I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 703: The dust settles

The Northern Qin Empire suffered heavy losses. After careful consideration, the remaining soldiers of the Northern Qin Empire had to return!

Either they continue to replenish their troops to attack the Linfeng Empire, but they cannot bear the loss!

So now, the Yunhai Empire and the Northern Qin Empire have all withdrawn!

They have done what they should do, they no longer need it, and they don't have the capital to compete for Linfeng Empire!


The gap between these empires is not large. Now they have been weakened by a million troops, and they are already weaker than other empires in strength. Now, they have lost this way. They have to add more troops, attack together, and lose. Arms, by that time, the Linfeng Empire should not be able to obtain it and lose it in vain. On the contrary, other empires have become stronger. Your empire has lost so much force in vain. It will not be long before others will attack you backhand!

So the two empires have naturally given up!

The morale of Linfeng Empire is soaring, one after another celebration!

The other four empires panic! Really panicked!

This Nangong Yu is too exaggerated, right?

Chen Mo didn't bother to ask for fame. He didn't like fame at first, and he didn't mean that he didn't like fame. What's the use of fame here?

Therefore, Chen Mo specifically prevented Nangong Yu from explaining this, so he let Nangong Yu take it down by himself.

Nangong Yu didn't want to take it down either, it was obviously Chen Mo and his reason that allowed them to win the forces of the two countries...

But since Chen Mo was unwilling, she had nothing to do.

Now that the two countries retreat, most of the Linfeng Empire crisis has been resolved! It's really more than half!

Only the forces of the four countries, did you choose to gather the forces of the four countries to attack Changfeng City? Or how to choose?

If you gather to attack Changfeng City, then there is no crisis in other cities. You can assemble a large number of defenders from other cities to Changfeng City. In this way, Chen Mo taught Nangong Yu several new methods of arranging troops and defending them. The possibility is also quite large.

If you continue to attack Changfeng City and the remaining one or two countries attack other cities, then the offensive forces of Changfeng City will be reduced, and the probability of attacking Changfeng City will be the same.

The next day during the day, millions of troops in the Da'an Empire encountered a giant sandstorm in the desert, with more casualties than the other two empires!

Floods, at least some people can survive, rockets, at least some people behind will not be affected, and sandstorms...

People with little strength can't survive, and the whole army will be wiped out!

Of course, that was also made by Chen Mo using Tianyu!

After finishing this last time, Tianyu's charge has also been used up!


The next day, the other three empires withdrew their troops, and yes, they were scared to death.

Representatives of several empires discussed this matter together.

They found...

The Yunhai Empire encountered heavy rain for two days, and then caught the trap, and the entire army was wiped out. The Northern Qin Empire suddenly blew up and encountered the Linfeng Empire rocket offensive and suffered heavy losses.

The Da'an Empire went well and encountered a sandstorm!

In a weather where it would have been impossible to burst into violent winds, it suddenly encountered violent winds and then sandstorms in the desert! completely annihilated!

It seems to be luck and some traps, but... who can say that this is not the ghost of Linfeng Empire?

Especially, the spies of their army in Linfeng Empire brought out a news that everything was done by a man named Chen Mo, not Nangong Yu!

This Chenmo has the power to call the wind and call the rain! They saw it with their own eyes!

Then, the remaining three empires retreated decisively!

Grass mud! Call the wind and call the rain?

Who would believe it?

But the reason for the annihilation of the three empires is all related to the sudden weather... I have to believe it!

Scared to death!

Anyway, there are still three empires left, and they can't beat them, so don't fight!

They are afraid, for fear that there will be another ambush on the road, they will be wiped out!

never mind!

If you don't attack this Linfeng Empire, how can this Linfeng Empire do all the evildoers?

Some time ago, there was a Valkyrie Nangong Yu, and now another named Chen Mo, who can call the wind and rain! Am I hitting you?

How to fight this TM?

What does war mean?

Control the battle!

Who would dare to provoke this Linfeng Empire?

Anyway, they don't want to trouble the Linfeng Empire at all now, whoever asks them to trouble, I will attack your empire first! Grass mud horse! Millions of people die at every turn, who can stand it?

Moreover, the Linfeng Empire is an empire that advocates peace. They will not attack other empires, at least not for now! As it stands now, their best way is to make friends with Linfeng Empire!

Make friends with Linfeng Empire and avoid danger! necessary!

That's right, for a while, those empires began to have such thoughts!

It used to be a few big empires that the entire Linfeng Empire didn't care about except for Nangong Yu, now?

I want to make friends.

Just because of Chen Mo, just because of him!

Either it is to win over the person named Chen Mo! But it is estimated to be difficult!

Nima! You really can't fight if you call the wind and rain!

"Retired! Six empires, three empires were beaten away, and the other three empires retreated!"

"Retired and retired! We won!"

"Long live the general, and long live the dusty young man!"


Throughout Changfeng City, and even other cities, the soldiers ran around excitedly, shouting these words!

At this moment, Chen Mo and Nangong Yu are sitting in the barracks, as well as Nangong Yu’s lieutenant and several captains. They are toasting, and some girls can’t wait to eat delicious food. Lin Xiaoyu is by Chen Mo’s side, giving Why did Chen Mo pour wine?

"President Chenmo, thank you. On behalf of the Linfeng Empire, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you. Without you, I am afraid that this time the Linfeng Empire will fall."

Nangong Yu raised his glass and looked at Chen Mo, and said gratefully!

This time, even the battle did not start, and the army of the three empires was destroyed, frightening the other three empires!

Really, such a thing has never happened in these seven heavens in the past!

But throughout the ages ~www.readwn.com~ there has never been an existence that can call the wind and rain! Even in the eyes of those empire's powerhouses, is this Chenmo a power-defying powerhouse from the Eighth Heaven! Although it is said that the Eightfold Heaven can't come down normally, as long as you get the gods' permission, you can come down!

They can't do it, but it doesn't mean that the eighth heavens can't do it! and so……

They guessed like this, because of this guess, they were even more afraid to provoke the Linfeng Empire, and they sought to make friends!

And now the most painful thing is the Kamikaze Empire!

The actions of the other five empires were surprisingly consistent. They sent envoys, with sincerity, to find Fengdi and make friends! Even willing to send troops to regain the Kamikaze Empire on behalf of the Linfeng Empire, as a show of sincerity!

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