I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 685: Blade Dance

Chen Mo didn't understand these things, so he was a little confused.

But he admired Nangong Yu!

"The tyrant you are talking about is..."

Chen Mo asked suspiciously.

"Brother, don't you know?"

The soldiers looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo shook his head.

"The tyrant is the emperor of the Kamikaze Empire!"

Chen Mo frowned.

Nangong Yu said:

"Decades ago, he gave power to the world and became the emperor of the Kamikaze Empire, but he was violent, so he was the only one who took no one’s life in his eyes. Ten years ago, my grandpa, my grandma, my Father, my mother, and my three elder brothers, as well as countless innocent people died in his hands. He said that they were under his father Xiandi. Although it was his father, he Not happy, he wanted to create his own relationship power, so he did!"

"Countless people stopped it, but it was useless. He killed people just for fun. The people could not leave. If they left, they would be killed by him. The people’s food and money were squeezed. In those years, I don’t know how many people died of starvation or I know how many people are killing and being killed for a bite of food."

Chen Mo frowned.

It turned out that he almost helped a tyrant! That Zhuang Bifan should be the son of that tyrant! Fortunately, he did not act recklessly.

"Ten years ago, the younger brother of the tyrant, that is, the Emperor Feng of the Linfeng Empire, was almost persecuted by the tyrant. He quietly fled there with a group of heroes who were secretly protected by him and came here. Enough of the suffering of the tyrant, once the army was raised, the kamikaze empire was divided into two, half of the kamikaze, and half of the current Linfeng, the wish of the wind emperor, and the empire of the stability of the people, the tyrant's idea Everyone in the world is grass, and human lives are not worth mentioning. That's why I will fight with Emperor Feng!"

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo and said.

Chen Mo suddenly realized!

It really almost did something wrong.

"But isn't Seventh Heaven just such a place?" Nangong Yu sighed slightly.

"The strong is respected, and it doesn't make sense. The Linfeng Empire has the great people, but it doesn't get the support of other empires. Whoever can give benefits can get short-term allies."

Nangong Yu felt very unfair.

Obviously it is an empire that is more comfortable to live and work. Why? Why did those empires not allow him to exist? Why are everyone's spearheads all in Linfeng Empire? ?

Why can the Kamikaze Empire be supported! Are they coming together to attack Linfeng Empire? What's wrong with the existence of Linfeng Empire?

"Here, there are only benefits." Xiong Tianba drank the rest of the wine, his eyes reddish.

Then he smiled; "But it's okay, we are lucky to meet the general!"


"I am also very lucky to meet you!"

Nangong Yu looked at them with a smile.

"General, how did you get to where you are now step by step? Your daughter is recognized by very few people. General, you were very young when you joined the army."

Xiong Tianba asked.

"When I joined the army... I was fourteen years old."


They took a breath.

You know, what is the concept of a daughter joining the army at the age of fourteen?

"At that time, the only people who fought with me were the six blades left by grandma."

In the next instant, six silver blades appeared, standing in the air, slowly rotating around Nangong Yu's side. (Everyone imagines this blade as the weapon of the sword girl)

Nangong Yu looked at the six blades' eyes slightly with tenderness, as if they were her best friends, and they had countless thoughts on them.

Then she squeezed her hand and the six blades disappeared in place.

"Actually, I never thought about becoming a leader. When I fight, they follow. Day after day, it will be what it is now."

"Yes, we are really willing to follow the general and fight step by step!"

"Because only the general considers us ordinary soldiers as friends. Only the general will even rush into the battlefield for the life of one of our strangers and bring him out! Only the general understands the suffering of the people and fights with the general. On the battlefield, I just want to have one more cushion before I die. Only the general can make me willing to use my death to protect the general."

Chen Mo secretly admired.

Maybe this is personal charm!

She had never thought of becoming a leader. When she fought, they would follow and gradually became a leader.

How can such a person, such a starting point, do it?

"Okay, okay, I've had enough chat today, let's rest after eating, there will be tough battles for us to fight afterwards! Come on!"

After Nangong Yu finished speaking, he walked away and walked to the top of Mochizuki Valley in the distance.

Anyway, on this day when Chen Mo was here, all he heard were positive words to Nangong Yu, as well as secretly!

This is really a charm of personality.

Moreover, what a person said can make Chen Mo's heart tremble. Really, Chen Mo hasn't met it for too long!

Even what?

Even Nangong Yu has been fighting for so many years, the enemy generals who died in her hands, the enemy generals are countless, and the Pluto value she has obtained is countless! She never stayed at all, and gave all of it to the soldiers, all of them to the families of those soldiers who died in the battle and their family members. It is inevitable that there are some people who want to leave the battlefield halfway. She also expressed her understanding and gave them all. Up them.

"Eat and drink, everyone, there are millions of kamikaze empire's remnants waiting for us outside. After eating, we have strength, let us kill them all!"

Xiong Batian roared!

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"


"Master, that sister is really good..."

Lin Xiaoyu hesitated for a long time. She knew that she was not qualified to say anything to Chen Mo, nor was she qualified to change Chen Mo's way of doing things, but she really wanted to say something. If the young master blamed her for talking too much, she would be willing.

Chen Mo nodded slightly~www.readwn.com~ Well, that's good. "

Her character is good, and her stand is right! How could Chen Mo help a tyrant? Continue to let him kill the innocent?

Although Chen Mo's mood has changed, he is not a villain after all, and he also knows what he is doing is right and what is wrong!

Chen Mo knew what Lin Xiaoyu wanted to say, so he patted her shoulder gently and said, "Don't worry, eat more and take care of the three girls."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he walked away to Nangong Yu's direction.

At this moment, Nangong Yu was standing by the cliff, with six blades dancing beside her, flying between her.

She is called the Valkyrie, and she also has a title, which is the title given to her by her opponents, called Blade Dance! Because these six blades are fighting like dancing! It's their nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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