I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 681: Valkyrie, Nangong Yu

The gorgeous silver armor envelops her graceful figure, and her long fiery red hair is dangled casually. It may be a rare occasion to rest, and she didn't have to widen her beams. She seems to be walking on the wind, her posture is superb! She is so conspicuous and amazes people's eyes. It may be due to the long-term battle. Her skin is slightly wheatish, with a touch of honey, and it is not very creamy, but it is quite white. It can be imagined if there is no battle. She should be very white!

It's hard to imagine that a female general has such a superior appearance. If you just talk about appearance, she is really the kind of top-level appearance, even very young, in her twenties! What's more, what she exudes is really the heroic and heroic temperament that does not let the eyebrows be shaved!

A top-notch beauty, still young and in control, makes the Valkyrie that the emperors of the empires are extremely optimistic, you feel really unbelievable to say it!

After Xiong Tianba walked in, he respectfully saluted!

His attitude towards Nangong Yu is truly respectful, and that respect is not just pretending!

A woman, a woman who is even a round younger than her, makes him so surrender, dare you say she has nothing?

"What's the matter?"

Nangong Yu stopped the pen in her hand, looked at that Xiong Tianba, rubbed her temple a little and asked.

Xiong Tianba took out the medicine, spirit weapon, and food that he had brought from Chen Mo and the others!

"this is?"

"General, I stopped a few suspicious people outside. These are the things on those suspicious people, including the pill, spirit weapon, and pill. The grades of the pill are not low, so please check it yourself and see if it is correct. What a dangerous thing."


Nangong Yu then stretched out his hand to pinch a pill, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it slightly.

"I have never seen this pill, but at least it is a fifth-order pill. There are hundreds of fifth-order pill. Who are they?"

"I don't know, because they are too suspicious, it is safer for you to interrogate the general personally."


Nangong Yu then looked at the pill in his hand, then put the pill into his mouth.

"General... General! Wait a minute!"

Before he could stop it, Nangong Yu had already swallowed the medicine.

Xiong Tianba looked at Nangong Yu worriedly.

"General, what if this is a poison pill specifically to poison you! If your body of ten thousand gold makes a mistake, my Linfeng Empire will be defeated!"

Nangong Yu raised his hand and gestured, Xiong Tianba closed his mouth.

"The medicinal effect is mild, accompanied by a fragrance, non-toxic."

Nangong Yu savored it carefully and said lightly.

"But... I don't rule out the possibility that it seems like this, but it is actually a poison pill..."

"I can still tell this, but a few people from outside have hundreds of spiritual weapons on their bodies, and many of them have heavenly weapons, and hundreds of fifth-tier pills are hard to see in the seventh heaven. Those who have written here are really suspicious, take me to meet them."


There are too many people coveting her in the entire Seventh Heaven, and too many people wanting to harm her! Various methods have emerged one after another, and there have even been ridiculous methods such as beautiful men's schemes in order to take her down. She has also seen a lot of them, so no matter how unsurprising a person appears here, it is all extraordinarily extraordinary. Attention.


"Master, shall we be okay?"

Lin Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"It's okay, you didn't break the law and didn't do anything, you eat something, you are too thin."

Chen Mo looked at Lin Xiaoyu concerned and said.

After all, she was her first woman. Of course Chen Mo cared, but she was indeed thin.

"Um...Thank you, Master." Lin Xiaoyu said warmly.

At this time, the curtain of the camp was opened, and a woman in silver armor walked in.

Chen Mo looked over.

I go?

Isn't this the Valkyrie?

Why can't such a beautiful girl want to fight now?

The first reaction Nangong Yu walked in was also taken aback.

That Xiong Tianba only told her that there were a few people, but her first reaction was a few men, but she didn't expect it to be just one man. The other four are all very beautiful girls, especially when they are three years old. small.


The look in this man's eyes is a bit uncomfortable, at least the first impression.

Nangong Yu sat in front of them, sweeping them with beautiful eyes.

The three girls glanced at her without saying anything. They continued to lower their heads and happily ate the delicious food, but Lin Xiaoyu's movements stopped and looked at Chen Mo, and Chen Mo's eyes met her.

"I am Nangong Yu from Changfeng City and the highest person in charge here. Now I have a few questions to ask you. Will you answer them?"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo and asked.

Chen Mo nodded.

"Okay, first question, what is your relationship with them?"

"They are my sister, she is my maid."

"Well... I heard that you just came from Sixth Heaven. Even if you come, there will be someone in the Central Empire to bring you here, and you should also understand the situation of Linfeng Empire. Why do you want to come to Linfeng Empire? Why not let others Bring you here? Are you afraid of revealing something on the road?"

Nangong Yu's beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo's eyes. There was no such thing as the so-called that she was a girl and she was embarrassed to look at each other with boys.

"I like to walk alone. I came to Linfeng Empire purely because I heard that there is a famous Valkyrie in Linfeng Empire. I want to come to see and see, that's all!"

"Then you are not worried about the fall of the empire and the displacement?"

Nangong Yu asked.

"Why should I worry? I am not incapable or ordinary people. I am at the mercy of others. Even if the empire is captured, I will take them and change places. What's the matter?"

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders and said.

"That's true."

Nangong Yu pondered slightly and nodded.

This person didn't avoid anything, and even said straightforwardly that he wanted to see her, but he didn't rule out that this was done deliberately, and instead let her relax her guard.

Then she put those pills or something beside her.

"This is your thing. If you want to settle down temporarily, this Great Wind City is the best choice. Because of the war, the Great Wind City has left more than half of the people. There are many vacant houses. Choose whatever you want~www.mtlnovel. com~ You can live as you like. In the nearby cities, people from several major border cities have poured in. There is almost no place to live, and even the inn is almost full. Also, it is best not to leave the city, it is very dangerous."

At this moment, that Xiong Tianba rushed in!

"General, it's not good, the Kamikaze Empire suddenly sent troops."

Nangong Yu stood up with a "rub"!

"Kamikaze Empire dispatches troops at this time?"

She frowned, then looked at Xiong Tianba.

"What about other empires?"

"For the time being, there is no news from other empires."

"Raise soldiers, Mochizuki Valley battle!"


(End of this chapter)

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