I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 663: Lin Xiaoyu

After Zhuang Bifan left, Chen Mo looked at the girl.

"Xiao Yuan, help her untie it."

Chen Mo handed the key to Xiao Yuan next to him.


Then Xiao Yuan walked to the girl and unfastened all her handcuffs and ankles.

"Sister, it's okay."

Xiao Yuan then raised her head and said milkily to her, smiling sweetly.

The girl looked at Xiao Yuan in surprise.

Her smile is so cute... so sweet.

Could it be that... Is she happy to follow this masked person?

Yes, in her heart, she assumed that the identities of the three girls in Xiaoyuan were the same as herself, and she felt that these three beautiful girls were also her maids.

"Thanks...thank you."

She said softly.

Her figure is also very gentle, very sweet, and it matches her image very well.

"Sister, don't cry. Big brother is very nice. Big brother will not bully sister."

Long Xiaorou gently tugged at the corner of her clothes and said.

The girl blinked, then looked at Chen Mo.

"Shui Shui, go find the person just now and get her a pair of shoes."

"Hmm!" Then Shuishui ran out.

Chen Mo then sat on the sofa, with Xiao Yuan and Long Xiaorou standing beside her.

"what's your name?"

Chen Mo asked.

She lowered her head and said quickly: "Lin...Lin Xiaoyu."

She looks like the Lin family girl, and her name is like the girl next door.

Chen Mo was thinking about buying her and letting it go, but think about it...

With her appearance and lack of strength, if you let her go, you will fall into the claws, so let's take her for the time being.

"Well, just follow me for the time being, I don't need to take care of it, just take care of these three girls."

Lin Xiaoyu raised her head and looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

Chen Mo then took out the scroll and threw it to Lin Xiaoyu.

"This is your contract scroll. It's ruined or what, you decide for yourself. If you want to leave, leave at any time."

She can't believe her ears!

This adult bought her for so much Pluto value, even gave her the scroll, and even let her leave...


She really felt like she was dreaming. Originally, she felt that the next days must be extremely dark, but...

"Xiao...Xiaoyu is willing to follow the master...please the master to take in!"

Lin Xiaoyu quickly knelt in front of Chen Mo.

She knew that the masked man in front of her was a good person! Must be a good person.

She is really grateful and grateful!

Tick ​​to tick--

Lin Xiaoyu's tears dripped drop by drop in front of her.

She was really moved, and the despair and grievances in her heart came out all at once.

At this moment she swears that although she has no strength and nothing, she is willing to devote all her energy and efforts to him wholeheartedly!

And she also knew that if she were out of his protection, she would still become a sad seller in the future.

Chen Mo: "..."

The master shouted so badly.

"If you want to, just call Master."

Chen Mo said lightly.

"Yes, master!"

Lin Xiaoyu wiped her tears.

"Hehe, Xiao Yuan said it, big brother is the best and best."

Xiaoyuan said happily.


Lin Xiaoyu wiped her tears again, her eyes flushed, and then nodded vigorously.

She really feels lucky.

At this time Shui Shui ran in, holding a pair of shoes.

"Sister, here."

"Thank you……"


Chen Mo then stood up.

"Let's go."

Then Chen Mo followed the four girls out!

To be honest, a man with four flower-like sisters really has a return rate of 10,000%! Walking outside, they are the absolute focus.

Lin Xiaoyu walked with Shui Shui and the others, without saying a word, feeling a little bit like a world away. The three girls were jumping around, very active.

"Did your parents be killed by the Wang family?"

Chen Mo asked lightly.

Lin Xiaoyu's body trembled in the rear, and his eyes were red again.


"Then do you want revenge?"

"Yes." Lin Xiaoyu said softly, her voice was soft, but firm, but...

"Ten years ago, my father and mother picked up Xiao Yu. They raised Xiao Yu to adulthood, but Xiao Yu killed them. Xiao Yu wanted to avenge them, but... Xiao Yu couldn't help..."

Lin Xiaoyu lowered his head and said softly.

"Are they your adoptive parents?"

Lin Xiaoyu nodded.

"But in Xiao Yu's eyes, they are their biological parents."

Chen Mo nodded slightly, and then they walked into Rujia Restaurant!

"Brother Chen Mo, here!"

Zhuang Bifan greeted Chen Mo, and then they entered a box.

The box is quite large, and there is a small bamboo forest, giving people a feeling of eating in the bamboo forest, very poetic and picturesque.

After coming in, Xiao Yuan cleverly pulled a chair for Chen Mo, and Chen Mo sat on it. Then the three girls sat beside Chen Mo, shaking their feet, looking at the food on the table with big eyes, saliva all It's going to flow down.

Lin Xiaoyu closed the door and stood beside Chen Mo.

"I have to say that Brother Chen Mo is worth the billions of gods. How can such a beautiful maid be able to buy it with money?" Zhuang Bifan glanced at Lin Xiaoyu again, then smiled and said to Chen Mo .

Chen Mo smiled slightly and did not speak.


Asked Zhuang Bifan.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded slightly.

Then Lin Xiaoyu took a step forward, took the wine jug, and pour the wine for Chen Mo obediently.

Chen Mo was still shocked.

He is really not used to such things.

"Sit down and eat together."

Chen Mo said to Lin Xiaoyu.

Lin Xiaoyu was even more stunned.

She hurriedly said in a panic: "No...no need...Xiao Yu is a maid, how can she eat at the same table with the young master."

"Your master asks you to sit down and you just sit down, and the maid will be obedient!"

Zhuang Bifan said.

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"Yes Yes!"

Then she sat there in a panic, with her hands on her lap, really at a loss.

"Eat, I've been kept in a cage for so long, I should be hungry too, I guess I didn't give you anything good."

Chen Mo looked at Lin Xiaoyu and said slightly~www.readwn.com~ Maybe this kind of weak girl was born to give Chen Mo a protective desire, and she wanted to protect her.

"Young... young master eat first."

"Haha...Brother Chenmo, as someone who came by, I still have to remind you that it is not good to be too used to a maid. If you are used to it, you will be disobedient."

Zhuang Bifan said.

"Thank you Brother Zhuang for reminding."

"Hehe, I mean, your maid, do whatever you like, come and have a drink!"

On the other side, Xiaoyuan added a big drumstick to Lin Xiaoyu.

"Sister eat."

Lin Xiaoyu trembled all over, not afraid, it seemed a little bit, it was more of a reason that I could not imagine.

(End of this chapter)

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