I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 673: Wang Jiaqiang

When those people saw Chen Mo's eyes, their whole body trembled suddenly!

What kind of look is this? What strength is this? What momentum is this?

Why does each of them seem to have fallen into an ice cellar?

It's a pity that you have no experience in killing these people in the underworld! But at the beginning, he was experienced, and Chen Mo didn't understand why. Maybe it was because of a certain rule here? There is only Pluto value now! Otherwise, it can be regarded as a slash.

Shui Shui and the others may be used to Chen Mo's greatness, because in their eyes, their eldest brother is the best and the most handsome.

But in Lin Xiaoyu's eyes, this young master... is really strong! and……

So handsome.

Sometimes a man’s handsomeness is manifested in other ways. Obviously Chen Mo is like this now, but Chen Mo’s own handsomeness is actually quite top-notch. Chen Mo was originally a handsome pot, plus his current momentum, this To be honest, in such an era, it is indeed very attractive to girls!

Lin Xiaoyu had been fantasizing about Chen Mo's appearance before, but now she doesn't have to fantasize about it, because she is really handsome when she sees it, and she doesn't regret it.

Chen Mo's eyes flashed coldly, and then his figure disappeared in place!


The screams broke the silence of the night.

One figure after another fell in a pool of blood.

In a short period of time, only the rich man was left.


Wang Youqian trembled all over, and he couldn't stand still, and the sword in his hand could not help falling to the ground.


He knelt directly in front of Chen Mo.

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

Wang Youqian said tremblingly.

In the underworld, who is not afraid of death?

Maybe you said that there are people in Tianlin Continent who are not afraid of death, but in the underworld, in this place where murder is not illegal, everyone is afraid of sudden death!

Especially the psychological panic that Shura's power brought to them.


With a flash of cold light, Wang Youqian separated.

"Go back and rest."

Chen Mo said lightly, and then took them back to the inn.

Pluto value has increased by 3.1 billion!

Those who saw this scene were dumbfounded.

They... still not running?

Of course, maybe there is strength, but that is the Wang family! Even if the four heavens cannot be dealt with, what about the five heavens?

In the room, Chen Mo was with them.

"Young...Master, shall we go?"

Lin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo worriedly.

She knew how the Wang family existed.

"Put on your clothes and go to the fifth heaven."

Chen Mo said.


Then they put on their clothes and walked to the Tianzhu of the fifth heaven!

And the entire Wang family at this moment was a sensation!

"Who is this person? Is that strong? All the people sent are dead?"

In the Four Heavens, a middle-aged man looked angry and shocked.

"All... are dead, even the old black wind ghost was killed by a single blow!"

A man said tremblingly.

"Old Black Wind Ghost was killed by a single blow, can't he escape?"

"Um... he can't escape."

The man paced non-stop, proving his panic inside!

"Where are they now?"

"On the Tongtianzhu road to the fifth heaven!"

"Quick! Quickly inform the Fifth Heavenly King Clan, and wait for them in the Fifth Heavenly Sky! I can't solve them in the Fifth Heavenly King Clan. There are countless powerful Five Heavenly Kings and they can definitely be solved! Go!"



At this moment, among the five heavens, Wang Zhantian angrily smashed a table in front of him!

"Gather the strong for me! Go to the entrance of the fifth heaven! I will kill them! Kill them!"


Then Wang Zhantian quickly walked towards the Wang family compound!

In the backyard, Wang Zhantian stood there!

"Father, the Wang family has encountered a major enemy, and I also ask you to take action!"

Wang Zhantian said respectfully.

An old man walked out of the house slowly.

Wang Lingfeng, the strongest of the Wang family, the father of Wang Zhantian, Shenhuang-level strength! It is also because of him that the Wang family has a certain status in these five heavens.

Usually Wang Lingfeng is in retreat, and the entire Wang family relies on him. If you want to go to the sixth heaven, you need the super **** level strength that Wang Lingfeng has promoted to, or the peak of the gods!

Therefore, Wang Zhantian never told Wang Lingfeng about the death of Wang Caifu, but now it is impossible to not tell!

Because Chen Mo killed all the feelings of the Wang family, and even killed the old black wind ghost!

Heifeng Old Ghost is an existence that Shenhuang can't kill in seconds. The main reason is that he can't kill. He can run if he wants to run. This man has a very good escape ability. However, he was shot in the hands of Chen Mo. He didn't run away, so now Chen Mo is a master of Shenhuang rank in the eyes of those people! Except for Wang Lingfeng, his Wang family, Wang Zhantian, has the strength of the gods, but...

He dared not pack tickets! At least he himself was not sure to kill the old black wind ghost with one blow!

"What happened?"

Wang Lingfeng asked.

"Father, someone killed your grandson fortune!"


The sound of bones "click"!

"Who is it! Who dared to kill my second grandson!"

Wang Lingfeng said angrily!

"It's a young man named Chen Mo. Although he is young, he is extremely strong, and he is afraid of the mighty power!"

"Take me to kill him!"



This incident swept across the Fourth and Fifth Heavens on the big night. Everyone saw a group of powerful kings heading to the entrance of the Fifth Heaven. Although it was a big night, such important news could still be It attracted the attention of a lot of people!

On the way, Chen Mo and the others didn't have much to say, and they went directly to the Tongtian Pillar on the Fourth Heaven to go to the Fifth Heaven!

Chen Mo put Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou away, handed in the **** value, and took Xiaoyuan and Lin Xiaoyu into the Tongtian Pillar.

"Ding...you have come to the fifth heaven!"

When Chen Mo and the others appeared in Fifth Heaven, hundreds of people were waiting for him! Farther away, there were thousands of people watching! They are all passers-by, wanting to see what happened, even the Patriarch of the Wang Family and even the old Patriarch of the Wang Family are here! What happened to the Wang Family, it will send two top five-tier masters here!


Lin Xiaoyu grabbed Chen Mo by the corner of his clothes in fear.

"It's okay."

Chen Mo comforted Lin Xiaoyu.


Lin Xiaoyu nodded gently.

He said it would be fine if he said nothing!

"You are Chenmo!"

Wang Zhantian pointed at Chen Mo with a sword and said angrily.

"Kill my son, this deity will definitely want you to cut through a thousand swords!"

Wang Zhantian roared~www.readwn.com~ Hearing Wang Zhantian's angry voice, they suddenly understood!

So this kid killed the son of the Wang family?

This courage is really big!

"Everyone, give it to me! Don't let one go!"

Wang Zhantian said angrily!


Then hundreds of people rushed to Chen Mo and them.

Shura killed Hitomi!

Chen Mo's pupils suddenly became deeper! It's like a bottomless black hole!

(End of this chapter)


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