I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 634: Too bad, too bad

Chen Mo looked at Linglong and said, “If you ask you to help me, you won’t help. They are my friends and I will give them to them. But you don’t help me, so you are not my friend. Then why should I give them? You?"

"No, no, absolutely no. My sister won't let Linglong let anyone in, no..."

She shook her head.

"Hey... I still have an empty magic stone in my hand. I can come here anytime and anywhere. When I go out, there are thousands of different kinds of delicious food outside. I can bring something I can't finish every day. The delicious ones are here, waiting for those who are destined to taste them...There are lamb, steamed bear paw, steamed deer tail, roasted duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, braised pig, braised duck, and soy sauce chicken. , Bacon, songhua, small tripe, dried meat, sausages, assorted Supan, smoked chicken white tripe, steamed eight-treasure pig, rice stuffed duck, pot pheasant, pot quail, braised assorted...I don’t know who can Taste them."


Linglong's saliva has dripped down.

"Linglong...Linglong can taste them."

Linglong said excitedly.

Chen Mo then looked at her and said with a smile: "If you help me, I will give you unfinished food, if you don't help, then forget it."

"Don't...you are too bad, too bad!"

Linglong grabbed her little skirt and said aggrievedly.

"Thinking about it, you are so pathetic. You have been guarding here. I haven't eaten so many delicious foods. Now I have such a chance to put it in front of you..."

Chen Mo sighed and said.


It can be seen that she is struggling.

After a few seconds, she still shook her head: "No, my sister will fight Linglong if she knows."

"If I don't tell, if you don't tell, how does she know?"

Chen Mo's words made her eyes suddenly bright.

Then Chen Mo took out all the inventory in its space ring, which was prepared for Xiaoyuan and the others, and spread them on the ground.


"If you help me, these are all yours, and then I will give you hundreds of times more delicious food!"


In the next moment, with a wave of her small exquisite hand, the door opened, and there was deep darkness inside.

"Go in... Go in, but you are not allowed to tell anyone."

Chen Mo nodded, ecstatic in his heart.

"Also, you promised Linglong that it must be realized, or Linglong will kill you!"

She said milkily.

"of course!"

Then Chen Mo asked, "Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Linglong stared at the delicious food all over the floor, and muttered: "No, it doesn't matter if you enter in the flesh. There are the laws of the underworld. Once you enter, you will be the same as the outside world. You must not tell others."

She then raised her head and looked at Chen Mo.

"Relax! You helped me, we are friends, and friends will not betray their friends!"


Chen Mo didn't dare to ask about the law of death, and didn't want her to know that she was doing it for the law. What if she didn't feed it because it was important?

Go in and talk about it.

"this is for you."

Linglong stretched out her small hand, and three charms appeared in her hand. Chen Mo then took it.

"Don't die in it. If you die, no one will bring Linglong unfinished food."

Chen Mo: "..."

[Puppet Curse]: Choose a target to release the Undead Curse, ignoring the rank, ignoring the level, and controlling it for 24 hours. It disappears after use. (Can only be used in the underworld).

[Curse of Destroying Heaven and Destroying Earth]: Put the curse of Destroying Heaven and Destroying Earth somewhere, you can control it to explode at will. Once it explodes, it can destroy everything in a three-kilometer radius. (Can only be used in the underworld).

【Root Curse】: Can hold a target for up to one minute. Available times: 10/10. (Can only be used in the underworld).

Chen Mo: "..."

Damn! This little Nizi is really sweet.

No, she was really afraid that she would die inside, and no one would bring her delicious food.

"Thank you."

Chen Mo said.

"This is for you too."

Linglong handed Chen Mo another bead.

"If you want to leave there, crush this bead and I will pick you up."

"Thank you."

I really appreciate this girl.

"Well, there is this."

Linglong handed Chen Mo a token.

"this is??"

"Before entering the underworld, you have to pass the Naihe Bridge. Everyone has to drink Naihe Water to enter. Once you drink the Naihe Water, you will lose all your memories, but if you have this token to see with them, they won’t give it to you. Drink it."

Chen Mo's eyes lit up.


Isn't this Meng Po soup?

Is it so real?

If this is the real world, aren't these things modified by the virtual online game system? Does that mean that many of the rumors or legends in reality are almost true?

"Remember, don't tell anyone!"

"Relax, we are friends."

Chen Mo smiled.

"Yeah, let's go."

Linglong stared at the place and said deliciously.

"Then let's go."

"Hurry up and go quickly, taking advantage of the fact that they have not repented."

Chen Mo slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, and then led them into the door.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you know Seduction Linglong, what should I do if my sister knows it..."

Linglong then took a bite of the roast chicken and said aggrievedly.

But the next moment is full of satisfaction.

"Ding...you are in the underworld."

The system prompt flashed past, and then Chen Mo and the others fell in front of a clearing.

To be precise, this is a dim passage. There is infinite darkness above their heads, and the ground under their feet is only five or six meters wide, and the place next to them is like the sea.

This road seems to be built above the sea, but it has the same height as the sea surface, but is there any sea water over this small road that is five or six meters wide!

The whole trail is densely packed with people, men and women, old and young, they are walking forward one after another!

These people may be the people who have just died at the time of Tianlin Continent or a little bit forward~www.readwn.com~ their souls have come here and entered the underworld.

Then this may be similar to the real Huangquan Road, but how to bridge it.

It's just that it's not the underworld, or the eighteen layers of hell, but the underworld, another world that belongs to the life of the dead!

Sure enough, finding someone to open the back door is a cow! None of them died. The people around here were all soul bodies, and Chen Mo and the others were pure flesh bodies. They entered the underworld like this, and there was no one! It is conceivable that Linglong has so much power and strength to control the life and death of the two worlds, what kind of existence is the sister in her mouth?


Impossible, maybe even a point that Moon God hasn't reached!

(End of this chapter)


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