I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 662: Contract scroll

Before the person came in, Chen Mo only heard the sound of the faintly rattling iron chain, and then the girl in a sky blue, knee-length skirt lowered her head and walked in slowly, even now she was still wearing a pair of jade feet. .

The shoes were deliberately not worn by her, because her skin is really good, especially white, maybe because she is white, and then she looks beautiful, almost always protected at home, and then covered so white Well, and her figure and legs are really beautiful. The naked jade feet are for those men to see, to increase the appreciation and make those men bid more crazy.

To be honest, it is useful.

She stood by Wang Youqian's side, lowered her head motionless, clasped her hands together, trembling slightly, not knowing if she was afraid or cold.

"Looked up!"

Wang Youqian scolded again! The girl's body trembled suddenly, then bit her lip and slowly raised her head, but she closed her eyes, and the traces of tears on her face were obvious.

So close, the beauty of this girl is really clearer! This is indeed a girl who is top-notch in terms of appearance, and in two years, she will truly be overwhelmed by her country, and she will be overwhelmed by her, but it is just too miserable.

For her, this may be the best result. It is better to be forced to follow such a person than to follow the old man.

"Haha, this young man, this girl hasn't been trained yet, so she doesn't understand a lot of things, don't you wonder, you will leave the training to you yourself!"

Wang Youqian looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said.

A black mist poured from the underworld chain in Chen Mo's hand into Wang Youqian's underworld chain, and one billion was gone!

But it doesn't matter, it's not his anyway!

In fact, if it's normal, Chen Mo doesn't need to pay, just take it away, but in that case, it's his not. Although this is the Wang family, the Wang family and him hate deeply, this thing seems to be nothing, just add a little bit of hatred That's it! However, the current situation is that Chen Mo killed the Wang family, but it was not his fault. It was the Wang family who took the blame. Now if it is taken away, then the Wang family would have a reason to act on him again!

It may not be possible to change the fact that the Wang family did something to him, but in Chen Mo's heart, he didn't want it!

Wang Youqian was infinitely delighted to see such a large influx of Pluto value.

"This is for you! This is her contract scroll! The power of the contract has been planted in her body. You only need to drop a drop of blood on this contract scroll, and she will become your eternal maid!"

Wang Youqian then handed Chen Mo a paper scroll.

Chen Mo took it.

This thing is amazing!

Chen Mo had also heard that this kind of master and servant scrolls existed in the underworld. This kind of master and servant scroll was different from Shui Shui, and Long Xiaorou recognized him as master.

Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou recognized Chen Mo as the master, it was voluntary, and what they did was only voluntary. This kind of master-servant relationship just means that they have a telepathy between them, this kind of master-servant contract in the underworld. , One side is the master and the other is the servant, and you don’t need to agree, you can force a contract, but you can never force a strong person to be controlled by a weak strength, because this girl has no cultivation skills at all, so she is allowed to dominate. .

Once the contract is signed, the servant must unconditionally obey any orders from the master. Simply put, she can't resist if the master asks her to die. If she resists, the power of this contract will make her worse than death.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for her to have bad thoughts about her master, such as wanting to kill him, once it appears, life is better than death!

And the most terrifying thing is that you cannot commit suicide. If you want to commit suicide, you will never have the chance to pick up the knife or hit the wall. The moment the thought appears, you will die!

This contract is really a very scary thing! If anyone signed this involuntarily, really, his fate is not yours anymore. You don't have the right and qualifications if you want to end it.

Sometimes death may be a luxury.

The girl looked at the contract, secretly desperate.

Chen Mo put this contract away.

"By the way, this young man, you also spent one billion Pluto value with me, and you are considered a relatively high-quality customer, so I have to remind you of something."

Just as Wang Youqian was about to leave, he suddenly said to Chen Mo.

"The old ghost of Heifeng is a narrow-minded person who is famous for the Five Heavens, and he is also a pervert. Since he has already taken a fancy to this girl, and you snatched it back from the young man, he will never give up with his temperament. Yes, plus there are three such beautiful girls beside Young Xia, he must have been eyeing you now, after leaving here, I am afraid he will find time to do it on you."

Wang Youqian said.


Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"I'm going to say here, I hope you will pay attention to it. I will leave first. By the way, this is the key to her handcuffs and handcuffs!"

Then Wang Youqian threw the key to Chen Mo and walked away.

"Brother Chen Mo, the strength of that old black wind ghost is Tian Jue, and Shenhuang is not enough, but after all, the age is placed here, this person is sinister and cunning, and he really wants to guard against it."

Zhuang Bifan frowned and said to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded.

"He should not be able to do this in the daytime. This person is extremely cautious. Even if he does, he might choose the night with the least changes, and he may even set up some plans secretly. After all, he has already come forward, Brother Chen Mo If you even snatched this girl from him, he will definitely suspect that you are not afraid of him, so he will be more cautious and even use some special methods, such as poison and formation."

"I know this, thanks for reminding!"

"Okay, then let's eat something first, and talk about things by the way!" Zhuang Bifan said.



Zhuang Bifan thought for a while, then took out a pill and handed it to Chen Mo.

"I still hope Brother Chen Mo will take this first! I hope you can understand me! This is a poison pill~www.readwn.com~ only I have the antidote! Don't worry, this poison pill will cause you to be poisoned. It won’t die, it’s just painful."

Chen Mo then took the poison pill.

"Ding...you are immune to poisoning effects."

Seeing Chen Mo without hesitation, Zhuang Bifan was also stunned.

"Thank you Brother Chen Mo for your understanding! Then I'll go to fix the location and order food. You should have something to do here."

He looked at the girl with her head down and said to Chen Mo.

"Rujia Restaurant, I'll go there and wait for you first!" Zhuang Bifan walked away after saying that!

The poison pill had been eaten by Chen Mo, and he was not afraid that Chen Mo would run away.

And Chen Mo dared to eat without hesitation. Zhuang Bifan liked his personality and style of doing things very much.

(End of this chapter)

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