I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 674: God of War

The one hundred or so people who rushed over instantly threw away the weapon in their hands, knelt there, fell down wailing, roaring, desperate, crying...

This scene made everyone stare!


What happened to this?

As long as the level of the selected unit within the line of sight is lower than himself, Shura's active skill effect of killing pupils will fall into ten seconds of infinite despair, and then die of despair!

Wang Zhantian and even Wang Lingfeng, as well as the thousands of people who watched the theater after seeing this scene, couldn't believe it!

This is a scene they have never seen before! What exactly is going on?

Why are these people's crying and howling so desperate! What have they experienced! What are they doing?

Ten seconds later...

The wailing people fell to the ground one after another, and then they lost their breath.

Everyone was dumbfounded and watched this scene that they could not believe. What happened? Why are these people dead?

"You...what kind of magic is this!"

Wang Zhantian watched this scene in shock!

Lin Xiaoyu looked at Chen Mo admiringly.

This young master... is amazing.

"Looking for death! The deity will meet you!"

Wang Lingfeng stretched out his hand and held a giant axe in his hand.


Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou appeared here!

"Protect them!"

Chen Mo finished speaking and sacrificed the sword of disaster.



A huge injury came out of Chen Mo's head!

"Ding...your blood volume is less than 50%, the name of Shura five times the damage is on!"

Seeing Chen Mo being attacked, Wang Zhantian in the distance couldn't help but sneered.

I thought it was such a terrible stubble, it turned out to be just a waste! It turned out that it was useless to meet a real master! It made him worry about it!

"Huh! Is that strength?"

Wang Lingfeng stared at Chen Mo coldly, and suddenly waved his great axe.


Seeing Chen Mo being attacked, Lin Xiaoyu yelled anxiously.

Chen Mo was naturally attacked by him on purpose.

"I thought one blow would make me fall below 10%, but I didn't expect it to be a waste!"

Chen Mo said disdainfully.

"court death!"

That Wang Lingfeng's momentum skyrocketed and rushed to Chen Mo again.

In the next instant, Chen Mo was fully fired!

The current full firepower may not be as good as the one who opened the invincible heart, but it is not much worse! Still very strong!


The power of the two collided, and the whole ground was dusty!


The collision of the two forces directly destroyed the original tens of meters into a huge pit!

Wang Lingfeng frowned!

This person's power seems a bit strong! Still can't be careless!

Chen Mo is actually very difficult to defeat him!

If you have the invincibility now, you can actually kill him, but without the invincibility, to be honest, you can repel him, but you can't kill him at all!

Otherwise, why do you say that when a warrior reaches the Shenhuang rank, it is basically difficult for one party to kill another party in the same realm, unless there is a big gap! Otherwise the same realm is really hard to kill! Let alone Chen Mo!

Brush and brush——

The silhouettes of the two people are constantly colliding and bombarding at an extremely fast speed!

Wang Zhantian looked over!

At first I did disdain, because Chen Mo was directly attacked, but now he is a little lucky. If he is himself, it is hard to say whether he can beat him, but since he is his father, then it must be fine!

For ten seconds, Chen Mo with full firepower did not cause much substantial damage to him!

"This power is it! Then, you will pay for my grandson's shit!"

Then Wang Lingfeng roared, raised his giant axe in both hands, and suddenly slashed towards Chen Mo with overwhelming power.

This is a skill that is almost impossible to avoid! Too much power, too much scope!

But... Chen Mo's speed is extremely fast, mainly because of the teleport effect of infinite jumping!


Chen Mo instantly broke away from the power of this axe!


The whole ground trembled!

When the dust dissipated, a huge crack was cleaved by Wang Lingfeng abruptly.

Chen Mo fell in front of Shui Shui and the others.

"Just waiting for trash, are you still looking for the deity?"

Wang Lingfeng glanced at Wang Zhantian.

Wang Zhantian was slightly ashamed.

"Father, rest first, let me solve him and avenge my son personally!"

"No need!"

Wang Lingfeng said.

Although he looks like a great critic, he didn't get any benefit from the battle with Chen Mo. Wang Zhantian won't necessarily win the battle!

"It's amazing! You deserve to be the old Patriarch of the Wang Family!"

"Yes, the old Patriarch of the Wang Family can be ranked in the strength of the entire Fifth Heaven. Few people can beat him in the entire Fifth Heaven. It is said that he is going to attack the super **** level strength. , Go to the sixth heaven and even the seventh heaven!"

"As long as you reach the Super God level, you will be considered formidable in the seventh heaven!"

"This kid is the end of today, but it's a pity, it's a pity that there are so many beautiful women behind him."


People in the rear were talking about it.

"Shui Shui!"

Chen Mo said!


Shui Shui understood what Chen Mo meant, and the cyan holy light was released!

"Ding...all your skills that have a cooldown of less than one hour will have no cooldown!"

Then the water blue holy light is released.

Within 300 meters, the area where Wang Lingfeng was was also shrouded!

Blue holy light, forbidden!


When Wang Lingfeng felt that he was unable to activate his own spiritual power, he showed an expression of disbelief.

He had never encountered such a thing.

But what's the problem?

He couldn't release his spiritual power. It was just that he couldn't use martial arts. Without martial arts, his realm was here, and his strength was here, so what?

After cooling down, Chen Mo once again released Shura's Will, Ankai and other skills!

"Tian Ni Zhan!"

The shocking blow appeared again, and Chen Mo jumped, the black light seemed to be worthless!

Wang Lingfeng clenched the big axe tightly, feeling this really not weak force.

"go to hell!"

He roared and greeted him directly!

He wasn't afraid of anyone throughout the entire fifth heaven, and could he still be afraid of a kid?

at the same time……

[Seven emotions-evil]: Choose a target~www.readwn.com~ Ignore level, ignore grade, forcibly deprive the target of 10% of maximum health, consume mana: 10,000, which can be released once a day.

[Seven Emotions-Desire]: After opening, the effect of the next Seven Emotion skills will be doubled. Consumes all current mana points and can be released once a day.

The seven emotions under the seven passions-the release of evil, accompanied by the law of withering!

According to Wang Lingfeng, he instantly felt that the strength of his body was hollowed out, completely devoid of the strength of the previous realm! He couldn't believe it!

If it was before, he could use his powerful martial arts to make up for it at this time, and he could even urge his body to bring defenses, but now he cannot mobilize the spiritual power in his body...


(End of this chapter)


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