I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 707: Special abilities of Xiaomeng

She is very beautiful, really beautiful, and they look really about the same age as Xiaoyuan. You feel that she was covered with dirt before, and her skin may not be good, but there is nothing!

Fair and tender! Delicate, ruddy and shiny.

The facial features are super exquisite, and like a little elf, Zhao Yingmeng is really hard to find a girl in reality that can be compared with Xiaoyuan in Tianlin, one is a real character, the other is a virtual game Of the perfect female character.

For example, she and Lin Kexin, this face is really beautiful and beautiful, but in fact, when it comes to Tianlin, compare with many girls, such as Han Jiangxue, Ye Yuhan and others, they really think they have it. The gap, I feel they are perfect.

Although it is not necessarily non-existent, but I did not expect to actually meet such a super beautiful girl in reality!

Very puzzled.

Such a beautiful girl, why would her family throw her away?

No, she must not be lost, there must be a reason! So she must publish a missing person notice at that time. I don't know the situation of her family, so she must not just keep her silently. What if her family is worried? That must be very worried.

"It's so beautiful."

Lin Kexin also felt that she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful. I don't know why her family would throw her away, or maybe she was lost."

Lin Kexin said.

The girl wore Zhao Yingmeng’s clothes. They were still a little big, but they were worn as loose clothes. Besides, pretty girls would have a different kind of beauty in such loose clothes. Some girls are specialized Buy that loose-fitting clothes.

"Sister, get dressed."

Obviously she definitely doesn't like dirty things, and she likes them so much now.

"you are so cute."

Zhao Yingmeng's cheek rubbed against her pink cheek.

"But she has no shoes now..."

Lin Kexin said.

"Yes, little sister, have you never worn shoes?"

The girl shook her head.

"It seems... lost."

"It's weird."

"what happened?"

Lin Kexin asked puzzledly.

Zhao Yingmeng then said, "Look, there are no scars on her feet, she is very beautiful. If she walks barefoot for a long time, why are there no scars? The skin is not broken."

Zhao Yingmeng held the girl's little feet and played.

Very cute.

"do not know."

"Forget it, I don't want to." Then Zhao Yingmeng said: "But we can't let her walk barefoot on the ground with her then... Then, let Chen Mo carry her on his back? Get off the plane. I'll talk about buying her clothes and shoes in the future."

Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

Lin Kexin nodded; "It should be possible."

They don’t have much strength, and it’s okay to carry them back for a while. It’s probably tens of seconds at this time. Although she is not big, she still looks ten years old, not the kind of two or three-year-old babies. what.

Then Zhao Yingmeng hugged her and came into the cabin. The passengers saw them, but they couldn't recognize that the beautiful girl Zhao Yingmeng was holding was the little beggar just now.

"Brother Chen Mo, we brought her."

Lin Kexin whispered.


The girl sat next to Chen Mo and looked at Chen Mo with big eyes.

Chen Mo nodded.

Lin Kexin and Zhao Yingmeng were also sitting next to each other, with empty seats next to them. They happened to be able to sit four people.

"Brother Chen Mo, she is very beautiful."

Lin Kexin said with a smile.

"How beautiful?"

"It feels as beautiful as Xiaoyuan and the others."

"Hmm." Zhao Yingmeng also nodded again and again.

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

Is it so beautiful?

How did she become a little beggar?

"But she can't remember anything."

Lin Kexin said.

"Well, then take her in first, and by the way, you can help find her family in Kexin online."


Lin Kexin then looked at Chen Mo's bracelet.

The flashing light and frequency are faster.

The girl looked at Chen Mo's bracelet, her big eyes gleaming, and then smiled and stretched out her hand to grab the bracelet.

"do not move……"

Lin Kexin was about to stop but it was too late, she had already met!

As soon as she touched it, the chain of disaster stopped flickering.

Chen Mo withdrew his hand.

"Hey, don't move it, you broke Brother Chen Mo's bracelet and it's not bright."

Zhao Yingmeng squeezed her powder cheek and said.


The girl lowered her head and mumbled aggrievedly.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Kexin. Lin Kexin understood what Chen Mo meant, and then said: "It won't light up, and she won't light up after touching it, but it was very bright before touching it, and it flashed very fast."

"Is she okay?"

Lin Kexin shook her head; "It's okay."


Then Chen Mo was basically certain. There must be a certain connection between her and this disaster chain. As for why she didn't light up when she touched it, Chen Mo didn't know! I don't know what the connection is.

But for the time being, keeping her by her side, taking care of her on the one hand, and seeing what you can discover in the future, is also great.

"Brother Chen Mo, she has forgotten everything, so we must always give her a name, little sister, what do you want to be called?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked sweetly.

The girl shook her head.

"Then let's give her a name." Zhao Yingmeng said.

Chen Mo didn't speak, let the two girls decide this kind of thing. Chen Mo couldn't see her clearly, tried to perceive her, but couldn't perceive it! This indeed shows in a disguised form that she might be different.

Since that girl saw Chen Mo, she has been watching Chen Mo and the chain of disaster.

"Then... call her Xiaomeng, OK?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked.

"Yes, Xiao Meng, can you call Xiao Meng in the future?"


Xiao Meng nodded his head happily.

"Yeah! Xiao Meng is called Xiao Meng."

"Xiao Meng, this is our brother, and will also be your brother in the future."

Lin Kexin rubbed her still wet hair and said.


She looked at Chen Mo and yelled obediently.

"Puff...Xiaomeng, don't worry. Although he doesn't talk much, he is very nice."

Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.

"Can't brother see?"

Xiao Meng asked suspiciously.

"I will definitely see it later."

Zhao Yingmeng said.


She didn't know if she understood, she just nodded anyway, but she was always looking at Chen Mo.

"Brother, Xiao Meng doesn't know what the chain of disaster is."

Suddenly Xiao Meng said to Chen Mo~www.readwn.com~Chen Mo: "..."

How could she suddenly say this? How could she say the chain of disaster? Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin froze for a while and didn't understand.

"How do you know the chain of disaster?"

Chen Mo asked her.

"Brother, don't you want to ask Xiao Meng?"

Xiao Meng smiled silly.

Chen Mo; "..."

Yes, he wanted to ask, but he was thinking in his heart, she...couldn't she hear people's voices?

Like I can release infinitely the big move, please collect it: () I can release the big move infinitely, the hottest update speed.


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