I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 686: Your suspicion is right

Nangong Yu naturally knew that someone was coming, and naturally knew that it was Chen Mo.


Chen Mo threw her a pot of wine.

Nangong Yu reached out and took it directly.

"Thank you, but there is an order in the army that you can't drink more than one bowl of wine before the war. If you get confused, you can't fight."

After speaking, Nangong Yu put the wine beside her.

"The strength of the super **** can make you drunk by drinking more bowls?"

"Rules are rules. Regardless of their strength, as a leader they believe in, I have to set an example for them."

Chen Mo shrugged.

Quite interesting.

"This weapon is quite interesting."

Chen Mo sat beside her and said.

This weapon was indeed something he had never seen before. The six-handled blades were very flexible and controlled with her power and thoughts.

"Why? A comparison?"

Nangong Yu was sitting on the edge of the cliff with his hands on both sides, his body leaning back slightly, and the six-handed blade was inserted on the ground behind her. Moonlight shone on it, shining with a slight cold light.


"Can't compare? I heard that you killed Shen Huang."

Nangong Yu twisted her head slightly and looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was not surprised that she would investigate herself, nor that she was able to find out about it. It was very simple. The name Chen Mo, three little loli, and one Lin Xiaoyu were too iconic. Now Chen Mo kills. The news of the members of the royal family is already in the fifth heaven. You can basically hear the news as long as you go to the fifth heaven, let alone deliberately investigate!

To be honest, when night fell, she was quite surprised when she heard the news from Chen Shitian!

Because Chen Mo looks really young, but his strength is so powerful!

She is young and strong is an exception! Because she has accepted the inheritance of these six blades, plus she has been constantly fighting between life and death since she was a child, and she has been constantly sharpening.

But in fact, she probably guessed that if she didn't have much strength, how could she bring so many beautiful girls to the seventh heaven safely? If he had no strength, he would have died long ago, and the girl around him would have become someone else's.

But how to say it? I don’t doubt it, because he only appeared in the underworld a few days ago, only in the fifth and sixth heavens, and then came to the seventh heaven, but she also inquired that he only showed up on the first heaven a few days ago. I don't understand.

"Good luck."

"If Shen Huang can be killed, how can he have luck?"

Chen Mo didn't say much.

"How long can you stay here?"

Chen Mo asked.

To be honest, there are not many people he admires, but Nangong Yu, as a girl, makes Chen Mo admire. If she can, she is the first one in the sky, and it is Chen Mo who actively wants to make friends. friend!

Whether it's Ye Yuhan or Han Jiangxue, they are Chen Mo's friends, but there are some stories between them and they gradually become friends. They have two ideas with Chen Mo, and now they really want to. Becoming friends with her is worthy of trust and admiration.

"How long? Until the day I die in battle."

Nangong Yu said without any hesitation.

Chen Mo took a sip of wine and looked into the distance.

A few kilometers away is the place where the Kamikaze Empire camped. This location can almost see most of the whole picture, one million, almost, I am afraid that they are now in the sight of some masters in the Kamikaze Empire army.

One minute, two minutes...

The two didn't say a word, Chen Mo was thinking about something, why was Nangong Yu not?

"Actually... I was indeed sent by the Kamikaze Empire."

After a few minutes, Chen Mo said this lightly.

In the next instant, six blades surrounded Chen Mo, and the sharp blade pointed at Chen Mo, just one centimeter away from Chen Mo's mouth.

These six blades are really interesting and extremely flexible. No wonder she is also called the dance of blades. Although Chen Mo has never seen it before, he can already imagine the sharp posture of these six blades when they dance.

Nangong Yu stared at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes, only the blade pointed at Chen Mo, but her movement only turned her head to look at Chen Mo, and she did not even move her hands on either side.

"take it easy."

Chen Mo chuckled lightly.

"So, my initial suspicion was correct."

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, that's right."

"Heh...that's very interesting, why are you confessing to me? Do you think you can kill me straight away now? It's okay to just tell me?"

Chen Mo shook his head slightly, raised his hand and slightly swept across the side of the blade in front of him.

I really like this weapon. Although Chen Mo uses a sword, the blade is very handsome. It is not a knife or a sword. It seems to be combined into one, and can be separated into six three-three symmetrical weapons.

Chen Mo then told her those things.

Nangong Yudai frowned, and the six blades fell beside her again.

"You told me, didn't you break your promise to him?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "I don't think so."


"I promised him, but he never told me that this thing I did was actually a sinful thing from a standpoint. If it were you, you promised one thing in advance, and he asked you to kill you. Relatives, would you agree?"

"At least I won't promise someone until I don't know what to do."

Nangong Yu said.

"Yes, but he lied to me. He said that this matter will not go against what I stand by, no need to kill, no need to do anything against morality, yes, there is no need to kill, but it is against morality, he His position was wrong. He lied to me again. When I said it, how can I break my promise? Pluto value, when I see him, I will return it to him."

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders and said.

Yes, Chen Mo did agree! But Zhuang Bifan also said that he would not violate morality, but is it now against morality? The position has already been violated.

If Chen Mo was a person who looked down on human life and killed innocent people indiscriminately, he did not violate it, but he was not.

"Thank you for telling me this."

Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo and said ~www.readwn.com~ but I still can't fully believe your words. "

Chen Mo shrugged.

"I have to say that you do have a very charming personality, but I tell you it is not because of your personality, but because this thing broke my principle, I can't do it, and your personality It’s what made me choose to be on your side."


Nangong Yu looked at Chen Mo puzzledly

Chen Mo then stood up.

"Since I have encountered it, for the time being, I don’t have enough Pluto value to go to the eighth heaven or even the ninth heaven. Then I need to use the great opportunity of war to accumulate Pluto value. Then I have to do something to convince you. ."

After speaking, Chen Mo's figure disappeared in place.

(End of this chapter)

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