I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 683: Nangong Yu's suspicion

Chen Mo is very helpless. This woman is also very smart. Of course, she cannot sit in this position if she is not smart, but Chen Mo doesn't think it matters!

As for whether I should kill her, or somehow make her lose her combat power and let the Shenfeng Empire annex Linfeng Empire, Chen Mo was certain before, but now he is not sure!

Because Chen Mo suddenly realized that the person asking him for help is not necessarily the right one! Is Linfeng Empire wrong?

They are not necessarily wrong!

What qualifications do you have to do such a thing?

In the unlikely event that millions of creatures are frustrated because of one of his choices, Chen Mo will feel very upset because of him!

He even felt that if the Linfeng Empire and Nangong Yu's positioning were correct, he would really not do this thing! He can return the value of the gods to Zhuang Bifan.

Now, in Chen Mo's eyes, he wants to know the position of Nangong Yu!

Is she a rebel or something! If she was a rebellious courtier, then Chen Mo would have no psychological burden.

On the other side, Nangong Yu was sitting in the general camp. She was observing a sand table, which was a map of the terrain for hundreds of kilometers nearby.

"General, Chen Shitian, please see you!"


Then a young looking man walked in in armor!

Very handsome! At a glance, he was a tough guy, and he was very young, with a very small scar on his face, which added a temperament to him!

"General, you are looking for me."

Chen Shitian stood respectfully in front of Nangong Yu.


Chen Shitian sat next to him.

Chen Shitian is Nangong Yu's lieutenant, and his strength is no worse than Nangong Yu!

"What is the current situation of the surrounding empires?"

Nangong Yu asked.

"There seems to be some movement from the wire report, but I am not sure, General, hasn't the Kamikaze Empire already dispatched troops?"

"It's just a cover over there."

Nangong Yu took a sip of tea.

"General, what do you mean..."

"The kamikaze empire has no meaning at all. Since they don’t attack, they camped in the same place, which is just giving us pressure. I suspect they have colluded with some other empire. The current kamikaze empire is just Attracting our attention, waiting for some other empire to send troops to attack me, Changfeng City."

Nangong Yu said slightly.

I have to say that she is really smart! This was also the possibility that Chen Mo had guessed after seeing this scene at the time!


"Expand the newsletter by 300 kilometers, and place five more people every 50 kilometers to see which empire and the Kamikaze empire joined forces. You do this yourself."


"Also, send someone to look up the person named Chen Mo in Camp No. 98 to see when he came to Seventh Heaven and what identity he is."


Then Chen Shitian walked away.

After he left, Nangong Yu went to Chen Mo's side.

Chen Mo was chatting with Lin Xiaoyu, eating delicious food, and it was very pleasant. It's really easy to take care of everything here.

The three girls ran outside the camp, drew the grid, played games there, and happily jumped around.

Many soldiers didn't know who they were, but they looked over from time to time.

Nangong Yu walked over and looked at the three simple girls outside.

This reminded her of her childhood memories. That Chen Mo made her feel a little dangerous, but these girls really made her feel simple, cute, beautiful, and kind.

Standing not far away, Nangong Yu looked at them in a dazed manner for a few minutes without getting back to her senses.

After a few minutes, she came over.

The three girls raised their heads and looked at Nangong Yu.

Beautiful sister, they know that the big brother will like it.

If Chen Mo knows their thoughts, he must vomit blood, ladies, am I like this in your hearts?

Although Chen Mo does have many beautiful girls around, they are all friends. How come in the hearts of these girls, he is already a person who likes to see beautiful sisters?

Wow! too horrible!

"Sister, do you want to play together?"

Long Xiaorou asked softly.


Nangong Yu was taken aback for a moment.

Then Long Xiaorou ran over and took Nangong Yu's hand and pulled her there.

"It's very simple."

After a minute, the soldiers watched this scene with their mouths open!

Their general was jumping around with three little girls, and she was actually laughing.

Several soldiers who were chatting came from the side...


The pot in his hand fell and his mouth opened wide.

Nangong Yu looked at them.

"General... General."

The few people quickly picked up the pot.

"what happened?"


They then ran away.

Nangong Yu: "..."

Nangong Yu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that she had just lost her mind.

She quickly adjusted her forehead and some messy hair on both sides, and coughed dryly.

"You play, you can't run around." After saying that she walked into the camp.

In the camp, Chen Mo was lying halfway there, Lin Xiaoyu was pressing his head, to be honest, really comfortable.

Nangong Yu: "..."

Brother, are you here to enjoy it?

Seeing Nangong Yu coming in, Lin Xiaoyu hurriedly put her hands away and stood aside cautiously.

Chen Mo opened his eyes and sat up.

"What's the matter with General Nangong?"

Nangong Yu sat aside.

"It's okay, just come over and take a look."

Nangongyu looked at Lin Xiaoyu.

She was soft and weak, whether it was the three girls outside or Lin Xiaoyu inside, she didn't even doubt that there were some things that couldn't be hidden.

But there are many things that the less you doubt, they just happen to be, even if you doubt it, he will still be!

"What do you think about the behavior of the Kamikaze Empire outside?"

Nangong Yu asked Chen Mo inexplicably.

"General Nangong, you don't have to talk about it. You want to read my answer and think about whether I am a general of the enemy army or proficient in some war leaders, right?"

Nangong Yu: "..."

Really smart! She really thinks like this~www.readwn.com~ If he is proficient in something about the military, she will be more suspicious.

"Then let me just say it. The Kamikaze Empire seems to be attacking Changfeng City with troops, but if they camp in the same place, they are more likely to be eye-catching. The Kamikaze Empire is more likely to attract attention only through this method. After colluding with some other, or even a few empires, to cover them, what Changfeng City may have to deal with is a joint attack by several forces!"

Chen Mo said lightly.

Nangong Yu frowned.

This is where this person is smart!

He did the opposite, instead of deliberately concealing that he knew this, or that he didn't deliberately conceal that he came for her, and wanted to dispel her suspicion in this way!

(End of this chapter)

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