they die. As long as they come to the world after their death, take their souls out, and then through certain methods, they can still exist, or it may achieve the effect of resurrection!

Of course, this is only a theoretical thing that Chen Mo thinks. After all, Linglong also said that the underworld has the laws of the underworld. When you go to the underworld, the soul is equivalent to having a body, being able to marry a wife and have children, and be able to do everything. Do things.

It was amazing and overturned Chen Mo's worldview.

"Does the underworld have laws?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Huh? How do you know?"

Linglong looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's eyes lit up.

"There is a law of death, but only half, because half of it remains in another world."

Chen Mo: "..."

So the first place marked on this map is actually the underworld. Go to the underworld to get half of the law of death, and then go to the Tianlin continent to get the other half of the law of death?

"Can I go in?"


Linglong said with a smile.

Then she said: "My sister said, no one is allowed to go in and no one to come out of it, otherwise it is very likely to be messy, so although you are very good, big brother, you can give Linglong delicious food, but you can't."



Linglong covered her little mouth.

It may have been a long time since no one had spoken to her. Why did she suddenly say so many things? All the news about the law of death was said.

"Don't say it, don't say it, can you stay here to chat with Linglong?"

Linglong looked at Chen Mo and them expectantly.

"I want to go in!"

Chen Mo said to her.

Linglong shook her head quickly: "No, no, absolutely no! No! And you are still in the flesh, and you have violated the regulations, no, no, no."

Chen Mo slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, then took out a whole roast chicken and placed it in front of Linglong.

Her big eyes stared straight at the roast chicken in Chen Mo's hand, drooling.


She was still stubbornly talking about the two people, but the whole person could not help moving with the position of the roast chicken.

"If you let me in, this roast chicken will be yours."

Chen Mo seduced.

Crushing is definitely not possible, since she can be allowed to hold such a position that is against the sky, then her strength is probably beyond the top powerhouse.

But ah... after all, he is a kid with a very immature mood.

"No...no! Don't tempt Linglong!"

Linglong shook her head and shouted stubbornly.

"oh, I see."

Chen Mo then took out a colorful candy, the size of her palm.

"Do you want to eat this skittle?"

Linglong swallowed.

"This...what is this? Why is it so beautiful? Can it be eaten?"

Linglong asked straightforwardly.

Chen Mo tore the paper outside, then put it to his mouth, and then...


Chen Mo took a bite directly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Seeing this scene, Linglong is going crazy~www.readwn.com~No, no! You can't eat so beautiful and delicious! You are too sinful. "

She is about to cry.

"do you want to eat?"

"miss you……"

She stared at Chen Mo pitifully.

In the next instant, a dozen lollipops of this size appeared in Chen Mo's hands.

"Xiao Yuan, four of you, Shui Shui, four of you, Xiao Rou, four of you, just right, no more."

"Then... what about the exquisite one?"

Linglong swallowed and asked pitifully.

(End of this chapter)


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