I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 682: Is danger coming?

Mochizuki Valley is the huge valley where Xiong Tianba and the others stopped Chen Mo. This is the only way to get here from that direction. Occupied by Changfeng City, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It can attack Changfeng from this direction. The only place in the city is the Kamikaze Empire.

At this moment, a large army quickly and orderly ran up to the upper sides of Mochizuki Valley. This is why it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. You can only come in from Mochizuki Valley, and once you enter Mochizuki Valley, it will become the upper side guards. The army’s live targets, bows and arrows, and various attacks can all come out. Even if you have hundreds of thousands of people and millions of people pass through Mochizuki Valley, even if you come out, more than half of the deaths and injuries will probably be! Why continue to attack Changfeng City?

"You stay here to rest and eat something, I'll go out and have a look."

Chen Mo said to them.

"Big brother don't want us to follow?"

Shui Shui asked.

"No, don't fight, don't worry, I'll be back soon!"

"Master, then pay attention to your safety."

Lin Xiaoyu said softly.

Chen Mo nodded and walked out.

Mochizuki Valley is actually about one kilometer away from Changfeng City. It takes a few minutes to walk through Mochizuki Valley and Changfeng City.

After Chen Mo went out, he saw a large number of defenders coming to the top. I believe that these are also known to the Shenfeng Empire! So it hasn't attacked for the time being.

Nangong Yu wore that heroic silver armor and led the army to guard this end of Mochizuki Valley, and the other end was a large army of the Kamikaze Empire!

Time slowly passed, and the army of the Kamikaze Empire did not take any action.

For the Linfeng Empire, their army may not be much different from the Kamikaze Empire, but they cherish everyone more, because they have to resist the joint attack of more than six empires for the time being. Although they are all uncertain, it is possible. , And the Kamikaze Empire is at most two!

For the Kamikaze Empire, regaining the Linfeng Empire means having the power of the Linfeng Empire, and can definitely easily fight the Huoyun Empire.

This is why time is tight. Zhuang Bifan doesn't even want to spend time looking for another person to implement this plan. Because time is really tight, it may be a week before the Kamikaze Empire is attacked by other empires! And they will go to attack Linfeng Empire and take it back.

The severity is of course the Linfeng Empire is even more severe. They can't take the initiative to attack, because in fact the defensive side is the advantage, the offensive side must be the disadvantage!

One hour, two hours...

They just stood there without moving, nor did the enemy send troops, Nangong Yu stood in front of the army, her beautiful eyes staring at the front, while Chen Mo stood behind them, standing behind them for two hours.

In fact, Chen Mo wanted to see what the world-famous Valkyrie was like, he was quite curious.


A soldier ran to Nangong Yu.


"The Kamikaze Empire has sent about one million troops and is now camping."

"Set up camp?"

Nangong Yu frowned.

"Who is the leader?"

"It's Mo Weisheng, the general of the Kamikaze Empire, and Li Chen, the lieutenant!"

"Mo Weisheng!"

Nangong Yu secretly clenched her pink fist, her eyes flashing with killing intent.

At this time, she looked back and saw Chen Mo behind.

Why does he appear here?

She had a lot of doubts about Chen Mo. Although she didn't find any clues about him, in her heart, Chen Mo was a hidden danger! And he appeared in the back of the battlefield... just when he came, and just when the Kamikaze Empire sent troops, is there any connection between these? Make her feel wrong! Then Nangongyu walked towards Chen Mo.

"What are you doing here?"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo, her aura was very full, really more than that of a male general.

"I said, the reason why I came to Linfeng Empire is actually because I want to see your demeanor. I just encountered this situation. Come and see if there is no problem?"

Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose and looked at Nangong Yu and asked.

"No, but this is not where you should be."

"I know what you are worried about, and you are worried about whether my appearance is related to the sudden attack of the Kamikaze Empire."

Chen Mo said.

Nangong Yu stared at Chen Mo.

"You can doubt that this is your right, but you shouldn't let me go. You should keep me within your observation range. Because you doubt me, you don't want me to leave."

Chen Mo continued.

Not to mention, Chen Mo's words really touched Nangongyu's heart. She was indeed suspicious of Chen Mo. Because of her doubt, she must keep Chen Mo by her side. Although she might be dangerous, she would be fine once she became vigilant. problem! Mainly, if Chen Mo leaves her surveillance range, and what he does, she can't guarantee it! At least she can be more safe by staying by her side.

Nangong Yu is more surprised, because this man is very smart! The smarter she is, the more vigilant she is.

She is not afraid of death, but she knows that if something happens to her, the surrounding empires might pop out, and the empires fear her for real! Not afraid of her strength, but her leading talent!

She can make the most perfect response in the shortest time, no matter the most critical situation.

For example, now, when the Kamikaze Empire is attacking, but only camping on the opposite side, she has no less than five possibilities in her mind for this point, but no matter which one is, it is not a bad thing for her! Because this is Changfeng City, the supply of supplies must be faster and more timely for them! The one who is anxious is always the offensive.

Instead, it was Chen Mo who worried her more now.

"I hope you don't let me catch your handle."

Nangong Yu stared at Chen Mo and said.

"You mean you have already regarded me as a spy sent by the enemy?"

In an instant, dozens of soldiers, including Xiong Tianba, surrounded Chen Mo.

Nangong Yu waved his hand, and they all retreated.

"I'm just skeptical. If you are not, I will apologize to you. Now I want you to go back to the barracks. This is not where you stay."

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders and walked back.

"General, is he really a spy sent by the enemy?"

Xiong Tianba asked suspiciously ~www.readwn.com~ I don't know, I will observe for a while, but this person gives me a very dangerous feeling. "

"Dangerous? He is strong?"

"I don't know, it's instinct. Lead troops to defend here, I'm afraid the Kamikaze Empire will not send troops to attack."

"Don't attack?"

Xiong Tianba scratched his head, the millions of troops are in front, it is impossible not to attack, right?

But he naturally believed Nangong Yu's order! Although he is puzzled.

"Well, where is Chen Shitian? Let him come to the camp to find me!"


Then Nangong Yu walked back.

(End of this chapter)

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