I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 704: Flashing chain of disaster

After eating, Chen Mo stood on the edge of the cliff, looking into the distance.

Nangong Yu came over from behind.

"Xiaoyuan and they ask you to take care of them for a few days."

Chen Mo turned his head and said to Nangong Yu.

"Of course, I also like them very much, Mr. Chen Mo, what can you do? I can help you."

Nangong Yu asked.

Chen Mo has helped so much, she is nothing.

"No, just help me take care of them. They can eat better."

Nangong Yu smiled; "I can see that a girl has more appetite than the two soldiers on my side."

"Thank you, let's go first."

Chen Mo's affairs are real, because the time is almost up, he should go to the sky with them, and the eye problems are really necessary for Chen Mo to try!

To go to Tiandu, it takes about ten hours to fly a single trip, one day back and forth, and then you may stay in Tiandu for a day or two, then it will take three days. If it can be treated, it may be more than three. It's that simple! But it's worth it!

Chen Mo entrusted them to Nangong Yu and felt relieved.

As for the level and progress, Chen Mo is not too worried.

Chen Mo went to the barracks. They were sitting on the bed. Lin Xiaoyu was telling the three girls the stories his parents had told her. The three girls blinked their big eyes and listened in awe.


Seeing Chen Mo coming in, Lin Xiaoyu quickly stood up.

"No, sit down."

Chen Mo then looked at them and said, "I have some things. I may be away for a while, not too long. A few days, maybe ten or twenty days."

"Ah... Master is leaving for so long..."

"Not necessarily. You will stay in the barracks during this period. Just ask Nangong Yu for anything, especially Xiao Yu. Don't be afraid of trouble and be embarrassed to say it."

Lin Xiaoyu nodded obediently.

"You three girls, don't make trouble."

"I know the big brother!"

Chen Mo rubbed their little heads and smiled.

"Okay, let's play."

After speaking, Chen Mo's figure disappeared in place.

Lin Xiaoyu believed that Chen Mo would not ignore them.


After offline, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin had a supper, and then Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo match a suit in advance, and then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin put on simple but beautiful clothes. Now the weather is a bit cold. It's late autumn. The sweater or hooded sweater on the inside and the coat on the outside are fresh.

Zhao Yingmeng was waiting outside for Chen Mo and Lin Kexin. This time Zhao Yingmeng took Chen Mo and the others back. Zhao Yingluo stayed here to accompany Lin Qinghan. As for how he told Lin Qinghan, then Chen Mo didn’t know. .

"Big Brother Chen Mo is still handsome if he dresses up well."

Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile after seeing Chen Mo.

"Originally, Brother Chen Mo was quite handsome."

Lin Kexin said with a smile.

This is not a lie, Chen Mo's appearance is still quite affordable, but if there is no Heaven, Chen Mo would almost forget what he is like.

"I bought the tickets, the car has been booked, let's go."

Zhao Yingmeng said happily.

She didn't expect to invite Chen Mo to her home, she was really happy.

Then they embarked on a plane to Tiandu.

In fact, during this trip to Tiandu, Chen Mo would normally hesitate to go!


Because of those people back then, they are also the big family of Tiandu, whether it is the Qin family or the Tian family! They are all existences in Tiandu covering the sky with one hand.

In his current situation, it is basically considered that the door does not go out, and the range of activities is basically within the range of this community. You said they want to find themselves, how is this possible?

No matter how developed your network is, it is impossible to find it, but if Chen Mo went to Tiandu, it would be different! The odds are too much too much.

But, although they recognize themselves, they don't know that Chen Mo is still him! Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if they saw him, they would not do anything to themselves. Chen Mo just hoped that they would not encounter him, because he was really not sure whether he could bear it.

In the past, he believed that he would be able to bear it and there would be no problem, but now...

He didn't dare to think about it, because he knew that he was fused with the bones of Shura, and his temperament would change. Now that he encountered something that he could endure before, he really may not be able to endure it anymore.

But with Lin Kexin, if it really happened, Chen Mo should be able to control himself, because he knew that if he couldn't bear it, then Lin Kexin would also be in danger.

On the plane, the two girls guarded Chen Mo. To be honest, they were actually quite happy.

These two girls are both young and beautiful girls at school level. They are well-dressed, and the tip of Chen Mo's nose is two faint fragrances.

Lin Kexin was helping Chen Mo peel the oranges, and Zhao Yingmeng's eyes were fixed on Chen Mo's bracelet. She happened to be sitting on the side of Chen Mo's bracelet.

Now she really cares about this bracelet, so strange, this bracelet is so real, although it is indeed true, but always feel that this is not the kind of unusual ornaments bought!

Because of Chen Mo's explosion in Tianlin, the bracelet was really sold, and it looked like it, but she had never seen it like it before.

"Brother Chen Mo, your bracelet..."

Chen Mo turned to look at Zhao Yingmeng, although he couldn't see it.

"It's nothing."

Chen Mo said.

"Um... shining."

Zhao Yingmeng then said.


Chen Mo frowned.

Lin Kexin also looked over.

Chen Mo mentioned some secrets about Tianlin with Lin Kexin, because Lin Kexin probably discovered some little secrets about Tianlin, but Lin Kexin didn’t know much, so she felt that Chen Mo’s bracelet was quite curious. He heard Zhao Ying In the dream, she found that Chen Mo's bracelet was really shining.

The light is very shallow and shallow, but it is twinkling.

"How to flash?"


Zhao Yingmeng took a closer look at ~www.readwn.com~ and said: "There are two color lines on the bracelet, purple and earth. Now the lines of these two colors are flashing."

Chen Mo frowned.

Is the chain of disaster flickering? why?

Does the chain of calamity feel anything? Does the chain of calamity feel the power of law?

No, in Chen Mo’s impression, even if the chain of calamity felt the power of the law, there was no light flashing even in the law of soul and the law of withering. Only after absorbing the law, will there be more light. Anyway, Chen Mo is Never seen the chain of calamity gleam!

The chain of calamity gleamed on the sky blue star, which had to be taken seriously by Chen Mo!

What exactly is going on?

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